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My road to getting laid and fixing my life

iwillbebetter said:
Had another new date today. Shes cute and has nice tits, but idk she told me she wants something serious, even tho i said her i dont want that. Shes messaging me nonstop and wants to meet again, but we didnt fuck.

I have another date tomorrow with girl 4 or 5 idk, veryyyy cute. I will try to hold her hands and kiss her. Would be my first kiss.

And my dreamgirl whom i matched with before i resseted my account wrote me today and asked me questions on whatsapp. Dont know if shes a time waster. Because she wants to meet after 2020.. wtf? But i said ok, i really want her.

Tbh im kinda overhelmed with this right now, chatting with like 20 girls at once, even if its just addind 1-2 sentences to their replies. I have 4 safe girls right now who want to meet me for 2 second time. I Think i will try to fuck them first and then swipe more. What do you do after you fuck them? Do you meet them again?

Text the first girl you've been on a date today next time to come over to your place / or invite yourself to her place as in "Lass uns zusammen bei dir was trinken. Ich bring den Wein mit. Zeit morgen abend um 8?" or "Trinken wir was zusammen bei mir. Zeit morgen abend um 8?"
And that's it. If she declines, then she is most likely a timewaster, since it would be the second date and you still havent fucked. If she gives you some excuse tell her "Zurzeit ist lockdown, arsch kalt draußen und fast alles hat zu. Lass uns also ganz gemütlich was bei mir trinken und den neusten Film auf netflix schauen."
And when she's at your place. It's easy. You flirt, kino, drink something. And when you put the movie in, you directly lay your arm around her and within 5 minutes your tongue will be inside her mouth. And the rest will be magic. Good luck bro.

I still don't get how you meet them all in public, when there is this hard lockdown here, where you're literally not allowed to meet in public lol. Just meet them at your or her place.

Normally if I fuck them once, yes I try to meet them again. But this doesn't work always since some girls ghost with whatever reason they have.
Excuses said:
iwillbebetter said:
Had another new date today. Shes cute and has nice tits, but idk she told me she wants something serious, even tho i said her i dont want that. Shes messaging me nonstop and wants to meet again, but we didnt fuck.

I have another date tomorrow with girl 4 or 5 idk, veryyyy cute. I will try to hold her hands and kiss her. Would be my first kiss.

And my dreamgirl whom i matched with before i resseted my account wrote me today and asked me questions on whatsapp. Dont know if shes a time waster. Because she wants to meet after 2020.. wtf? But i said ok, i really want her.

Tbh im kinda overhelmed with this right now, chatting with like 20 girls at once, even if its just addind 1-2 sentences to their replies. I have 4 safe girls right now who want to meet me for 2 second time. I Think i will try to fuck them first and then swipe more. What do you do after you fuck them? Do you meet them again?

Text the first girl you've been on a date today next time to come over to your place / or invite yourself to her place as in "Lass uns zusammen bei dir was trinken. Ich bring den Wein mit. Zeit morgen abend um 8?" or "Trinken wir was zusammen bei mir. Zeit morgen abend um 8?"
And that's it. If she declines, then she is most likely a timewaster, since it would be the second date and you still havent fucked. If she gives you some excuse tell her "Zurzeit ist lockdown, arsch kalt draußen und fast alles hat zu. Lass uns also ganz gemütlich was bei mir trinken und den neusten Film auf netflix schauen."
And when she's at your place. It's easy. You flirt, kino, drink something. And when you put the movie in, you directly lay your arm around her and within 5 minutes your tongue will be inside her mouth. And the rest will be magic. Good luck bro.

I still don't get how you meet them all in public, when there is this hard lockdown here, where you're literally not allowed to meet in public lol. Just meet them at your or her place.

Normally if I fuck them once, yes I try to meet them again. But this doesn't work always since some girls ghost with whatever reason they have.
Thanks bro. You help me a lot.

I meet them on the street just walking and talking. They want to meet me again idk maybe im just lucky or we are just vibing well. But first lemme try your suggestion
First rejection ever

Another date today. Man i should stop matching with 18-21 yo. They all live with their parents too, like me.

