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Mimbe393939 Progress Log - LAY REPORTS / UPDATES

Yet another budget shoot with Rice

I wanted to get a front shot, as my old profile and current bald profile didn't have any

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The lightening was getting super dark, it was already a cloudy doomy day, not the best shoot day. However, I tried to save it in this next picture editing the RAW file with Adobe Photoshop

I needed to get some low hanging fruit for my new profile, still don't know how I feel about the shot but I can always use it while I strive for upgrades, which is what I'll probably do, but posting for actions sake.
Another budget shot with yours truly Rice

I planned to get a picture with more fuckboy attire, we did take pictures but I felt like not a lot of them made the cut due to not getting auto focus to work while I walked toward the camera

Even with the one I thought was one of the best, I still feel it looks posed/stiff but I can use it in the meantime while I get upgrades

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We went downtown near the water to hit some golden hour shots, managed to get a decent front shot. Not sure if this jacket is even congruent with my vibe/archetype so unsure if I will even end up using it, but still looks like a good shot non the less.


No more street shots though, need to retake the photo I have on one of my forum posts looking at a reflective glass with my camera covering my face to mitigate paid photoshoot loser vibes now, and deceive chicks that I love photography as a hobby. The road to harder shots, social shots, dogs and activity shots, begins.

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Woah woah, before we jump any further how did this journey all begin, how did we get here..?


This journey starts with an 18 year old Canadian boy in his mothers basement innocently browsing YouTube, his love for Asians ever growing.

I remember when I was browsing YouTube I was totally engrossed and amazed at all the technology and cool things Japan has to offer, like the vending machine culture and their beautiful women

For hours I would watch all kinds of videos of English speaking expats and their experience living in Japan, it seemed like the place to be, and was something I wanted to do

But mostly their women

I would be on Japanese-English Forums, mostly English speaking expats talking about their experiences and life

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"I was wondering if Japanese women like to interact with foreigners and want to test out their English, or are they really shy regarding foreigners?"

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"Do Japanese girls like to interact with Gaijins (foreigner/other)?"

What the hell was I thinking! Oh well, it is hilarious.

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I remember consuming all sorts of dumb generic normie videos regarding Japanese women pickup, writing dumb forums posts like above and attempting to learn the language however, my dreams we're short lived due to my lack of work ethic, and lack of life experience, I was nothing but a boy with a dream.

Unfortunately, for a lot of people. Dreams are just dreams, some die, however some live on.

As for your author, an 18 year old these we're just naive thoughts of going to Japan, living there, learning the language and picking up women. Life goes on, things change, we change.

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These wildest dreams of mine we're dead and buried.. Or so I thought.

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Fast forward 7 years later...

https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=41333#p41333 - 29 YO JAPANESE CHICK DATE REPORT

I go on a date with a beautiful 29 Year old Japanese chick

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This had to have been the best date I've ever been on, I was like an excited kid in a candy store, ultimately I was ghosted a few days after for my poor excited child like behavior the entire date, but I didn't care.


I thought to myself "If I could fuck Japanese women on a daily-weekly-monthly basis, like THAT. Wow, would I ever be in heaven. I will switch focus from hustling all these new lays in the shortest amount of time possible one day. I have an idea, as to what, now after speaking with a few KYIL guys about this." as I remarked in the report.

After this date I remember speaking to colgate about it, and he instantly tells me some stuff to say in Japanese

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What is the fucking coincidence that one of the closest guys I talk to happens to know Japanese, VERY FUCKING WELL!

God, the Universe, the cosmos, whatever you believe in are pointing me to Japan, and I will see this through.

After some talking me and colgate vow that we will go on a vacation to Japan in march, and start pickup/online dating and visit Toast to top that off, and I will start learning Japanese

It almost happened too, we we're in the process of booking plane tickets on a voice call when we discovered we wouldn't be able to go in March due to COVID

This plan falls through

What do we do...?


If it wasn't for what was shown possible with Manganiello and Toast being the first men walking through the fire, taking the PLUNGE to Japan/Korea, I don't know if I would have been going for 1 Guaranteed year in Tokyo language school or taking a month vacation.

