New pics again


Jun 23, 2020
Hi all, for the first time in my life I've asked to take photos with someone. I've also grabbed all the old ones I could find. Happy to use photoshop etc if any are worth it. Please let me know what you think about the photos and me/my style. Cheers guys
The go-kart one is fucking awesome and should be like your banker 4th pic

The bench series ones are fine at best, the issue is you have literally 0 edge in them. 8 and 19 are the useable as placeholders but i'd look to do another set of pics. Your style is bland
Number 2 and 24 are great. Would definitely use them on tinder.
The bench series looks pretty staged and forced dunno.
1, 2, and 3 are the best for me.
1: best of the bench pics
2: interesting af
3: funny and you actually had good pose/facial expression
Got some new ones today, wasn't planning on it so I had the same shirt on and my hair looking like shit but oh well. Might be a few ok ones, let me know! All comments welcome
(I'm aware some are dark and too far away, but I reckon they could be easily cropped and photoshopped?)
Cant see the old ones for some reason but for the new ones I liked 11 and 25. Picture noobie here but I liked that you kind of have something going on with the tree / rock and 25 is a good full body pic too.

As mentioned before some edge would make these even better
I wouldnt use any of these ones

You arent filling the frame on the ones with acceptable lighting and then the harsh lighting just kills the rest

Maybe 11 is editable? Not my wheelhouse though post edit
Thanks guys, wasn't expecting much from my fams camera work lol. Gotta find a good photographer friend
Alright lads, back again. Bought the recommended lens, it's like a cheat code for good photos. So easy. Doesn't help out if you have no skill though haha. Here are the best ones from the day. Pretty funny when this random old dude walked by and wanted to get involved haha
The DLSR look is clean ma man. you chose some nice locations for your shots. Out of these: # 1, 5, 14, are my favorites.
The biggest thing you could improve is your style. Even though you're taller, your friend stands out more in the pics because his outfit is better than yours. Try adding accessories like bracelets, rings, necklaces, and/or a watch if you plan on wearing just a t shirt. Also all your outfits are all one color which won't look great over multiple pics. Try an outfit with a fitted white tee and experiment with other colors. Black and white outfits always look fresh. Guy outfits are pretty simple. Fitted Shirt and pants, cool shoes, cool outer layer, + accessories and you made an outfit. Here's a quick video showing how easy it is to make one.

Best of luck on your quest. Your pics are defiantly improving.
Nah lol, just took them the other day. Was gonna make sure they're worth putting up first. ty
Yeah the style is pretty bland in those. Nothing wrong with the actual clothes just not much going on around them.

Accessories like Monsey said. Its about the little things especially with getting laid. Like you could pull this basics only style off if you had visible tattoos on your arms.

The concept of 'edge' used to be thrown around a lot more in the manosphere and i think we stopped talking about it because the Internet memed the fuck out of the term 'edgy'. Fuck the internet imma bring it back.

This is a great article from GLL on the topic:

Monotone outfits are completely fine though btw and in the right context they stand out more than mixed colour outfits, I disagree with monsey on that point.

#14 & #15 are worth using. None of the others would really meet my standards at this point, lot of potential to improve form here though for sure.
Thanks Radical. What accessories would you recommend? I'm getting a black ring in a few weeks, and got a watch already so is a necklace the only real option? Thinking a silver one might work for me?
Took a few more yesterday, what do you y'all think are the best ones?
Just memeing with the shirt off ones but any idea how much fat I'd have to lose to get proper abs? Cheers lads
If I had to pick one I'd say #7, because your physique looks great on that one. However your pose feels forced / unnatural on these, perhaps something to work on in future sets.