New Photo

Personally, I think it depends on what your other pictures look like. If all of them look super edited then it's an issue.
just one? not so much of a problem
Ya it does look a little posed.

But it's better than some shit picture most guys use

Add more pictures or whatever is on your profile for more context. It's very difficult to give feedback with just one pic.
Manganiello said:
Ya it does look a little posed.

But it's better than some shit picture most guys use

Add more pictures or whatever is on your profile for more context. It's very difficult to give feedback with just one pic.

Here is my current profile
Oh hey, I recognize you from Playing With Fire FB group I think.

Great photos, but I feel they could be improved with a bit more variety. Except for one, all your photos are just "I'm hot and I'm leaning against a wall/sitting on something"

I would try using the first pic you use loaded to your post as the main pic on tinder.

Agree with pancake on everything.

Black and white pictures don't do as well (just from how I've seen girls respond to them on Instagram). Even if that was a full colour image it's still not as good as some of your others.

Images in terms of strength ranked

Number one : image 1
Number two: image 3
Number three: image 4

First and foremost you need to establish you're a hot, confident guy. And then you show depth with social pics, hobby pics, etc.

Thats why you image number one should be your main.

Also (this is opinion then necessarily fact), you should focus on quality of images over quantity. It's better to have 3 amazing images, then 6 pretty good ones.

So remove any image that's not really really good.

Also get rid of your zodiac sign.

It doesn't add anything, but girls will select you out because "you're not compatible" for being born in whatever arbitrary month.
Ive made a few changes to my profile, any comments are welcome. The photos are named in order of appearance but tinder puts number 2 as my main picture. Should I turn off smart photos?
I really like the first picture you posted, its an insanely good photo, I actually prefer it over your profile picture. The photo of you and a friend crouching is also alright, one that can be upgraded later but will do for now.

You could really use a hobby photo in there to add some variety and try to avoid using the same outfit in more than 1 photo. It's a good profile and your bio has a good hook.