Big thanks for those two for showing what was possible.

Another HUGE thanks to colgate for all of his support and efforts in teaching me all the early nuances of the language answering all my dumb questions, putting in countless time/effort/resources to help me learn, words can't describe how grateful I am, and was for all of that.

Eventually me and colgate apply together to Toasts school that he recommends, he talks to the advisor and gives him our contact, eventually we both got accepted.

I applied and have been in contact with the school since August, and now it's all coming to life. I always try to be present in the moment so I've been keeping my mouth shut on the forums about it

The past month has been a lot of preparation leading up to this moment, me leaving to Japan next week with my flight+accomdations booked

My former 18 year old me gets the chance at the dream, he always wanted. I am super excited to being doing this, and I can't wait to see what I get into over seas.

I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that I'm setting out to do what I always wanted to do.

i vow that Mimbe393939 and i are going to pull a duo together and fuck both girls
japan is such a cool place. Went there when I was 14 and I would love to go back some day. Have fun my guy!

I also had no clue they just let foreigners get a visa to stay there. I always thought Japan was super strict with that kind of stuff
Mimbe393939 said:

Straight to the spawn point
Gonna be spawn camping these bitches!!

Haha I remember that's what I thought.

That school life is gonna be cool. Mildly jealous, if only you guys were interested in Korea.

Oh well.

Its gonna be great seeing what kind of shit you do and fun stories you create.

That's another member jointing KYIL's Asia branch for anyone counting.
As the log title writes IM IN JAPAN BITCHES

Arrived in Japan on tuesday, FINALLY

After 24+ hours waiting at the airport/being on an airplane, I finally arrived to the land of the cat girls

Only to do more work buying and waiting at the Japanese airport for my SIM to kick in, and to buy my train card in the meantime

After a day of resting from being absolutely blasted from jet lag,hunger in a random hotel I bought in Shinjuku that was close to my accommodation check in

I saw the two Japanese folk stories colgate and Toast

This had to have been one of the most memorable experiences in my life.

Just 3 foreigner dickheads living life in the HEART of Tokyo, it honestly felt like a fucking movie

We went to a bunch of cool places where you hit the ball from a computer pitcher and shows him on a screen pitching the ball to you

We went shopping in Shibuya

There is so much shit to do here, so much shit to see

I hardly spoke to colgate and Toast in English despite my ability being far beneath theres

Each one of us didn't want to speak it either, I know if I want to make this work I have to refuse to speak english to other people otherwise

I'll be trapped in being a foreigner retard, which is something that scares me and I can't become one of THEM.

I have not listened to ONE english video since I've been here, not even music. and have been watching Japanese childrens T.V on netflix which I actually do enjoy, and its a lot easier to follow along, doing Anki and have been messaging Japanese chicks on Bumble and refusing English/speaking with colgate and Toast

Even in this short amount of time I think I've grown a lot, just by having the balls to kiss everything I've ever known and loved to go into the UNKNOWN, that is what life is all about, throwing the fucking dice.

Initial thoughts on Japan have been nothing but positive we'll see when this honey moon phase ends if it does, even though I am some weird retarded foreign alien to them I'm sure, but that thought never crosses my mind.

I am very blessed to have friends like colgate and Toast who have been nothing but helpful to me along the way and now, I am forever grateful.

Here are some pictures

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Life is very different here, in a good way. It's nice and refreshing then what I am used to in the west

This has been a long time coming, and I put a tremendous amount of hope into this dream, more than I maybe should have, and its nice to finally see it come to life

I don't know what the future holds, but all the stars point to Japan

Sidenote - have been on bumble and my current profile is DOGSHIT, yet preforms well I got 20+ matches in the first 24 hours

I can't wait to see what volume pumps out once the Japan gang starts shooting at every hangout doing cool shit, the stuff you can do is truly endless.

why the fuck didnt we take a fucking pic FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

whatever there will be plenty of opportunities for that

we were balling too hard lolol

good to know all three of us have basically the same hand strength probably (???) that machine was wack

SAYONARA BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You all are making me want to travel back to Japan. I was there in 2017 on a trip to Tokyo and Kyoto.

