New to cutting


Jul 14, 2022
I'm currently 5"11.5 at 176 pounds. I'm going to cut till I can see my abs but I've never done cutting.should I lose half a pound a week or go for a pound every week. I plan on doing this till maybe 8-12 percent body fat so maybe 155-160lbs.
Moses21 said:
I'm currently 5"11.5 at 176 pounds. I'm going to cut till I can see my abs but I've never done cutting.should I lose half a pound a week or go for a pound every week. I plan on doing this till maybe 8-12 percent body fat so maybe 155-160lbs.

Go for 1 lbs. a week. 500 calories deficit per day isn't that hard to maintain.

I don't have a link to it but there was a study done that showed that the bigger the calorie deficit the more likely people were to follow through and stick to their diet. Pretty large study too.

You need to get quick wins. So seeing your scale change and seeing your body change is ultimately what will motivate you. Success begets success.

Try a bunch of different diets, meal plans, etc. And find the one you like actually doing and run that for months and months and months. And then you look really good at the end of it.
Manganiello said:
Moses21 said:
I'm currently 5"11.5 at 176 pounds. I'm going to cut till I can see my abs but I've never done cutting.should I lose half a pound a week or go for a pound every week. I plan on doing this till maybe 8-12 percent body fat so maybe 155-160lbs.

Go for 1 lbs. a week. 500 calories deficit per day isn't that hard to maintain.

I don't have a link to it but there was a study done that showed that the bigger the calorie deficit the more likely people were to follow through and stick to their diet. Pretty large study too.

You need to get quick wins. So seeing your scale change and seeing your body change is ultimately what will motivate you. Success begets success.

Try a bunch of different diets, meal plans, etc. And find the one you like actually doing and run that for months and months and months. And then you look really good at the end of it.
I started with the pound like u said an I think I'm seeing a difference already.May be my imagination tho lol.
The most "hard science" way was mentioned by Manganiello but I personally never found that worked for me. Counting calories and adding up all your food just sucks. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try it, because it is worthwhile to do it at least once in your life to get an idea, but it just seems so overly consuming.

I have dropped a decent amount of weight multiple times in my life (I tend to gain weight when I'm depressed and drop it when I get in a healthier mindset) and I can tell you what works for me. I've gotten rippling abs still eating donuts and pizza even. Every body is different and will respond uniquely to different foods, so it will take some practice to see what is effective for you.

This is what works for me:
1) Intermittent fasting - This takes some time to get used to, but if you can cut out breakfast (or dinner) you will be on track. You can read more about fasting and the benefits elsewhere, but I try to keep my eating window from noon to 8pm. Black coffee in the morning helps stifle my hunger signals. After a few weeks it feels natural, and even better.
2) Reduce simple carbs but don't cut them - Self explanatory. Still eat carbs, just try to be a bit more mindful of how much bread you're consuming.
3) Eat more protein - Self explanatory
4) Cardio - Nothing crazy here, just try running or whatever you prefer 2-3 times a week.

BOOM! That's it. I'm 34 and I just dropped 10 pounds over the course of a couple months doing it that way. Lifting weights helps a ton too.

Remember, you've gotta make lifestyle changes. If you crash diet that weight is coming right back with a vengeance. Weight that you drop slower will stay off longer. Hope that helps!
AspiringMaleStripper said:
The most "hard science" way was mentioned by @Manganiello but I personally never found that worked for me. Counting calories and adding up all your food just sucks. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try it, because it is worthwhile to do it at least once in your life to get an idea, but it just seems so overly consuming.

I have dropped a decent amount of weight multiple times in my life (I tend to gain weight when I'm depressed and drop it when I get in a healthier mindset) and I can tell you what works for me. I've gotten rippling abs still eating donuts and pizza even. Every body is different and will respond uniquely to different foods, so it will take some practice to see what is effective for you.

This is what works for me:
1) Intermittent fasting - This takes some time to get used to, but if you can cut out breakfast (or dinner) you will be on track. You can read more about fasting and the benefits elsewhere, but I try to keep my eating window from noon to 8pm. Black coffee in the morning helps stifle my hunger signals. After a few weeks it feels natural, and even better.
2) Reduce simple carbs but don't cut them - Self explanatory. Still eat carbs, just try to be a bit more mindful of how much bread you're consuming.
3) Eat more protein - Self explanatory
4) Cardio - Nothing crazy here, just try running or whatever you prefer 2-3 times a week.

BOOM! That's it. I'm 34 and I just dropped 10 pounds over the course of a couple months doing it that way. Lifting weights helps a ton too.

Remember, you've gotta make lifestyle changes. If you crash diet that weight is coming right back with a vengeance. Weight that you drop slower will stay off longer. Hope that helps!

Yeah I'm counting calories and tbh I prefer cuz it leaves little room for error.since cutting I haven't been eating straight clean tho but I'll try to adjust week by week to see how much junk food I can get away with.