Need advice - which photos to use?


Oct 15, 2022
New to this. Just got done with a photoshoot based on Andy's guide.
Need some advice on which photos I should use/edit!
1, 2: Could be good if zoomed in more
3: Almost good but your eyes are out of focus, generally too blurry
4: Pretty damn good
5: Prefer posture in 3
6, 7: Not bad but posture is kinda weird
8: Out of focus, makes you look short
9: Overall not bad, odd facial expression IMO
10: Boring posture / facial expression
11,12: Boring
13,14: Cat pictures are controversial but I don't know. Would say 13 is better
15,16: Bad focus
17: Pretty good
18: Boring posture / facial expression
19: Bad focus
20,21: You look like you have no idea how to use a camera. If you want to emulate the "camera selfie hobby shot", you at least need to hold the camera up to your face. Also the focus in 20 is horrible

Overall I'd use 4-13-17. Your "style / glamour shots" are solid, but you need hobby and social shots. Your current hobby and social shots are bad for reasons stated above, and I would lean towards just not including them.

Also, you could run any of these photos through FaceApp and get a solid 1-2 points of improvement on them with no added effort. Some people see it as unethical, but girls are doing it too and I've never been called a catfish.
As you know, I am not an expert either, but here is my opinion:

1,2 cool, but is just about the environment
3 I am not a gan of the glasses / facial expression
4 I would take as first photo
5 maybe zoom in a bit
6,7 I like, again zoom in a bit
8 unfortunately your eyes are almost closed
9 good, pose a bit weird but still good
10 good
11 zoom in
12 not a fan of this
13 great
14 good but not as good as 13
15 good, like the vibe
16 good
17 very good pose/ look but for me way too warm tones you can edit it and cool it down a bit (blue tones)
18 good
19 not a fan of the pose
20 good
21 focus :/

I would take 4 first, 13 sure, maybe 1/2, maybe 20, maybe 15 or 17