New pics improvement?

kratjeuh said:
Reckon these are overly faceapped or is this fine?

It's fine, but I don't know if you should use them for OLD as you have already enough quality pics. I like the first one but the second one not so much.

kratjeuh said:
Yes or big no?

Joker. First time I see a children pic for OLD. :lol:
The pic is okay, you have a great smile and the children look like they had a good time, but I really don't know if it's a good idea. It seems very risky to me, you may get a ban for this pic.
(Is it even legal in the first place ?)
Did a shoot today and already received the non edited versions.

Took my favorite 2 and edited a bit myself. Personally I really dig these but I always like the opinion of the pros haha.

Really want a new first one. I don’t like the one everyone likes here with the turtleneck because it’s overedited and I feel like I’m borderline catfishing. These new ones are more like my normal best looks
kratjeuh said:
Did a shoot today and already received the non edited versions.

Took my favorite 2 and edited a bit myself. Personally I really dig these but I always like the opinion of the pros haha.

Really want a new first one. I don’t like the one everyone likes here with the turtleneck because it’s overedited and I feel like I’m borderline catfishing. These new ones are more like my normal best looks

Yo your fucking jawline is sharp. Be careful don't want to cut anyone going in for the kiss.

The second one looks relaxed, will make girls feel like you're a big buff fuckboi that'll bear hug them and make them feel small and safe. I love it. Also you're doing something (having a coffee) so it seems more candid and natural.

The first one looks posed and the background is drab and distracting. You're not really doing anything except sitting which makes it feel fake.

Curious to see the rest, and to see how the photographer edits them!

MILFandCookies said:
kratjeuh said:
Did a shoot today and already received the non edited versions.

Took my favorite 2 and edited a bit myself. Personally I really dig these but I always like the opinion of the pros haha.

Really want a new first one. I don’t like the one everyone likes here with the turtleneck because it’s overedited and I feel like I’m borderline catfishing. These new ones are more like my normal best looks

Yo your fucking jawline is sharp. Be careful don't want to cut anyone going in for the kiss.

The second one looks relaxed, will make girls feel like you're a big buff fuckboi that'll bear hug them and make them feel small and safe. I love it. Also you're doing something (having a coffee) so it seems more candid and natural.

The first one looks posed and the background is drab and distracting. You're not really doing anything except sitting which makes it feel fake.

Curious to see the rest, and to see how the photographer edits them!


Haha tank you.

I agree the first one is super posed. The rest of my profile is pretty candid so I guess it evens out. Goal was to show of that dreamy side with a cool view which suits my personality, the photographer can hopefully find a way to make the background fit in more.

Pics that I'd use with these 2 in it are : Tennis pic (forehand, floaty pic and then I'm stuck between the wine glass one from a couple posts back or gin tonic looking into the distance) Extra side note, I slightly adjusted both these last 2
Im not really sure what to do with this pic.

Stumbled upon it and decided to add some editing (I hope it’s not overedited lol)

Is this a great picture, should I delete it, should I play with the dimensions?
kratjeuh said:
Im not really sure what to do with this pic.

Stumbled upon it and decided to add some editing (I hope it’s not overedited lol)

Is this a great picture, should I delete it, should I play with the dimensions?

I don't like it. Facial expression is off. You look unsure.
Got bored whilst waiting in the car and managed to shoot an amazing selfie imo. It’s a generic car one.

I’ve heard from female friends that if someone looks hot on a selfie, he/she is definitely hot irl. They’ve also told me they don’t like guys with a “perfect” profile for the same reasons that hot guys don’t need this to get laid.

I’ll put my before retouch pic and after here so you guys can decide. I barely edited them, mainly just a little smirk.

I’m actually considering putting this as a main for reasons mentioned above. Alternatively I can take this exact pic on top of a mountain with some city view, reckon that’s even better it takes away the selfie factor?
The selfies are not good. The facial expressions are off. You look distressed/worried/concerned. You're also looking down at the camera.

It's obvious to me by now that you're not able to consistently pull off an acceptable facial expression unless you're smiling. So either smile, or practice your poses until you have them down.
Yeah not a fan of this particular selfie or the park bench pic. The one of you holding a coffee looks great IMO.
I agree with what was said above man. IMO, selfies are to be discarded entirely from being in a serious dating profile.

There are a few exceptions of course, but your example isn't a good one. Sometimes, you can get a decent selfie if you take it with a selfie stick in a nice place showing value, or if it is a social pic where you're looking good with people giving some value around you.

I just made a video for my business channel why selfies are bad, I gave 5 points why we should not use them:

  1. Bad vertical angle: selfies are usually taken with a shitty unflattering angle.
  2. Too close-up: if you don't use a selfie stick, your face will often be too close to the camera.
  3. Lens distortion: smartphones have wide-angle lenses causing a big distortion, making your face look worse than in reality (bigger nose and looking more fat).
  4. Low value: a selfie is a low effort and low value pic. It carries with it the stigma of being too low value by communicating that you're not important enough for other people to bother taking pics of you.
  5. Selfies are in the overwhelming majority of profiles: you don't want to have a profile like most guys, you want to have something that stands out and looks way above average.

