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My road to getting laid and fixing my life


Oct 13, 2020
I think writing a log is good so you always focus on your goals.

My goals:
-finally have sex, im 25 soon
-get ripped af and look elite and have many matches (not happy until i get 100 likes on the first day like the guy on the pic i added below, but wont happen lol)
-move out from my parents home
-get tatoos and earrings
-get a motorcycle
-get a real job
-stop beeing a home dweller

I joined this site on october 13, damn, time goes by so fast, wth.

After reading the tutorial and getting over my fear of failure on dating apps i made some photos of me on the november 6.

It took me 2-3 weeks to finally join tinder, i think it was november 16. I was so scared, because if i wouldnt get likes i couldnt ever fuck a woman. But yeah i got like 20 likes on the first day and not many on the rest of the days. I was so happy, but i realised soon that they mean nothing. I need to chat and meet women. The first time i chatted with a girl it was so cringe but i got better very fast and snatched some numbers, some Girls even asked me to meet and stuff.

I had like 4 dates planed on the weekend but i only met 1 girl at her home (at this date i talked longer to a girl than in my previous 24 years, damn crazy). 1 girl just ghosted me, another one said she has too much stuff to do and said sry, another one said she has no time this week. I think the mistake i made was waiting a couple days to meet them. Strike when the iron is hot like andy said. Yea and 1 girl wants to meet me on thursday, lets see.

Crazy story: i matched a girl at 2 o clock in the morning. We had the same star sign and she wanted me to drive to her house. I thought its a fake but she sent me some pics and we phone called but i didnt go. She was pissed and i think i missed my first lay there.. fuck

Yea right now i dont get many matches/likes anymore, Maybe 1 or 2 a day, even with boost. I Think his is because i only have 1 decent pic and 1 selfie in my profile. And i dont look very good right now and some girls just want a white guy, i understand that.

So what im doing to reach my goals:

-I ordered a nice jacket to make some new photos for my tinder profile (see pic below)

-i got my motorcycle license, finally!

-im in a calorie deficit and trying to eat more proteins to lose bodyfat. Sadly i lost 4kg in a month, mostly muscle, i worked so hard for this. Went from 84kg to 80kg, im skinny af with my 190cm height. But cant work out because the gyms are closed.

-using tinder daily and chatting with my matches. Trying to meet them earlier now

-thinking about how to improve my face, i bought a microneedle and minoxidle, trying to fill the gaps in my beard (i clean shaved it on my cheeks because of the gaps but will try to grow them out). Will try a stubble. If i have a lower body fat i will go clean shaven.

My cheeks are chubby, my face is too round, thinking about a buccal fat removement. Today i got my appointment for my jaw surgery, its on january 14. Cant wait for it. This + buccal fat removement will make me so hot i swear. Hollow cheeks and a crazy jawline incoming(in theory).
Im thinking into getting stereoids and stuff, but im just in the research phase. Not really sure because of the side effects

What i am NOT doing but should be doing:

-im not searching for a job. Im an IT guy and i could easily find a job, but i just cant bring myself to do it. Aaah

- therefore i dont have money to move out from my parents, get tattoos and a motorcyle...

- working out at home, i dont have the motivation for it

So yea this is my first log. I think 2021 will be my year. Will Update if i get something interesing to say. Dont know if someone is gonna read this lol.
Im going to make some new pics today. Only had 1 decent pic, 1 selfie and 1 meme in my profile.

Bought myself a new black jacket (see last pic), will try to make some good pics. Lets see.
I think you won't go wrong with Magic Fox. But you know, we'd prefer if you wear it yourself to see if you're wearing things correctly.
SIGMA_1234 said:
I think you won't go wrong with Magic Fox. But you know, we'd prefer if you wear it yourself to see if you're wearing things correctly.

I think it suits me. I will post the pics later
isuckrightnow said:
-im not searching for a job. Im an IT guy and i could easily find a job, but i just cant bring myself to do it. Aaah
There is no point in delaying searching for a job, when all your goals depend on it. Also, finding job takes time, even for IT guy, so the faster you start the better.
Since you are unemployed it guy, I assume you have zero real experience - it might not be that easy to find a job. Speaking from my own experience.
Lostcause said:
isuckrightnow said:
-im not searching for a job. Im an IT guy and i could easily find a job, but i just cant bring myself to do it. Aaah
There is no point in delaying searching for a job, when all your goals depend on it. Also, finding job takes time, even for IT guy, so the faster you start the better.
Since you are unemployed it guy, I assume you have zero real experience - it might not be that easy to find a job. Speaking from my own experience.

