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New understanding


Spent all day hanging out with friends.
One is back from Australia and got me into watching the big Les show years ago. I re-watched some episodes and it really brought me back to what I enjoy doing the most, just fucking hanging out and living easy, lifting some big weights, doing cool stuff, playing music, being nice to people.
The unhappy virgin crisis has been solved, soon I'll be able to have an enjoyable way of making money, then I'll have time to create music, make deeper connections, explore psychedelic spaces, try and help people and flow more with life. I'm really not out here looking to drive Bugattis and fuck supermodels every weekend.
Saw some photos of me as a baby the other day and thought, 'we're almost there buddy,' things are nearly fucking idyllic. Everything I do is already something I get to do and everything that happened to me happened for me.
I've been scratching and militating at existence rather than flowing with it and it's entirely learned behaviour.

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Practice done.
Managed to get some cardio and hot/cold in before my nap, woke up and played for 2hrs 20 minutes.
Slowly building speed and hands feel strong
Motivation for today​
I was pleasantly surprised to see this video here. Rick Beato is the granddaddy of music theory YouTubers - definitely up there with Sideways, 12note, the OG Adam Neely, June Lee and Ben Levin.

Love the consistency of your musical training. It's something I've myself failed to do especially during uni and it's been this on-and-off thing for me.

Just out of curiosity, do you have plans on posting some of your (future) recordings for the forum bros to hear?​
I was pleasantly surprised to see this video here. Rick Beato is the granddaddy of music theory YouTubers - definitely up there with Sideways, 12note, the OG Adam Neely, June Lee and Ben Levin.

Love the consistency of your musical training. It's something I've myself failed to do especially during uni and it's been this on-and-off thing for me.

Just out of curiosity, do you have plans on posting some of your (future) recordings for the forum bros to hear?​
Thanks! It's really proven to be a matter of putting in the time.

This is the level I'm trying to get to, especially the dynamics and fluidity.

I've got a few I'll post in the mean time, just progress tracking atm
Good workout and diet.
Practice was very difficult. My focus on exercises has caused some hand fatigue. I also accumulate fatigue throughout the course of the week and my short term memory and focus are smoked today.
I don't think I can do this while working part time.
Two more weeks until the Christmas shutdown where I'll have two whole weeks off to play like a madman.
Then I will record what I have, work part time and take on my first students while continuing to level up.

In order to avoid this tomorrow I'll go to sleep as soon as I get in, hit my cardio and then practice. But as my work is getting in the way of my primary goal, it can fuck off.
Had my nap, then my sister arrived and we did some planning and agreed on a time to visit the hospital tm so no practice today.
My hand aches a little bit so might be a good thing to rest it for a day anyway
Workout and practice done. Still feeling a lot of fatigue in my hands.
Hopefully I'll adapt to this and have a stronger and faster fretting hand.
I'm gonna start smashing beetroot extract as my friend (a dietician) told me about a study with rock climbers where it increased their performance by boosting circulation, helping grip etc.

Me and my sister visited the hospital today. He wouldn't come out of him room, the ward was quiet so we were able to visit his room. He was sat cross legged in his bed looking at something he'd written on a notebook. He's stopped talking to people so me and my sister were basically having a one way conversation with him. In the background someone in another room was rambling but then burst into some of the worst singing I've ever heard and we started laughing and he actually cracked a smile for the first time in what's felt like ages.
After some convincing and help from the nurse we managed to get him to come out of his room to the visitor room. He smiled again and headed back to his room after briefly sitting down.
It's been a week since they started medication and are titrating the dose.
The nurse told us it will take a few weeks to have an effect and she's seen far worse cases recover, all the staff have been absolute legends and I'm super grateful.
There was a moment where he was leaving his room were he had his shoes on and me and my sister were stood in the doorway, but only he could walk through it and he did.
This is great progress and the highlight of the week for me.
Another day of practice.
Found myself quite impatient after my workout and it was difficult to get momentum. I had dinner then another two hours practice and made more headway.
My hand is still feeling fatigued but better than yesterday.
Shredding has stalled hard for the last four sessions, I'm not experienced with this skill so will research how to improve.
Cardio and practice done.
Did a cold plunge after cardio.
Made some improvements on the barre chords. My hand is still fatigued from all the exercises and I've actually given myself forearm Dom's from playing so much.
This has made the performance pieces feel kind of mushy for now, beet supplements are ordered and hopefully the boosted circulation improves recovery allowing me to push a little further each day.

Mood is great after cardio (which I'm doing outside early in the morning) and the cold plunge. I then have a coffee and nicotine gum to start practice.
Over Christmas I'll take two weeks off the gum as I've got more of of a tolerance now.

I'm gonna move back out as I'll be more efficient with sleep and get my own space again.
Even a small bedsit and minimum wage job will cover my bases for now.
Every day I'll take a baby step towards this goal.
Got an opportunity to move into a bedsit in Sheffield city centre in January through a friend of my sister who is going travelling for three months.
Now I will find some work
2.5hrs practice done.
Very slight improvement in speed.
Gassed my hand out on the barre chords again, still feels weak from all the exercises.
I may take Friday off and see if my playing spikes after this but probably not.
So hard to tell the difference between skill and just having a stronger hand and easier to play guitar.
Clocked 2hrs 10 mins of practice. I think the day off actually made me slower.
Performance pieces also have stalled for about 2 weeks.
I've found a shredding course I'm gonna sign up for.
3hrs practice done.
Visited the hospital again. Got a fist bump this time which was super cool.
Won't go into too much detail on this anymore but I think visiting is really making a difference, when before I was worried I was getting through.
I'm not gonna move until progress is made here and I really think I can help.
Another 3hrs done today.
Actually have forearm Dom's again from yesterday's session.
Speed is truly stalled. Signed up for the course and it looks like my sticking point is addressed at length which is awesome.
Did some hot cold after my workout.
One week until phase 2 and recording begins.

Monday motivation. I can't believe how lucky I am to get to spend time practicing today.
Diet was good.
30mins cardio
Cold plunge
Ate some dha
2hrs 20 mins clocked practicing new material today. This will condense to an hour tomorrow now that I know the exercises.

I got to work on my theory too for the first time in ages.

Then the format will be:
Warmup, scales - 30 min
Songs/Barre chord progressions (alternating days) - 30 min
Performance pieces - 40 min
Alternate picking, legato, tapping - 1hr