My current Tinder pics


Jul 25, 2020
These pics are doing pretty well so far (well at least in terms of getting matches...) but do yall have suggestions on how to go to the next level? Also how do you prepare pictures for dating sites (aspect ratio, file format etc)?
thanks man! Unfortunately I don't have any friends (at least none anywhere near me). Guess I should work on that, that might help especially a pic with a girl
.Also how do you prepare pictures for dating sites (aspect ratio, file format etc)?
I do 4:5, 1080p, jpg for tinder. Its not the exact ratio from what ive seen, but seems close enough.

These pics are doing pretty well so far (well at least in terms of getting matches...) but do yall have suggestions on how to go to the next level?
Retake all these photos, but with a proper dslr camera. The blur you added in post looks really messy. You have the looks, so no wonder you get matches. Get higher quality photos to amplify it!
Pics are awesome. Good job man!

One suggestion, how about trying a new hair cut? I think a short Afro hair would be brutal on you.

I think if you alreayd get awesome match/results with these pics, it's not neccesary to get new pics with friends or girls. My thinkings.

My respects. Keep on this way.
Your pics are amazing. Nice job. You have a style mate. Exactly what I lack. :)

Agree with the posts above, just get a bit more social and it is cool.