Mr Available Bangs Colombia January 2021

Ever since my last post I fell back asleep after taking a nap. I then proceeded my day.

Approaches so far today:
I'm finding about 50/50 for girls to either walk by and ignore or they will talk for a bit and either give me a whatsapp or say no. My approach is to tell them they're beautiful, I don't use any other pick up lines like where's xyz and count that as a pickup attempt. Like I said before it's a mix of very attractive women to bangable women. The malls seem to be okay for pickup. I wasn't too fond of security following me around as I stuck out like a sore thumb. I'm slightly more comfortable with street approaches.

In 2 days at 10 approaches I got 1 lead, 1 whatsapp number that I can't log in, 8 rejections.

There's still time in the day to do more but I think I'll spend some time getting my clothes washed and planning for the weekend. I bought an umbrella, a dress shirt, and finally got that SIM card. I've never had a trip where I was this stressed, I feel like I kind of turned a page and can more focus on getting laid instead of scrambling to get WIFI or shelter from the rain.
When I was in Medellin, the guys I met there who were mass approaching got nothing. I was surprised but the flake culture lives up to its legendary reputation. Online dating is a far better ROI in Colombia for most guys.
Yeah I would still advise you to try tinder out. Don't get too scared about any horror stories. If you go about that you could enjoy nothing in life. Just preselect well, dont take your money/wallet with you if you're going to her place or just let her come to your place. Im sure you will have some success on tinder, because it's so easy as a foreigner.
What's the covid situation like there? Can you got out to bars, restaurants etc.? My guess is no but would be interesting to see what avenue is best for foreigners by country
Thebastard said:
When I was in Medellin, the guys I met there who were mass approaching got nothing. I was surprised but the flake culture lives up to its legendary reputation. Online dating is a far better ROI in Colombia for most guys.

Some of the sources I've been reading stated mass approach works. In my experience it doesn't really. I think the girls have to see you a couple times, develop a narrative about you, and then will let you know they're interested. That's a big reason why I signed up for gym membership days ago. We're under curfew because there's a national holiday tomorrow.

I'll still keep trying cold approach but developing warm conditions are better.

Oh and I ponied up and bought Tinder. I can only assume the girls are stuck at home on their phones and need dick. I've tried Tinder in the US and another international country and was probably 0/1000. Yes you saw that stat right my pictures sucked. That's not even including online dating which I'm slightly more successful in if you count #.

The great news is I matched up with 4 girls today. Yes, just by trying even though my pictures aren't that good, I got matches. 1 has a BF and is messaging me right now with stuff like what are you doing. She isn't hot but she's bangeable. I'm seriously proud of myself. It's a tiny victory but I'll take it.

I'm legit kind of scared because dudes down here get jealous for stealing their girls. I don't want to get stabbed or shot. The AirBnB I'm staying in the door's made of wood. Homeboy could kick it down and kill me. I might see if I can bang her near the days when my trip ends.

For future reference I might split time between Medellin and Bogota. Given my history I wasn't expecting to get results online. If all it takes is about 2 hours of swiping to get a girl with my current portfolio I could have banged her today or tomorrow. Then get out of Dodge.
Does anybody on the boards have experience with matching up with Colombian girls on Tinder? One of the girls told me she's not looking to hook up and is only looking for a BF. I might give it a day since girls change their minds.... I'm thinking about making it explicit in my profile as well as telling her when I match. At that point I'll have to strike while the iron is hot. I'm going back home soon, I need to hurry up.

I absolutely don't want to break a girl's heart. I'm not that kind of shithead.

PS Before I forget, once the gyms open up again I'll say hi to everyone I see. I'm not usually friendly when I'm home but I can make an exception. As usual, no strings attached, maybe it will lead to something, maybe it won't. That way nobody can kick me out for being a creep to that hottie I'm having my eyes on.
Stop living in fear. The chance of you getting killed by an jealous boyfriend is insanely low. Just bang the girls. They won’t tell anyone. And you‘ll be gone soon.

Try to game the Girl who wants a bf, tell her let’s have a drink at my place and see what happens. Just use Andy’s template and you‘re set. You‘re foreign. You can straight up tell them you‘re only here for a few weeks and want to have a drink and see what happens without pressure to end up in bed if you don’t like each other.
If they’re into you, they’ll come.

Sure some might want to push for a relationship since you’re a foreigner and so may seem rich to them. Still should be easy to get into their pants, just get them on a date and escalate.
Excuses said:
Stop living in fear. The chance of you getting killed by an jealous boyfriend is insanely low. Just bang the girls. They won’t tell anyone. And you‘ll be gone soon.

Try to game the Girl who wants a bf, tell her let’s have a drink at my place and see what happens. Just use Andy’s template and you‘re set. You‘re foreign. You can straight up tell them you‘re only here for a few weeks and want to have a drink and see what happens without pressure to end up in bed if you don’t like each other.
If they’re into you, they’ll come.