Go kick some ass Mimbe393939 and colgate.
No, I'm not dead, yet! A lot to unpack here, will start with the lay reports. Too much to go into FULL detail on every report, some of them recent, some of them a few months ago.


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2nd date pulled to house without resistance and made it happen. It was her first time with a foreigner, still am seeing her on/off as a plate, dressed her up as a maid

and made her wear some lingerie a while ago, but not as interested in the whole dressing up girls thing, as I thought I would be

She asked me to be her boyfriend but I gave her a speech about how I'm not ready and these things take time to develop even

though I have 0 intention of being her boyfriend. Owe a lot to her in progressing my Japanese from almost zero, as she was still interested even after the language barrier.

タップリ - 23 - JAPANESE

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It was her first time with a foreigner, took me 3 DATES to smash this chick, I tried to pull on the 1st date but she kept saying ホテルに行けない、行けない hotel I can't go, I can't go.

Could have turned her into a plate, but at the time I was trying to balance the 2 others, and it was too much work for me to handle at the time. SAYONARA

The juice was not worth the squeeze and ended up ghosting her after the smash date. 2 dates later, had dinner with her and then went to a love hotel after 経験人数+1人!

BUMBLE - 26 - Half Chinese Half Japanese

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It was her first time with a foreigner, took me 3 dates to smash, went over to her apartment and the rest is history! 経験人数+1人!

Still seeing her as a plate, probably the best sense of the humor so I have a lot more interest in seeing her then the other boring girls just for sex purposes.

タップル - 22 - Japanese

Can write a more detailed report on this one as it happened as a few hours ago 8-)

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Probably the most feminine girl I've went out with, there's a word for it in Japanese lmao ぶりっ子「woman or girl who acts cute by playing innocent and helpless​」

First date, went out to get coffee pretty standard 1 hour date, I took her to a pretty high end looking coffee place that's actually

affordable, wasn't really feeling like I could pull her, or wasn't sure even so I just let it go. She ended up meeting her friend after we parted ways anyways

Did the hour date, at the end we went to a photo booth and took pictures together, she wanted too. She wrote in Japanese on her photo 初対面 first meeting, THATS GOOD RIGHT I THOUGHT!?!

She met with her friend after, and I went back to home base. been texting and off for 2 weeks or so since she lives 2 hours away by train. She said some stuff like Oh well I'd love to sleep over blah blah blah

THAT MEANS WE WILL HAVE SEX RIGHT? Who the fuck knows with these creatures. Saw her tonight, standard date had lunch with her

Throughout the date was probing her logistics for what she is doing after, if she's meeting a friend, or leaving at a certain time

NOTHING, perfect. Now is my chance strike, after we finishing up going into a book store, I said let's go to the love hotel ホテルに行こうか、OK!

No resistance or HOTEL? WHAT! As we walk to the hotel I just keep maintaining conversation, no need to make it awkward

We both know why we're going there. We get there, pay the sweet old Japanese women at the counter 3500円 for 3 hours, thanks!

Get into the room, take off our shoes, talk a bit, sit next her, just trying to maintain more sexual tension, and drag out the foreplay

Touching her body, grabbing her all over, kissing everywhere, after a while of that. ITS TIME TO PROCREATE, the animal thinks to himself

Fucked her in missionary for 20 minutes I think, we're resting together and we tried to do another time, I can't fit inside... Not wet enough...

We propose to go to the cheap store to get some lube hahaha, so there I am, buying a BIG BOTTLE of lube with a cute Japanese girl with me

Comical. Get back to the hotel and let nature run its course, made her cum every round which felt nice, I get a lot of pleasure out of

knowing I am pleasing the girl in bed. 経験人数+1Showed her off to her train line and off I went back to home base.


As far as reflecting on my time up until this point so far, I feel proud, but not yet satisfied. At the start of coming here I went

Through a lot of pain in regards to Japanese. You're a cool normal guy back home, but you're a retard here you can't even speak!

