My cold approach log


Sep 16, 2022
I will update here once In a while to see if I progress and to get some feedback.
Had a girlfriend for past three years and no lays otherwise(23 yo).
Gonna try and approach girls while I'm outside at any given chance

Today (16.09.22):
Friday so didn't work today.
Went to the mall to return headphones and buy some clothes. Approached one girl there lousily and she said she had a boyfriend. Other than that I chickened out on some approaches.

Then went home to study.
At about 17:00 went for a run on the beach. Approached two girls which went terrible and ended in seconds.
Then Approached a group of three which went well until they asked my age (the girl I hit on was 28 yo).
Then approached another girl which went kinda well and she gave me her number. The conversation was pretty short but flowing.
At last did another approach - an attractive Russian girl that is obviously above my age but she was very receptive. She gave me her number, and we didn't exchange age(not sure what to do about it, should I lie about my age?)

Overall ok day.
Is it possible to pull a girl older than you?
Simba said:
Is it possible to pull a girl older than you?

Yes. It's not likely, but it's possible.

Don't tell anyone your age unless absolutely necessary. Let them believe what they want to believe. If it really comes down to it, you can consider lying based on your own personal moral preferences.
Simba said:
Is it possible to pull a girl older than you?


Has never happened in the history of mankind.

However the ancient Incas had foretold that in 2022, there shall be a "man of chocolate color" who will complete this feat
Come on man, seriously?

Of course you can pull a girl older than you.

No need to lie about your age either. She's already decided if she'll fuck your brains off.
17/09/22 updates:
* Went to the gym
* On the way back approached a 2 set. She said she is seeing someone. Should have probably asked if it's serious/boyfriend but didn't think of that at the moment
* Flying today to USA for work for a week. Not sure how many opportunities I will have to approach there
21.09.22 updates (first lay since starting):

So on the last couple of days I was on a work trip that didn't allow me to approach.
Did some tinder swiping which led nowhere.

Then yesterday we went to New York and we are staying here until Saturday night.

On the first night we arrived (yesterday) we went out to west village to get some pizza/hang out in a bar. After a little walking around and a disgusting pizza we were about to go into a bar and then two girls and a guy went out from there and told us to come with us to this different bar.

One of the girls seemed down so I talked to her for some time. Then took her number. Then after about thirty minutes we wanted to go to different place and she said she will come with us and leave her friends there.

Long story short my friends returned to the hotel and I went with her to another bar and then to her apartment.

It felt like It was too easy because she was very down from the beginning. Zero shit tests, all I had to do was not fuck up lol. I guess sometimes you just get lucky.

She was 34 so it's cool that I had an experience with someone 10 years older than me.
Simba said:
21.09.22 updates (first lay since starting):

So on the last couple of days I was on a work trip that didn't allow me to approach.
Did some tinder swiping which led nowhere.

Then yesterday we went to New York and we are staying here until Saturday night.

On the first night we arrived (yesterday) we went out to west village to get some pizza/hang out in a bar. After a little walking around and a disgusting pizza we were about to go into a bar and then two girls and a guy went out from there and told us to come with us to this different bar.

One of the girls seemed down so I talked to her for some time. Then took her number. Then after about thirty minutes we wanted to go to different place and she said she will come with us and leave her friends there.

Long story short my friends returned to the hotel and I went with her to another bar and then to her apartment.

It felt like It was too easy because she was very down from the beginning. Zero shit tests, all I had to do was not fuck up lol. I guess sometimes you just get lucky.

She was 34 so it's cool that I had an experience with someone 10 years older than me.

How did you manage to have disgusting pizza in the West Village?!

It's a great neighborhood for late 20s and early 30s girls because the gender ratio is insanely skewed there:


Any white guy who looks normal or better is basically cleaning up there.
26/09 updates:

* Returned home yesterday
* Had very bad sleep because of jet lag (woke up at 4)
* Studied a bit
* Went for a 8k run near the beach, then approached one girl working in a surfing store. Conversation was ok but she ended up declining to giving her number.
* Created okcupid profile
27/09 updates:

* Woke up in a bad mood, still have jet lag and little cold
* Studied some but mostly watched YouTube videos (bad me)
* At around 6 pm decided to go approach some girls and then go to the gym.
* Had a goal of doing 5 approaches, ended up doing about 20. About third were pretty good (3+ minute talk). Got two solid(I think) phone numbers and one Instagram.
* First approaches I was nervous but after about 5 or 6 I was a lot more chill and the conversations went pretty well.

Key takeouts:
* Doing 10 approaches is more than 2 times better than doing 5 approaches because those last sets you are In a better state
* Alot of girls here have boyfriends lol (or so they say) more than 75%
* 95% of girls will be super nice to you when you approach even if it doesn't go anywhere
28.9 updates:

Did 5 approaches. 3 boyfriend, 1 wasn't interested, 1 number. The one I got the number was almost 30 years old I think, I'm surprised she didn't ask my age.

Arranged a date for the evening with a girl I talked to yesterday but she doesn't answer me now and it's getting late so I guess it's not happening
29/09 - 02/10 updates

Went for the weekend to eilat (holiday city here with many hotels). Made probably around 30-40 approaches in that time (some of them were with friends and were more humorous and less serious).
Got couple of flaky Instagrams and some numbers. Saturday met up with one girl but she was too shy and not too attractive so it ended early. Another girl from there I'm chatting with her in we"lol probably meet this week.
Today at noon I returned home, then after some study+ rest went to play volleyball with friends. Then we went to a bar and I approached a girl in a group and got her number (not sure if flaky or not). Then on the way home talked to another girl and got her number (this one seems more hopeful)

I know the way I'm writing my log is kinda boring but it helps me keep track of my journey so I'll continue with that 😉