New DSLR -- need Tinder pic feedback


Went to the gym at my office on a Saturday night when no one was there and took over 300 photos. Here are the standout ones. Any of these workable? I know the lighting isn't ideal (lots of overhead lighting).

These are unedited. Will edit the one I end up choosing to use (if any). My face def needs brightened up. And of course the quality has been lowered to be able to upload here.

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Also I've been shooting in "aperture priority mode" where I set the aperture and the camera automatically sets the ISO and shutter speed. I heard it's a good half-way step to going full manual. Although I've noticed that it results in a lot of motion blur if there's any motion in my pics.
Good stuff! Honored you're using my edited one as your first (I'd probably use your second pic as a first my self though), fingers crossed you'll get some more matches going forward.

Also this is very inspiring stuff, honestly. I've been thinking of getting a new DSLR my self, which one are you currently using? And did you get any extra lens(es) other than the default one?

Looking forward to hearing about your results!

New post:
Dude you are in great shape btw. I'd add #2 but curious to hear what other members has to say.
Thanks brother!

Hard2Focus said:
Honored you're using my edited one as your first
I think I'm going to try editing it myself since you edited a lower-quality file, which I then downloaded. A lot of quality probably got lost from it lol.

Hard2Focus said:
I've been thinking of getting a new DSLR my self, which one are you currently using? And did you get any extra lens(es) other than the default one?
I got Andy's recommended camera and lens here: Just the 55mm lens.

I am still self-conscious about setting up a tripod in public and taking pics of myself; I try to do it in low-key areas. But I seem to get more desensitized to it the more I do it.
Tinder success story: I just had the best sex of my life from a first date. The chemistry and emotional connection with this girl was like nothing I've experienced before. We were so fucking into each other. The faces she would make at me....pure primal lust. I came quickly (as I usually do on the first round), and she said that was "more than okay", which made me like her even more. We ended up hanging out for over 4 hours. And she sent me the sweetest text afterward:

I feel like I hit the jackpot here. Definitely set the bar high for future girls/relationships. I can't have a future girlfriend now without the sex being this good, lol.

Incidentally, this was from that boost I did last Saturday where I only got 4 matches. I had the profile from my October 30th post above when talking to this chick. If I can get a girl like this with my current profile, I can't fucking wait to see what happens when I get really good pics.

I hereby dedicate this lay to Now because this chick is from Germany, lol.

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arcade_fireee said:
Tinder success story: I just had the best sex of my life from a first date. The chemistry and emotional connection with this girl was like nothing I've experienced before. We were so fucking into each other. The faces she would make at me....pure primal lust.

I hereby dedicate this lay to @Now because this chick is from Germany, lol.

Fuck yeah dude, I'm honored lol.

That feeling of pure primal lust is something to strive for, you're making me a little jealous - gonna use that as energy to get there myself!

Keep crushing it brother

EDIT: about the gym pics, I like 1 & 3, super candid but need some lightening as you said
Manganiello Got FaceApp free trial and played around with editing some of my pictures. They def look better, but tbh I'm skeptical that these edits would significantly boost my match rate, but I'd love to be proved wrong. For the brightness, contrast, shadows, etc. I mostly just used their "Auto" feature, which seems to be pretty good.

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This one's definitely the biggest improvement, almost to the point where I feel like I'd be catfishing a girl, lol:
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i don’t like some of these edits dude.

seems like you’ve made yourself more red in a few of the pics. the last pic looks too aggressive, esp red.

imo attractive ppl should only use charm or cute impressions and maybe some smile width adjustments. the hollywood filters tend to overdo it.

i also like the boxing photo below the one you ended up using better
You have a solid profile and look jacked. Good shit man. I would not use the boxing pictures. Do you actually box? You look awkward holding the gloves which makes it just seem slightly too staged. Hold one of the gloves to your cheek/temple and throw a jab or a cross with the side that is facing the camera so you can see your face. Be slightly more on your toes as well. I know it seems nitpicky but authenticity makes a big difference between "I'm a badass" vs "I'm trying to look cool". The motorcycle picture looks authentic as fuck like you actually are a cafe racer or some shit and that makes it a winner!