When I first arrived here on this mystical island filled with cute anime girls, samurais I REFUSED, to speak english, or meet up with english speakers. REFUSED.

I remember immediately disqualifying girls who tried to speak english to me on dating apps, and I still do. I went on SO many bullshit dates, that went NO WHERE. But I was still speaking Japanese though ;)

I didn't give a shit, I thought IM SPEAKING JAPANESE BITCHES. timewasters, cucks, ANYONE that was a WOMAN IN A BODY (within reason) I was meeting with. I still vividly remember my first date here, with a 30 year old Japanese chick

I got destroyed linguistically. I could hardly speak, mumbling out my words, stuttering, saying whats your hobby and using all my vocabulary until it ran out into nothing. But I didn't care, I knew that I was going in the right direction.

I would do that, immerse myself in Japanese more, NEXT TIME, I will say THIS, I will implement THAT

You stack a brick a day, one day you'll make Rome.

Try being Mr. James Bond the first time you get to a foreign country that uses symbols as their natural way to speak, it's impossible at the start.

But I kept at it, I kept trying, I would get destroyed on dates linguistically, sometimes wanting to cry just because I was garbage at Japanese, and I knew the only way is THROUGH. Meeting up with the english bandits wasn't going to help my cause.

I feel like coming here has made me somewhat selfish in some regards. I don't give a fuck about your efforts in learning my native language, I will NOT be the one compromising.

Because someone has to, well fuck that. I'm going to create my OWN reality that ONLY uses Japanese.

I would go on like this, getting destroyed on dates linguistically, going home immersing myself more, slowly adding more and more to my arsenal.

I refused to fall into the gaijin trap, being best friends with foreigners or foreigner friend groups who ONLY speak my native language, I will never learn about JAPANESE culture by doing that.

I truly feel like this entire experience has been immense on my personal development, especially getting it out of the mud, coming with nothing but a suitcase, and a dream.

Hell, I came from across the world and rolled the damn dice, that's life is all about. When you're on your death bed, you'll have a lot to think about.

My entire world view has changed, I have a whole new perspective on people who speak a foreign language, immigrants and their struggles in trying to make it. Breaking out of my shell, being forced to do things even if you don't want to in a foreign language, painful or not, communication is not a need, it's your life.

From immersing in Japanese, making friends, making plates. I've learned so much and it was in JAPANESE and that's really beautiful to experience and learn something that isn't bullshit translated and getting the REAL STORY, the REAL CULTURE, and how people of a different culture think in real time.

I completely changed the path I was on, and created a new reality in a foreign language.

But I still have a long way to go, I am NO WHERE near where I want to be, and a lot has to be done to meet those ends.

God gives mercy after hard times

I feel like in terms of recent success and how women are responding to me, I feel like my efforts have been paying off after being destroyed for so long and analyzing after every time how I can improve myself/my Japanese.

I can now have a FULL DATE in Japanese with ease, with sometimes not being able to understand, but being to able to ask if I don't understand/convey my thoughts.. I am able to enjoy my interests in Japanese, talk with people and go about my life in another language, SOMETIMES. This is crucial here, if you want to break this island in two, it has to be in their language, in their domain.

This whole episode of my life was a dream I had when I was 18 looking at the computer in my moms basement, so it's nice and satisfying to see a bit of come together.


Been hitting the gym pretty consistently after language school, no matter what I'm feeling. Just ok we go gym now. It first started stemming from well, if my Japanese isn't good right now, so I might as well be the best looking version of myself I can be lmao. I might as well work on myself AND Japanese.

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Arms have been a strong suite, so working on chest/back. Need to dial in nutrition more if I want to see gains faster I think

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Bought some fake rick owens on a site that was backed up by all the fashion guys on reddit with positive reviews, they've probably

Been the BEST fashion pieces I've bought up until this point. Been trying to research and search up for fashion that matches my archetype, HARDFACE THUGGMAXXX

I can't go the cute asian guy/oofy doofy white look, don't have the face for it.

Still have tons of work to do, regarding with Japanese, fighting for my spot here, self improvement, dating, lets wrap this up.

From this point forward


Lets get to it.