Sure some might want to push for a relationship since you’re a foreigner and so may seem rich to them. Still should be easy to get into their pants, just get them on a date and escalate.

I'm inexperienced with women and I'm a late bloomer. A VERY VERY key factor to me reaching my current level is having my finances in order. So yes money does matter so don't let people tell you otherwise. I've been finding a lot of the research I've been doing leading up to this trip is at best a mixture of outdated information or at worst from unqualified people.

I had some more matches yesterday and read Andy's Tinder articles. I need to read it one more time because if my memory is correct in my position I should just go on a date and I'll need to pony up on Tinder Gold. Yesterday a lightbulb went off in my head as I've finally turned a corner in online dating. In the past my pictures sucked, they're only slightly better but that apparently is all I need to get some girls here.

I'm also working on a plan for tomorrow when the gym opens back up again. I need to go out to the tres cruces mountain hike this week.
Good news:
I got one potential lead for tomorrow. I'm getting more matches although not all of them are attractive but whatever. My mindset is even if it's just a date, I'm going out at least.

Bad news:
My main card got locked and apparently there isn't anything I can do about it. It had something to do with downloading rappi and when I tried going through authentication I couldn't get the back of my ID confirmed. I need to increase the limit to my secondary card or I'll be fucked for the rest of my trip. I thankfully (?) have one more week.

I'm also having a hard time getting cabs...I'm not sure if I should go the Uber route. I need to ask around. I also need to workout really bad now.

This trip is frustrating in some ways but fulfilling in others.
What about cabify, isn't that working now?

Stop worrying about breaking girls' hearts. If you are in South America for a short trip, you need to go into full-on screening mode. Girls who are down, know whats up and don't expect a marriage proposal after this.
Mr Available said:
I absolutely don't want to break a girl's heart. I'm not that kind of shithead.

Trust me dude. Girls do dig shitheads and assholes. By that I mean a man on his purpose and doesnt give a fuck about a male or females opinion. Your purpose is to fuck a hot Colombian chick so get at it.

Get after big dawg. Im digging this journey, its inspiring. Your doing something many men wont, I’m jealous I’m not there.
Mr Available said:
This trip is frustrating in some ways but fulfilling in others.

I'm getting something out of it. I'm not even there, but the fact that you went on this trip is inspiring to me. Like I have a goal to do something similar later, so its cool to see you going for it.
Thanks for the kind words. For some strange reason the cookies must have cleared and I was logged out of the forums. I found my password. I was kind of paranoid about getting Devil's Breathed in Medellin so that's why I put in several security blocks on my computer.

I'll try to be brief since I have other stuff to do:
One of my housemates is in his late 30s, 50 pounds overweight, and is 5'5''. He gets laid like crazy. All he does is online game. He showed me his "average" (his words) Tinder profile and it's actually good. His theme is well traveled and well dressed. He said his verbal game is very on point and he isn't afraid of spending money on dates, even going as far to fly girls out to cities. He told me he one time got 20 lays in one month. I learned a fair amount from him like don't take hot women to coffee dates and they'll screen you by asking what are we going to do? He also gave me his opinion on my profile. It wouldn't surprise me if he agrees with the Gene Simmons saying of sometimes you eat at McDonalds and sometimes you eat filet mignon. It's like they say the average of the 5 people near you will mold you.

^^Prior to meeting that mofo I thought game was highly overrated and you should work on yourself as much as possible. This guy shattered my world view.

So....VERY good news.

I went out on my first date with a Colombian chick today. She's in her early 20s and it went well. She's fairly attractive. She liked me more than I liked her. I'm really grateful for this as it's a very tiny win and that's all that matters. Medellin girls are supposedly very flakey and they know their value. I reread some of Andy's articles on what to do when she comes over. I'm probably going to tease her all night long and savor the moment. Then fuck her the next day as well. I'm going to give her a fun positive experience so when she gets old and she's in a boring marriage she'll remember all the fun she had when she was a young lady. I was tempted to say that but I think it will ruin the moment haha.

She even paid for my cab ride back home on one certain condition. She also agreed to meet me at my place to dance. Big mistake I made during the date was call her "teacher". My Spanish isn't that good so I was struggling to come up with something to say...yeah glad that was a minor mistake as I don't have mommy issues. For the most part I don't believe in "bad" topics, I just say what's on my mind, but that was a rare exception that I'm glad wasn't a dealbreaker. I might update with this lay. Funny how the tides change so fast.

pussypounder9000 said:
Do Colombian women fuck foreigners easily or something?

I'll answer this in a nuanced way. There isn't white god factor where you show up and girls suck your dick. I also don't really see that many people give me extended stares and I'm not in the expat areas. I think if you come in with that attitude and aren't getting laid in your home country, you won't get laid in Colombia. So if your Tinder sucks, you don't want to spend money on women to a degree, and you smell bad don't come to Colombia.