Anyway, she did most of the talking like always. Im not that talkative, i just ask questions or comment on things, need to change that. Or people thing im boring or smth. She didnt asked me anything idk, maybe i looked different irl? Not possible. We walked for 2h and then said by. She didnt even look back when she went into the train, so no interest.

On whatsapp i asked her yes or no, she said no. I would have said no too, we didnt click, but yea i let her choose anyway. It still feels bad ngl.

Idk im still not getting close on getting laid. The girl yesterday wants me to wait weeks before inviting me over. Other 2 girls are out of town now because of christmas. Back to swiping...

And im not even sure if i want to get laid like crazy with different women or want a good gf. Need to think about that
MattsCrib said:
iwillbebetter said:
And im not even sure if i want to get laid like crazy with different women or want a good gf. Need to think about that

Why not both? Why not try to get a good gf WHILE getting laid with different women? Girls do it too lol.

Lol you are very high iq man🤣 didnt even think about it, for real...
iwillbebetter said:
First rejection ever

Another date today. Man i should stop matching with 18-21 yo. They all live with their parents too, like me.

Anyway, she did most of the talking like always. Im not that talkative, i just ask questions or comment on things, need to change that. Or people thing im boring or smth. She didnt asked me anything idk, maybe i looked different irl? Not possible. We walked for 2h and then said by. She didnt even look back when she went into the train, so no interest.

On whatsapp i asked her yes or no, she said no. I would have said no too, we didnt click, but yea i let her choose anyway. It still feels bad ngl.

Idk im still not getting close on getting laid. The girl yesterday wants me to wait weeks before inviting me over. Other 2 girls are out of town now because of christmas. Back to swiping...

And im not even sure if i want to get laid like crazy with different women or want a good gf. Need to think about that

You're doing beginner mistakes. That's why they reject you / you're not having sex. You're telling girls you're not looking for something super serious like in andys template, meetup and then walk and talk for hours?
Of course her pussy will dry up and she will leave. This whole "let's have a walk to see if we click" is only a reason for you and for her to see if you both like each other. Nothing more. You shouldn't take this so specific. It's not a "have a walk-date and then i'll ask her in whatsapp if she's into me". It should be a 5-20 mins walk with preferably some kino and flirting and to see if you'd even want to bang her. If so, then you tell her "It's getting cold here, let's go to my place and have a drink together" or "it's getting quite cold here, let's go to your place and have a drink together".
And that's it. If she says why, you use andy's answer as in saying "Because I'm into you and want to make out with you, silly."
If she says no. That's okay. She's not that interested or has some other reasons. Just say "That's cool. I have to get some things done anyway".

You're putting girls off because you're not the one they actually expected to meet. When saying "Nothing serous, let's see what happens", they expect YOU to make a move. They expect YOU to take charge and bring them home. Since that's what it's all about. And she agreed on this, albeit not overtly. Having a walk is only there for her, to check if you're a creep and the guy she saw on the pics. It's only there to make her comfortable. And most girls already get comfortable enough after 5 minutes. Because you both agreed already on those terms - those are: potentially having sex together.

But when you're not making a move for 2 hours as in walking in this cold ass shitty weather, you're exposing yourself as someone who's either extremely afraid to make a move, who's maybe not that much into her or being okay with taking things slow or getting put into the friendzone. No, my man. That's not what you actually want.

I'm not saying that two hours talking is a no-go. It's completely fine IF you're at her place already, have a drink and touch each other all the time and having flirty/deep talks. And then you escalate.
But you can't do that in public. You can't walk for that long or sit on a bench for this long and don't do anything. I'd be pissed too if a girl that told me she's not looking for something super serious, but then I'm trapped in walking for hours in the cold-ass weather. I would freeze my ass off, gain nothing and get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.

You really should reread Andy's tinder guide. Especially the dating-section.

In concerns of your problem with not having your own place. You're not a teen anymore. Yes, you're in your parents place. But you can't tell me they don't allow any visitors? You're a grown man. You bring her to your room and that's it. If you both cross parents just tell them "hi, that's Sarah. We're going to chill in my room." if you're extra nervous that your mom will step into your room say "if you want something, just text me."
Or lock the damn room.

