My first date ever!

Jun 21, 2020
Well guys, I'm fucking happy.

My first date! And it was better than expected.

I matched on tinder with this cute girl, a few years older than me and really beautiful. We chatted for a short period and then I made the move: I invited her to have a drink.

A lot of things I still can not believe, happened:

• I thought I would be a train-wreck of nerves during the date, but it was the opposite. I was calm and even smooth!

• She is a very open and caring person, and shares the philosophy of “you and me”.

• I was capable of moving the conversation towards sex, when I thought it would be nearly impossible to me. In fact, it was easier than expected. I told her I was practicing Italian with Rocco Siffredi’s youtube channel, and from that, I moved the conversation to porn and sex.

• And the most amazing thing: When the date ended, I invited her (not to my place, but to a hotel). I fucking did it. I thought this would be the most difficult thing to do. But I did it, and on my first date ever. She refused though, but it wasn’t a “you are disgusting” kind of refusal. It was more like “I don’t want to have sex on a first date” kind of refusal.

• Then, I asked for a kiss, and we kissed. The first fucking time a girl kisses me because of my own merit, and not because of money. I kissed girls before, and I fucked girls before, but most of them were prostitutes, and others were pure luck. This kiss though, it was because of my own merit.

The date ended and I walked to the bus station like Steve Ballmer on a Microsoft presentation:

So, I went back home with a huge smile on my face (and with a huge erection, I REALLY wanted to nail her against the fucking wall... but hey, not bad for my first time! I’ll try again on our second date)

Ok, to sum up… This is a small step, but it is one I wouldn’t be capable of take without Kill Your Inner Loser. Thanks, Andy. Thanks for your tinder guide, thanks for your philosophy of “you and me” which is beautiful and practical, and thanks for articles like “don’t kill yourself, which helped me in my darkest times.

It may seem like a very little step, but it feels huge to me.
FerWhitmore7733 said:
Well guys, I'm fucking happy.

My first date! And it was better than expected.

I matched on tinder with this cute girl, a few years older than me and really beautiful. We chatted for a short period and then I made the move: I invited her to have a drink.

A lot of things I still can not believe, happened:

• I thought I would be a train-wreck of nerves during the date, but it was the opposite. I was calm and even smooth!

• She is a very open and caring person, and shares the philosophy of “you and me”.

• I was capable of moving the conversation towards sex, when I thought it would be nearly impossible to me. In fact, it was easier than expected. I told her I was practicing Italian with Rocco Siffredi’s youtube channel, and from that, I moved the conversation to porn and sex.

• And the most amazing thing: When the date ended, I invited her (not to my place, but to a hotel). I fucking did it. I thought this would be the most difficult thing to do. But I did it, and on my first date ever. She refused though, but it wasn’t a “you are disgusting” kind of refusal. It was more like “I don’t want to have sex on a first date” kind of refusal.

• Then, I asked for a kiss, and we kissed. The first fucking time a girl kisses me because of my own merit, and not because of money. I kissed girls before, and I fucked girls before, but most of them were prostitutes, and others were pure luck. This kiss though, it was because of my own merit.

The date ended and I walked to the bus station like Steve Ballmer on a Microsoft presentation:

So, I went back home with a huge smile on my face (and with a huge erection, I REALLY wanted to nail her against the fucking wall... but hey, not bad for my first time! I’ll try again on our second date)

Ok, to sum up… This is a small step, but it is one I wouldn’t be capable of take without Kill Your Inner Loser. Thanks, Andy. Thanks for your tinder guide, thanks for your philosophy of “you and me” which is beautiful and practical, and thanks for articles like “don’t kill yourself, which helped me in my darkest times.

It may seem like a very little step, but it feels huge to me.

Hey mate , as someone who has NEVER gone on a date, i am really happy for you !

i have a similar background as you regarding intimacy and i hope to achieve intimacy with a woman by my own merit !

your post has made me curious about reading the philosophy of "you and me"

do let me know how were you able to use the Tinder guide to your benefit, i am currently off the app as my profile sucks but i really want to be able to get with girls on Tinder

congrats once again !

success stories like these give other people hope that they can do better and go out there and slay !
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Mate, sucks that nobody replied to this but - GOOD FUCKING JOB.