With that being said, my date went well even though I sounded like a little kid speaking broken Spanish. The girls are having sex, this isn't a repressed culture. My housemate is frankly ugly and shouldn't be getting laid, but he does.

I would recommend focusing on online and social circle. Cold approach doesn't really work here but if you set one goal to get laid you should incorporate cold approaching. I have never seen anybody cold approach so far. In these days when you compete against apps live interaction will set you apart.
I went to Colombia for 2.5 weeks in 2019. Mostly Bogota, because I was working. On Tinder, I felt like it must feel to be a girl here in the USA. So much attention. Some flakiness but not so bad. DM me if you have any questions about Bogota or Medellin.
Poland 2016-2019 Less than 8 lays (with actually Polish girls) in 4 years

Colombia 2020 8 lays in less than 3 weeks.

Yes, Colombian girls fuck foreigners easily. The flakiness is insane. But you offset that with sheer volume of dates. You just got to look good enough and put in the leg work. As for cold approach - you need to do at least 50-100 or something to have a fair opinion as to whether it works or not. I haven't so I cannot really say. My gut instinct is that online is king though.
eric-drifter said:
I went to Colombia for 2.5 weeks in 2019. Mostly Bogota, because I was working. On Tinder, I felt like it must feel to be a girl here in the USA. So much attention. Some flakiness but not so bad. DM me if you have any questions about Bogota or Medellin.

Sounds great, thanks,

I talked to my online game housemate some more. He told me he's been to Dominican Republic and the culture there requires the women to ask the men for money. There's also the extreme ends of the girls that won't hold your hands even after they went out on dates with you so they don't look like whores. This trip overall is eye opening. Money well worth spent.

Today the cash register lady scammed me out of a small amount of money. A restuarant I visited today wouldn't accept my credit card. Someone at the gym recognized me and bailed me out so I owe him one.

They have quarantine starting at 8 today. My housemates are pissed. I'm also making my final push with online.

24 more hours until I get to play with some fun bags. and smash She's apparently going to take the risk of getting fined. I'm eating some steak right now and my testosterone is RISING.

With cold approach what I've been doing lately is waving at girls and if they wave back I begin my line. I try to keep everything simple. Still only 2 phone numbers from cold approach.
It's curfew right now until Monday morning. The girl is going to risk it tonight. I'm so excited to smash in a couple hours. I'm not going to post pictures, but trust me big tits and ass. Gameplan is to tease the crap out of her all night long and incorporate the blindfold I brought with me. I'm honestly kind of worried about lasting long in bed. But whatever happens happens.

I'm also getting some interest from some other girls. One is visiting from Panama and I tried calling her but she's working. I might hang out with the girl I'm meeting up with today on Monday for a bit. I want to get a picture of me with her so I can continue my dominance online.

I napped after visiting the dentist for a deep clean. I also resolved some credit card issues. It turns out I had about $50 left in my CC before I went over the limit. That nearly gave me a heart attack.

Visiting Medellin changed me. I've documented the good, the bad, and the ugly. No it wasn't a perfect trip but it had its moments. Note to self: BRING CASH NEXT TIME. I've visited other countries before and every visit has made me into a better person. I made sure to be extra nice to everyone I met and it seems like fate is smiling on me.

This is worth a mention. The girl I'm meeting up with later didn't look good in her pictures. I really really really really got lucky. At the moment I'm preparing for tonight. She seems to appreciate I would go downstairs (haha) when she arrives later. Be a gentlemen everybody.

The girl at least came over last night. But she wouldn't fuck. I don't want to dwell too hard on this post as it pisses me off.

My first mistake was not staying long enough. Maybe I didn't get lucky enough to meet a girl that was willing to hook up on the first or second date. At least it's proof there are good women in Colombia.

My second mistake was when she asked me if I had a girlfriend and I told her I had 10 back home. I think this drove her really crazy but at the same time it didn't make me a serious contender. I'm not joking 40% of the conversations we had was about my 10 girlfriends. I read the situation totally wrong, but if this was a party girl I may have been able to get away with that line. How would you have answered that Do you have a girlfriend line? Maybe do a read on the girl and tell her I'm too busy when I was back home?

I still have time for Monday but it looks like I might be coming home empty handed which obviously sucks. I have other things going on in my life and this was the icing on the cake that pissed me off. When I return back home I need to think about myself.
Maybe I didn't get lucky enough to meet a girl that was willing to hook up on the first or second date. At least it's proof there are good women in Colombia.

I am not sure if I interpreted this right but I read that as 'a girl is good if she doesn't sleep with me within 1-2 dates.' If that is the black and white attitude you have towards girls then it's no wonder these girls slip through your fingers. They can sense you are judging them and you activate their anti-slut defense. Apologies if I misunderstood and that is not what you meant.

If you want to get laid in Colombia you need to hit online VERY hard and screen the living daylights out of the place. Also, Medellin is generally tougher than Bogota imo and in the opinion of several other guys I know who have been to both. I would go to Bogota next time.