Or just go to her place. When you meet her parents, you dont have to have any conversation. You just say hello and follow her to her room. It's no biggie. You're not the first guy that she'll be having over.

So. Next time you meet up with a girl, try to meet them straight at your/her place. If she's not keen to that, okay, have a short walk for 10 minutes and then take the lead and just say: "It's getting cold. Let's go to your place and we’ll hangout some more."
That's it. And when you're at her place, make a move as soon as possible. Just force yourself to do it. Because "there isn't a perfect moment". You create this moment.

MattsCrib said:
iwillbebetter said:
And im not even sure if i want to get laid like crazy with different women or want a good gf. Need to think about that

Why not both? Why not try to get a good gf WHILE getting laid with different women? Girls do it too lol.

He's right.
You need to get this mindset out of your head that you have to focus on only one girl and that you "have" to find a girlfriend. No, to build a long term relationship you both first have to get to know each other for some months. Have regularly crazy sex. Chemistry has to be there. And you should vet her and look for red flags, not jump straight into any relationship, this will only get you fucked (and not in a good way).
Meet tons of girls. Fuck all of them. And build plates as in fwbs. Relax, have abundance. And over time you'll see what girl could be a potential girlfriend. The other way around will fuck you up big times.
MattsCrib said:
Excuses said:
He's right.
You need to get this mindset out of your head that you have to focus on only one girl and that you "have" to find a girlfriend. No, to build a long term relationship you both first have to get to know each other for some months. Have regularly crazy sex. Chemistry has to be there. And you should vet her and look for red flags, not jump straight into any relationship, this will only get you fucked (and not in a good way).
Meet tons of girls. Fuck all of them. And build plates as in fwbs. Relax, have abundance. And over time you'll see what girl could be a potential girlfriend. The other way around will fuck you up big times.

At the same time, it's pretty nuanced. Most of the people that have the best relationships I know didn't date/fuck around before finding each other, nor did they fuck a lot before getting into a relationship :D But yeah, I do live in a small town, so there are slightly different dynamics at play. It doesn't always fuck you up.

Exceptions exist. But how can you know if it's the "best" relationship? Have you looked in their bedroom? Have you checked, what he's doing behind her back? Have you checked if she's truly loyal to him? Many couples look happy, but you don't actually know what's going on behind the scenes. Or if they just use each other as emotional tampons and validation. Present the public this perfect illusion.
And then there's also enough branch swinging happening, enough "happy" married couples that suddenly divorce.
To find a long-term relationship is easy. People change relationships like underwear. Today you're big in love, tomorrow you love someone else. AWALT.
But whatever. That's not the topic. He shouldn't focus on only one girl - no matter if disney movies tell that this is the thing to do. That won't help him to find a girlfriend, and it especially won't help him to find a great girlfriend.
Excuses said:
iwillbebetter said:
First rejection ever

Another date today. Man i should stop matching with 18-21 yo. They all live with their parents too, like me.

Anyway, she did most of the talking like always. Im not that talkative, i just ask questions or comment on things, need to change that. Or people thing im boring or smth. She didnt asked me anything idk, maybe i looked different irl? Not possible. We walked for 2h and then said by. She didnt even look back when she went into the train, so no interest.

On whatsapp i asked her yes or no, she said no. I would have said no too, we didnt click, but yea i let her choose anyway. It still feels bad ngl.

Idk im still not getting close on getting laid. The girl yesterday wants me to wait weeks before inviting me over. Other 2 girls are out of town now because of christmas. Back to swiping...

And im not even sure if i want to get laid like crazy with different women or want a good gf. Need to think about that

You're doing beginner mistakes. That's why they reject you / you're not having sex. You're telling girls you're not looking for something super serious like in andys template, meetup and then walk and talk for hours?
Of course her pussy will dry up and she will leave. This whole "let's have a walk to see if we click" is only a reason for you and for her to see if you both like each other. Nothing more. You shouldn't take this so specific. It's not a "have a walk-date and then i'll ask her in whatsapp if she's into me". It should be a 5-20 mins walk with preferably some kino and flirting and to see if you'd even want to bang her. If so, then you tell her "It's getting cold here, let's go to my place and have a drink together" or "it's getting quite cold here, let's go to your place and have a drink together".
And that's it. If she says why, you use andy's answer as in saying "Because I'm into you and want to make out with you, silly."
If she says no. That's okay. She's not that interested or has some other reasons. Just say "That's cool. I have to get some things done anyway".