Now go out there and push yourself more. Talk to more girls, keep having balls, keep making moves, life will reward you.

Hi, Andy! I just see all the answers. I actually fucked my first girl a few weeks after this haha! I am really happy, I'll post the story in the near future. Thanks man, this means a lot to me! Sorry for the late reply
MattsCrib said:
I missed it - congrats dude :) Based on your profile pic, you're a slayer, so that's probably the first of many successes :D Good luck!

Thanks buddy! I still have a long journey, but, as my grandma used to say, piano piano si arriva lontano, Step by step you get far.
Yaxir said:
Hey mate , as someone who has NEVER gone on a date, i am really happy for you !

i have a similar background as you regarding intimacy and i hope to achieve intimacy with a woman by my own merit !

your post has made me curious about reading the philosophy of "you and me"

do let me know how were you able to use the Tinder guide to your benefit, i am currently off the app as my profile sucks but i really want to be able to get with girls on Tinder

congrats once again !

success stories like these give other people hope that they can do better and go out there and slay !

Hi, buddy! Thank you! I fucked my first girl a few weeks after! (not the girl of this story though). I'll write a post in the near future.

Yes, the "you and me" philosophy puts the girl in a place of partner, instead of a place of "enemy", or "someone to conquer", or "manipulate". It helps to avoid shit tests (a fancy expression for being an asshole) and takes away a lot of the nerves, because the girl is now your friend, your ally, and not your enemy. You just think of having a good time and knowing the girl.

First, Tinder Gold was mandatory to me.

Something that helped me a lot was the template (saves a lot of time). I didn't use the template to the letter though. I take the liberty to chat a little with a girl after she gives me her number. But the same rule applies: Ask for a date as fast as you can. Every girl I dated thus far (five girls) told me they loved that. They didn't want to waste their time messaging a random dude they just met. The pictures guide too. Tinder is 95% your pictures. Oh, and this:

In my case, during the dates, speaking about sex at some point proved to be really useful. I found that if I can get her to speak of some aspect of sexuality (experiences, porn, etc) I felt more comfortable when I asked her for sex after the date, (after all, I proved I'm not afraid of sexuality, it is "less awkward"). I always tell the same story to avoid awkwardness (more or less, remember that "getting laid requires you to be “creepy” I tell them I am practising my italian by reading "Io, Rocco", the biography of pornstar Rocco Siffredi (which is absolutely true). That inevitably leads the conversation to sex.

But hey, every part of that guide is a 24 karat pure gold mine, ready to be exploited.

I think the most important step, is to take action. My life motto is "Audentis Fortuna Iuvat", Fortune favours the bold. I found that statement to be an absolute truth.

This is just the starting point. A lot of great things are waiting for us. Good luck buddy!
Oh, and I found that being a massage therapist is really attractive to girls. A lot of girls liked me on tinder simply for that thing. So, it helps.
FerWhitmore7733 said:
Oh, and I found that being a massage therapist is really attractive to girls. A lot of girls liked me on tinder simply for that thing. So, it helps.

Is this your full-time job or just a hobby? I've always wanted to go to "massage school", follow a course and get really good at it.
I can't believe I found another argento in this creepy forum! I'm also of italian acenstry (2nd generation) and working on getting my italian citizenship (I actually have been slacking off on this goal). If you need an accountability partner DM me. We're gonna make it out of this shithole!
Holden said:
Is this your full-time job or just a hobby? I've always wanted to go to "massage school", follow a course and get really good at it.

Until now, only a hobby. At first, I wanted to learn massage to have a quick job, but the covid situation went to shit in my country, and right now it's kind of hard to dedicate myself to this, I only attended a few people. I understand that in some first world countries it's a well paid job (somewhat) but I don't know for certain. But hey, girls love it. It's a great conversation topic, and a massage before sex activates circulation, relaxing and loosening up the girl, and so her orgasms are stronger and more intense. It really pays off with the girls, so it is worth it IMO.