Furthermore, you should be advanced enough to not listen to what girls say on your profile. You don't listen to a fish to learn fishing. Girls will always find something bad in any profile, that doesn't mean that you should listen to their critics. Hell, most of my FWBs criticized my profile a lot, saying that I look creepy in one pic, too serious in another, not smiling enough overall, etc. I always answered: "And yet you still swiped right on me! :)".
kratjeuh said:
All pics that I’d consider semi usable for online dating.

Love to know which ones you guys think are good enough and in which order to place them. I want to start using OLD again even though the profile won’t be perfect as of yet.

I’d also like to know which type of pics you would recommend me taking if I plan a new photoshoot (streetstyle, fancier place, …)

Great shit. I like most of them.

There are a couple where you're standing square to the camera, standing up straight. It's natural to think "stand up straight to look confident." In reality, relaxed = confident.

A relaxed, confident guy stands with one foot in front and one foot behind, and all his weight on his back foot, almost diagonal to the camera.

Think more natural poses, and less "this looks strong and confident." "Relaxed = confident" is a good guideline.

Most of these are solid though. Catching up on the rest of the posts, I am sure I'll have more to say given the new headline about selfies.
kratjeuh said:
Got 2 new ones with a similar purpose, are these better?

A bit stiff. Facial expression... Try having a friend there off camera you're actually joking around with. Nothing screams candid than actual candidness.
Lord Rey said:
I agree with what was said above man. IMO, selfies are to be discarded entirely from being in a serious dating profile.

There are a few exceptions of course, but your example isn't a good one. Sometimes, you can get a decent selfie if you take it with a selfie stick in a nice place showing value, or if it is a social pic where you're looking good with people giving some value around you.

I just made a video for my business channel why selfies are bad, I gave 5 points why we should not use them:

  1. Bad vertical angle: selfies are usually taken with a shitty unflattering angle.
  2. Too close-up: if you don't use a selfie stick, your face will often be too close to the camera.
  3. Lens distortion: smartphones have wide-angle lenses causing a big distortion, making your face look worse than in reality (bigger nose and looking more fat).
  4. Low value: a selfie is a low effort and low value pic. It carries with it the stigma of being too low value by communicating that you're not important enough for other people to bother taking pics of you.
  5. Selfies are in the overwhelming majority of profiles: you don't want to have a profile like most guys, you want to have something that stands out and looks way above average.

Furthermore, you should be advanced enough to not listen to what girls say on your profile. You don't listen to a fish to learn fishing. Girls will always find something bad in any profile, that doesn't mean that you should listen to their critics. Hell, most of my FWBs criticized my profile a lot, saying that I look creepy in one pic, too serious in another, not smiling enough overall, etc. I always answered: "And yet you still swiped right on me! :)".

No. Selfies. Tattoo that on the back of your hand if you have to.

They add nothing. If you want a "shittier, less professional photo" that's actually a strategy I've seen work... a profile with mostly solid fucking photos but one or two "shittier" photos taken with a smartphone... by someone else. That's a great strategy and would def. persue at least to experiment.

Sure a selfie can work sometimes. But it's the exception, not the rule.
pancakemouse said:
The selfies are not good. The facial expressions are off. You look distressed/worried/concerned. You're also looking down at the camera.

It's obvious to me by now that you're not able to consistently pull off an acceptable facial expression unless you're smiling. So either smile, or practice your poses until you have them down.

How do you spot that expressions are off? I've actually been doing the posing stuff but I just can't seem to figure out when a pic looks relaxed and when I look distressed as you mentioned, let alone conveying these emotions. I was feeling very comfortable when taking the pic so I might have a recency bias because I knew my feeling at that moment.

Do you reckon it's usable if I can edit the expression better? Even though the angle is maybe not perfect. Or do you think I'm just not at the facial level yet where I can successfully pull off the selfie?

Paid Renegade said:
Yeah not a fan of this particular selfie or the park bench pic. The one of you holding a coffee looks great IMO.

I feel uncomfortable using that picture (as well as some others posted here) because I feel like I overdid the edit and I don't really look like that. Maybe I'm wrong here but ultimately I need to feel good about the pics I'm showing.

Lord Rey said:
I just made a video for my business channel why selfies are bad, I gave 5 points why we should not use them:

I agree with everything you listed down here and I'm fully aware that in 99.99% of scenarios, it's better to have a regular pic taken by someone else.
But the exception makes the rule and if you are able to pull off an amazing selfie, you are an anomaly which is very desired. So yeah I do think it has its merit and ideally I could find a time and place to take a sick group selfie with some attractive girls and friends.
kratjeuh said:
I feel uncomfortable using that picture (as well as some others posted here) because I feel like I overdid the edit and I don't really look like that. Maybe I'm wrong here but ultimately I need to feel good about the pics I'm showing.

Ahhh, okay. I agree that’s a good reason not to use the photo then.

Regarding the whole selfie debate, obviously there are guys who can get away with it-

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But even then, you’d be infinitely better off having someone else take a picture of you doing something interesting or showing some personality.

The way I use iPhone selfies in online dating is to send them to girls who ask for more pictures after we’ve already traded numbers.

If you want to put a selfie in your actual profile, I think something along these lines would look much better (ripped these straight from Andy’s tinder guide) -
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They’re not too close up and they look interesting because they communicate actual information about the guy’s personality/hobbies.