You're putting girls off because you're not the one they actually expected to meet. When saying "Nothing serous, let's see what happens", they expect YOU to make a move. They expect YOU to take charge and bring them home. Since that's what it's all about. And she agreed on this, albeit not overtly. Having a walk is only there for her, to check if you're a creep and the guy she saw on the pics. It's only there to make her comfortable. And most girls already get comfortable enough after 5 minutes. Because you both agreed already on those terms - those are: potentially having sex together.

But when you're not making a move for 2 hours as in walking in this cold ass shitty weather, you're exposing yourself as someone who's either extremely afraid to make a move, who's maybe not that much into her or being okay with taking things slow or getting put into the friendzone. No, my man. That's not what you actually want.

I'm not saying that two hours talking is a no-go. It's completely fine IF you're at her place already, have a drink and touch each other all the time and having flirty/deep talks. And then you escalate.
But you can't do that in public. You can't walk for that long or sit on a bench for this long and don't do anything. I'd be pissed too if a girl that told me she's not looking for something super serious, but then I'm trapped in walking for hours in the cold-ass weather. I would freeze my ass off, gain nothing and get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.

You really should reread Andy's tinder guide. Especially the dating-section.

In concerns of your problem with not having your own place. You're not a teen anymore. Yes, you're in your parents place. But you can't tell me they don't allow any visitors? You're a grown man. You bring her to your room and that's it. If you both cross parents just tell them "hi, that's Sarah. We're going to chill in my room." if you're extra nervous that your mom will step into your room say "if you want something, just text me."
Or lock the damn room.

Or just go to her place. When you meet her parents, you dont have to have any conversation. You just say hello and follow her to her room. It's no biggie. You're not the first guy that she'll be having over.

So. Next time you meet up with a girl, try to meet them straight at your/her place. If she's not keen to that, okay, have a short walk for 10 minutes and then take the lead and just say: "It's getting cold. Let's go to your place and we’ll hangout some more."
That's it. And when you're at her place, make a move as soon as possible. Just force yourself to do it. Because "there isn't a perfect moment". You create this moment.

MattsCrib said:
Why not both? Why not try to get a good gf WHILE getting laid with different women? Girls do it too lol.

He's right.
You need to get this mindset out of your head that you have to focus on only one girl and that you "have" to find a girlfriend. No, to build a long term relationship you both first have to get to know each other for some months. Have regularly crazy sex. Chemistry has to be there. And you should vet her and look for red flags, not jump straight into any relationship, this will only get you fucked (and not in a good way).
Meet tons of girls. Fuck all of them. And build plates as in fwbs. Relax, have abundance. And over time you'll see what girl could be a potential girlfriend. The other way around will fuck you up big times.

Yea in short form: i need to grow some balls.

Bro you help me so much, i will try to neet them directly at home next time. Ty!
I had a date yesterday and 2 more dates on the weekend. 1 girl is crazy she wants to chat every fucking second like im her boyfriend or so. Im answering every few hours no time for this shit

Its weird that i dont get any likes from tinder after i used my boost on ssturday or friday. Boost gave me around 25likes but since then i didnt get any new like/Matches. Resetting isnt the solution because i always swipe the same girls again. Does this happen to you guys too?
Have some dates planned the next days. Girls are super down to meet for something casual, feels good.

But im a little bit depressed, wanted to lose my v card before 2021 and before i turn 25 but not gonna happen i think.

And tinder is pretty much dead for me. I was thinking a long time about it, my profile sucks ass, BUT i will fix it. Main Problem is that it isnt authentic. I cant always pay a photographer tho, need to order my own camera. Lets see what 2021 brings. Thats its for now. Peace out
Got my first kiss today!!

