Need some honest feedback on photos


Oct 18, 2022
Hey guys am new to this.

I see myself as a good photographer - but so far only animals and landscapes. So regarding people photography I have no idea 😂 That's why I ask you for a particularly hard / honest / unadorned feedback:

Just tell me which one you would take first, which ones otherwise or if they all suck :p

For those who do not want to look at so many photos, ignore those with the X in front
Just tell me which one you would take first, which ones otherwise or if they all suck :p

Respect. It is clear how much work you have put into this.

5 - This photo is insanely good. Like, perfect. Please use this.
22 - Pretty cool photo with a good outfit. The pose is slightly awkward, so I am 50/50 on this one.
X22 - Looks like you are a traveller/backpacker which is cool. Use this.

Keep in mind, you are definitely displaying an archetype of a creative and 'outdoorsy' type of guy.

Most men in this forum tend to aim for a 'fuckboy' archetype, because it attracts girls who are solely interested for the sex.

I'm very keen to see what photos you take over the next few months man. Very inspiring.
ImChuckBass said:
Just tell me which one you would take first, which ones otherwise or if they all suck :p

Respect. It is clear how much work you have put into this.

5 - This photo is insanely good. Like, perfect. Please use this.
22 - Pretty cool photo with a good outfit. The pose is slightly awkward, so I am 50/50 on this one.
X22 - Looks like you are a traveller/backpacker which is cool. Use this.

Keep in mind, you are definitely displaying an archetype of a creative and 'outdoorsy' type of guy.

Most men in this forum tend to aim for a 'fuckboy' archetype, because it attracts girls who are solely interested for the sex.

I'm very keen to see what photos you take over the next few months man. Very inspiring.

Thanks for your honest feedback! I will give it a try ;) Actually unlike most here I'm not particularly focused on sex. I travel around and want as many matches as possible (also e.g. bumble bff) By the way a guy I met from bumble bff showed me this forum haha - so it's fun and it works