Yea it takes time. But i will write 1 application a day. I have 2 years of work experience tho, but only while i studied. Not anything after sadly
Im curious to see what your shots will look like. Experiment a bit, try different angles. If you manage to get a good shot that looks similar to the one with the black jacket, you're set.
Excuses said:
Im curious to see what your shots will look like. Experiment a bit, try different angles. If you manage to get a good shot that looks similar to the one with the black jacket, you're set.

I did the shots. Im at home now. He will send me the pics later..

But i dont really like the pics, my faciaöl expression is shit and my cheeks are puffy as fuck. Dont know if its genetics or just high bodyfat but i will make losing bodyfat my #1 goal now. Dont like my face right now, but at least im getting some matches here and there
Set up like 4 dates for thid weekend. Today girl #1 ghosted me. Girl 2 is willing to meet tomorrow but i dont really find her attractive tbh, dont know what to do. Other 2 Girls are planned on monday/wednesday. I think they will flake, 2 much time in between. But overall im improving myself. Just 1 month ago i never chatted with a girl, or even had a girls number. Now i have many of them

Btw i tried some pics of me on photofeeler and 2 of them got like a 9 score. But they dont do well on tinder idk. What do you think about my profile.


About searching a job. I still cant bring myself to do it. Aaah wtf is this.

Im in a big calorie deficit, im at 79kg/190cm rn, was at 85kg before the lockdown. I try to eat many proteins but i think i lost so much muscle mass. Trying to workout at home now
Hey bro.
You're using too many pictures of the same outfit and location. Don't do that. Even though you're using nice shots, your profile looks like you went out and did an 1 hour shooting for tinder on the same place with the same clothes and put it into your profile. There is no variety. Don't you have some other pics that you could mix with your best one or two of your new pictures? (as long as they're solid)
Also I saw that you're not using your best picture yet.
I would also drop the last pic "The end".
Whats your bio?

I also just had a little glimpse on your openers and I'd rather use andys template or lostcauses, trust me on this. I'm someone who tried hundreds of openers (I even paid on some dating course with a list of 100 openers) and even though some gave great success on a reply, you're not there to entertain those girls. You're there to meet them and fuck them. Thats why andys or lostcauses template works so well, because it's direct and communicating that she's sexy and effective.
Of course I don't know what else you have written, just from the two or three messages they seem bad. Have you tried the templates? Or what is holding you on of using them? You may think it's too aggressive or you're too shy to tell her she's sexy and what you're after, but believe me - i thought the same. And now im spamming this shit no matter how hot or ugly she is. 90 % say no, never respond or unmatch. But that's also the good thing. Why? Because with this way, you weed those timewasters out. And you don't want to have long conversations with the girls. I've translated lostcauses template into german in my log, if you want to use that. I can also give you andys template in german, if you need it. Just my suggestion.
Excuses said:
Hey bro.
You're using too many pictures of the same outfit and location. Don't do that. Even though you're using nice shots, your profile looks like you went out and did an 1 hour shooting for tinder on the same place with the same clothes and put it into your profile. There is no variety. Don't you have some other pics that you could mix with your best one or two of your new pictures? (as long as they're solid)
Also I saw that you're not using your best picture yet.
I would also drop the last pic "The end".
Whats your bio?

I also just had a little glimpse on your openers and I'd rather use andys template or lostcauses, trust me on this. I'm someone who tried hundreds of openers (I even paid on some dating course with a list of 100 openers) and even though some gave great success on a reply, you're not there to entertain those girls. You're there to meet them and fuck them. Thats why andys or lostcauses template works so well, because it's direct and communicating that she's sexy and effective.
Of course I don't know what else you have written, just from the two or three messages they seem bad. Have you tried the templates? Or what is holding you on of using them? You may think it's too aggressive or you're too shy to tell her she's sexy and what you're after, but believe me - i thought the same. And now im spamming this shit no matter how hot or ugly she is. 90 % say no, never respond or unmatch. But that's also the good thing. Why? Because with this way, you weed those timewasters out. And you don't want to have long conversations with the girls. I've translated lostcauses template into german in my log, if you want to use that. I can also give you andys template in german, if you need it. Just my suggestion.

Yes i know thats my problem. Which picture should i remove.
The thing is, i tried these pics on photofeeler and my best pic got a 7 or so, the close up and the coat pic got 9ish. I dont have other photos lol.

To the messaging: i write this always: heyhey👋🏻 you are very cute, whats up?
Sometimes i say something about their profile too if it interests me, for example "hot Tattoos you got there"

They respond with "thank you, not much, what about you?" Yea and so on. I ask for hobby, where they are from and number. It works but i think i fail it on whatapps. We write a little bit, set up a date but after 1-2 days they are not interested anymore.

But i have a date in 30min, lets see. I dont find her attractive tbh, but maybe i can gain some experience
iwillbebetter said:
The thing is, i tried these pics on photofeeler and my best pic got a 7 or so, the close up and the coat pic got 9ish. I dont have other photos lol.