This girl invited me to her house to watch netflix. It couldnt be clearer that she wanted to fuck lol but im such a pussy i swear.

We sat down for 10mins and talked, she came closer and closer to me. After that we started the movie and she started to cuddle me. Opening up more and more as the movie progressed. I started to touch her and she touched me everywhere. She looked at me the whole time, her face was like 5cm away from mine. Asked me if i could see her if she would kiss me, i said not its dark lmao. We watched another hour, she turned around and suddenly kissed me. Lol. I dont even know how to kiss i hope i didnt fucked it up. But i didnt Progress from there so she felt akward and ran to her dog lol. Wtf am i doing.

But nevermind, atleast i got my first kiss lol
Good. I remember my first kiss, and it was shit. Thankfully, I had more practice the same day: a 1 1/2 hr bus ride in the dark, and I got to practice a LOT more kissing techniques whenever I felt like it. Fuck, that time was hotter than the few times I fucked.

That's what I'd suggest, too. If you can, just spend a block of time kissing and kissing only. No pressure to escalate, because this should come naturally from both of you. If you eacalate, try squeezing one of her boobs, but ONLY if she's really getting into making out with you.

You're a decent looking dude, so I really believe this shouldn't be very hard for you. Congrats on the 1st kiss!
SIGMA_1234 said:
Good. I remember my first kiss, and it was shit. Thankfully, I had more practice the same day: a 1 1/2 hr bus ride in the dark, and I got to practice a LOT more kissing techniques whenever I felt like it. Fuck, that time was hotter than the few times I fucked.

That's what I'd suggest, too. If you can, just spend a block of time kissing and kissing only. No pressure to escalate, because this should come naturally from both of you. If you eacalate, try squeezing one of her boobs, but ONLY if she's really getting into making out with you.

You're a decent looking dude, so I really believe this shouldn't be very hard for you. Congrats on the 1st kiss!

Thx. But i feel beta af. Like she was almost inside me when we cuddled. I was such a pussy. Hope that wasnt a big turn off for her.
Don't worry. Of course, you should always judge the scenario, but I find that it's easier "to say sorry than ask for permission" for these cases recently. I will always push for escalation, but if she doesn't want to, I will stop for a while and try again later. At least, they know you have sexual attraction for them, and it won't be awkward when she knows you're attracted to her when you're in a romantic/ erotic situation.
Just escalate next time. Even if it feels weird/awkward, go for it. It won't feel smooth or comfortable until you get used to making those moves consistently. Just go until she stops you, and if she doesn't, then you're in
Met her again today. It was clear that she wanted to fuck. She touched my penis and stuff but i didnt escalate. I think at this point its over for me. What else can she do, really? Why im like this lol....

Anyway i found out that she is into BDSM, likes rough sex (like she wants me to destroy her, literally. Likes to get choked until she pass out and stuff). And she doesnt have a gag reflex, i fingered her throat lol, felt like a boss that moment haha

But i need to sort my head out really, other girls wont make it that easy for me. I hope she didnt lost interest in me. Last time i stayed there until 4am, now she kinda threw me out at 10pm..
Hey dude, I was in the exact same spot once. Your best bet is to just hit her up and explain why you're nervous. You 'might' be able to get another date and overcome your anxiety but it's probably not gonna happen without some sort of change. If you're honest and she understands then you'll be much more relaxed if there's a next time you meet up
iwillbebetter said:
Met her again today. It was clear that she wanted to fuck. She touched my penis and stuff but i didnt escalate. I think at this point its over for me. What else can she do, really? Why im like this lol....

What! She was giving you signs that she wanted to fuck, but what stopped you? Is it some belief you have inside? Do you think you're not good enough to fuck a girl? Or maybe you have a deep subconscious belief that sex is dirty for religious purposes (I know I had them)?

It's ok if you don't answer me, and I'm not knocking you because you fucked up here. Because God knows how many times I fucked up this year, too.
Well, may be a lost cause, after two dates she either wonders whats wrong with her, or whats wrong with you.
What matters is you have a proof a girl can find you desirable, so dont worry if you fuck up, you can just try with another girl.
Hope it takes pressure off your shoulders