My current situation (need your feedback)


Apr 8, 2021
Hey guys, I would love to give you guys an update about my situation.

So, I have quite a lot of improvement on my body. The shitty photo in the bathroom was taken 2-3 days ago.

I do not have a sixpack, but I believe I have an accentuated body and girls' attitude towards me has definitely improved.

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These show my Tinder profile, which gives me good (but not great) results on Tinder when I use Platinum + Boosts.

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I use only one picture, but it definitely made an improvement. I get at least 2-3 matches with every boost, and every week maybe 2 organic matches.

The quality of girls are also quite good, just on the looks.

My problem is that, I usually match girls, who needs suppliers. Single moms (hot, but still a single mom with 23-27) that want a relationship etc.

My questions:

1. How do you come around that problem? Do you just polarize the slutty ones with the BDSM context?
2. What are your suggestions, what kind of photos I should involve after this one?

Greetings and keep safe!
You come around that problem by improving your looks / style and taking better photos.

I'm pretty sure Andy already gave loads of examples in his tinder guide / how to take photos guide.

The idea is to look like one of these cool instagram fashion influencers.

If you want to polarize you can use a shirtless pic, if you think you look good enough. It works very well for me - my first pic is a shirtless one. No need to use BDSM pics if you're not looking to do BDSM.