Wnyhg said:That’s awesome. I’m happy to hear its working out. What does your T-shirt say, btw? Just curious.
It’s not my business that I’m looking to promote; I read your previous post. It’s a young man that I’ve known since pretty much the day he was born who’s moved back into the area and recently married.
He opened a rustproofing shop for cars and prior to that was a mechanic for Harley Davidson. He quit after they didn’t promote him and he set his own shop up. He’s an awesome mechanic who’s self taught and I wish the best for him. A
Unfortunately, , he may not be efficient with his time and is learning the ropes with Google ads and FB etc. His business cards stink to high heaven. My dad’s presbyopic( read as very old), and couldn’t even read his cards.
So yeah, just helping out a friend.
Make sure you knock on the doors of the three houses on each side of the ones you’ll work on. You’ll know when you’ve reached your limit of cold knocking. Let’s go!!!!
One more thing: Fuck heights.
I don't have a branded t-shirt but use a smart navy blue jacket, matching hat and jeans plus my safety boots
That sounds like an awesome business. I'll keep updating to see how the advertising experiment goes. I've released a new ad with a lot more copy and will run it for a week to see how it does.
Nothing wrong with heights, only with descending too quickly!