I don't use photofeeler, but I notice that guys here get results when photofeeler pics look good and score 6-7. But, I'm not an expert in it. Just my observation.

iwillbebetter said:
About searching a job. I still cant bring myself to do it. Aaah wtf is this.

Same bro. Try freelancing for a while? It helped me get momentum going when I was still nihilistic and not taking action until 6 months ago. Basically, working on something, anything, really helps with hopelessness and motivating yourself to action.
iwillbebetter have you tried looking for dev jobs on LinkedIn? It takes very little effort once your profile is set up, it's literally just one or two clicks of a button to apply to an offer.

If you make it a habit to send 5 applications a day, you should land interviews considering the demand in this field + your experience. At least if your situation is like mine was a year ago in France. I half-assed my job search, had a CV that made no sense, but still got 10 interviews over 40 days, leading to 3 offers. I've heard my current company still hasn't filled its 2019 dev recuitment objectives.
Reservoir said:
@iwillbebetter have you tried looking for dev jobs on LinkedIn? It takes very little effort once your profile is set up, it's literally just one or two clicks of a button to apply to an offer.

If you make it a habit to send 5 applications a day, you should land interviews considering the demand in this field + your experience. At least if your situation is like mine was a year ago in France. I half-assed my job search, had a CV that made no sense, but still got 10 interviews over 40 days, leading to 3 offers. I've heard my current company still hasn't filled its 2019 dev recuitment objectives.

I have a xing account, once in a while companies write me but yea nothing really happens. But i didnt try linkdin.

Btw i was on my second date ever today. She was cute irl. But i was a pussy and didnt kiss her or hold her hands, that sucks. Will try to meet her at her home next time (annoying that i live with my parents, its really hard)


I see. Which pics should i remove and include in youe opinion?
iwillbebetter said:
Excuses said:
Hey bro.
You're using too many pictures of the same outfit and location. Don't do that. Even though you're using nice shots, your profile looks like you went out and did an 1 hour shooting for tinder on the same place with the same clothes and put it into your profile. There is no variety. Don't you have some other pics that you could mix with your best one or two of your new pictures? (as long as they're solid)
Also I saw that you're not using your best picture yet.
I would also drop the last pic "The end".
Whats your bio?

I also just had a little glimpse on your openers and I'd rather use andys template or lostcauses, trust me on this. I'm someone who tried hundreds of openers (I even paid on some dating course with a list of 100 openers) and even though some gave great success on a reply, you're not there to entertain those girls. You're there to meet them and fuck them. Thats why andys or lostcauses template works so well, because it's direct and communicating that she's sexy and effective.
Of course I don't know what else you have written, just from the two or three messages they seem bad. Have you tried the templates? Or what is holding you on of using them? You may think it's too aggressive or you're too shy to tell her she's sexy and what you're after, but believe me - i thought the same. And now im spamming this shit no matter how hot or ugly she is. 90 % say no, never respond or unmatch. But that's also the good thing. Why? Because with this way, you weed those timewasters out. And you don't want to have long conversations with the girls. I've translated lostcauses template into german in my log, if you want to use that. I can also give you andys template in german, if you need it. Just my suggestion.

Yes i know thats my problem. Which picture should i remove.
The thing is, i tried these pics on photofeeler and my best pic got a 7 or so, the close up and the coat pic got 9ish. I dont have other photos lol.

To the messaging: i write this always: heyhey👋🏻 you are very cute, whats up?
Sometimes i say something about their profile too if it interests me, for example "hot Tattoos you got there"

They respond with "thank you, not much, what about you?" Yea and so on. I ask for hobby, where they are from and number. It works but i think i fail it on whatapps. We write a little bit, set up a date but after 1-2 days they are not interested anymore.

But i have a date in 30min, lets see. I dont find her attractive tbh, but maybe i can gain some experience

Bro, please. Don't. Use. Those. Lines.

The reason why you're going on endless dates or they flaking you, is simple. You're not communicating what exactly you want. You send off some boyfriend vibes, thus in combination of not escalating on the first date, will just lead to failure.
Now with the lockdown it's even easier to invite them straight to your home / or go to their place. Because you're not allowed to meetup in the public and everything is closed. That's like tinder on godmode. Just take advantage of this, and after this phase you won't turn back anyway since this is the most effective.
What you're basically doing right now, is giving those girls boring compliments and validation they hear a thousand times a day on tinder. What's the point of you messaging them. Asking what her day is like or something just tells her you're someone who wants something from her but doesnt tell her straight up what that is, you're being a niceguy. A nice guy that thinks with compliments, going on some dates, having long convos will lead him into her pussy.
I've been like this my whole life, I send all those shitty lines to them. And what did that do for me in the end? Nothing but my time wasted and me being too scared to escalate on dates, because she doesnt even know you want in her pants, she thinks you're "NiCe" and will go on tons of dates with her to become her boyfriend maybe. But that's not the point here. You want to fuck her. On the first meet. Even if you want a girlfriend as your goal - still you have to first fuck her and build this attraction.
In the end it's up to you. But like andy said talking with girls isn't "making progress"

If you think lostcauses template is too aggressive, that's okay. Use andys, its still a mix of asking questions but also communicating that you dont want something serious and you're a man thats not talking around the bush. Please try it.
Excuses said:
iwillbebetter said:
Yes i know thats my problem. Which picture should i remove.
The thing is, i tried these pics on photofeeler and my best pic got a 7 or so, the close up and the coat pic got 9ish. I dont have other photos lol.

To the messaging: i write this always: heyhey👋🏻 you are very cute, whats up?
Sometimes i say something about their profile too if it interests me, for example "hot Tattoos you got there"

They respond with "thank you, not much, what about you?" Yea and so on. I ask for hobby, where they are from and number. It works but i think i fail it on whatapps. We write a little bit, set up a date but after 1-2 days they are not interested anymore.

But i have a date in 30min, lets see. I dont find her attractive tbh, but maybe i can gain some experience

Bro, please. Don't. Use. Those. Lines.

The reason why you're going on endless dates or they flaking you, is simple. You're not communicating what exactly you want. You send off some boyfriend vibes, thus in combination of not escalating on the first date, will just lead to failure.
Now with the lockdown it's even easier to invite them straight to your home / or go to their place. Because you're not allowed to meetup in the public and everything is closed. That's like tinder on godmode. Just take advantage of this, and after this phase you won't turn back anyway since this is the most effective.
What you're basically doing right now, is giving those girls boring compliments and validation they hear a thousand times a day on tinder. What's the point of you messaging them. Asking what her day is like or something just tells her you're someone who wants something from her but doesnt tell her straight up what that is, you're being a niceguy. A nice guy that thinks with compliments, going on some dates, having long convos will lead him into her pussy.
I've been like this my whole life, I send all those shitty lines to them. And what did that do for me in the end? Nothing but my time wasted and me being too scared to escalate on dates, because she doesnt even know you want in her pants, she thinks you're "NiCe" and will go on tons of dates with her to become her boyfriend maybe. But that's not the point here. You want to fuck her. On the first meet. Even if you want a girlfriend as your goal - still you have to first fuck her and build this attraction.
In the end it's up to you. But like andy said talking with girls isn't "making progress"

If you think lostcauses template is too aggressive, that's okay. Use andys, its still a mix of asking questions but also communicating that you dont want something serious and you're a man thats not talking around the bush. Please try it.

I always thought that im using andys line😳

Adding 1-2 sentences After their reply, saying they are cute at the beginning and stuff..

Can you show me maybe your chats in german? Or screenshot them
I have red the guide again because my matches are stagnating, maybe 1-2 likes a dayy with newbie boost maybe 20.

I see that my profile is kinda shit, im always alone in my pics, no variety beach/travel pics or activity pics. Problem is, i literally have 0 pics of me, i dont know how to fix this. For my last pics i got a hobby photographer who makes pics very cheap, but he cant make travel pics or pics of me in a bar or idk, you know what i mean

Idk if that really is my problem tho, because in my tinder experiment this guy got 100 likes with 1 pic only. So i guess one crazy pic is enough. That means --> my looks and pics are not good enough.

Another thing i noticed is, that my pics, which are high quality, are kinda bad quality after i upload them.

So my goals right now is to meet the Girls who gave me their numbers already and Think of ways to make new pics, but not posed pics like i have. I need pics with a "soul" or authenticity
I still don't see your best pic yet, but someone mentioned that already.

I am still working on getting better pics, too. So I'm not the expert on it. Lots of bars still closed here (Same with beaches), and I want to get those pics badly. Just keep taking pics.
Had another new date today. Shes cute and has nice tits, but idk she told me she wants something serious, even tho i said her i dont want that. Shes messaging me nonstop and wants to meet again, but we didnt fuck.

I have another date tomorrow with girl 4 or 5 idk, veryyyy cute. I will try to hold her hands and kiss her. Would be my first kiss.

And my dreamgirl whom i matched with before i resseted my account wrote me today and asked me questions on whatsapp. Dont know if shes a time waster. Because she wants to meet after 2020.. wtf? But i said ok, i really want her.

Tbh im kinda overhelmed with this right now, chatting with like 20 girls at once, even if its just addind 1-2 sentences to their replies. I have 4 safe girls right now who want to meet me for 2 second time. I Think i will try to fuck them first and then swipe more. What do you do after you fuck them? Do you meet them again?