MakingAComeback said:Dude
You are REALLY putting the work in
So proud of you
I want you to be an epic KYIL success story
Thank you man, our capacity to change as humans is far greater than we think, just takes time.
Physique is back to pre holiday levels, another couple weeks and I will have exceeded it.
More thoughts on women: Had some drama with fwb and basically had to reinforce my boundaries. Had really good sex three times last week and it doesn't really affect my mood unless I practice gratitude. For her it seems to carry a lot more emotional weight to the point she's telling me she loves me. Casual sex really seems like a massive source of trauma for her and gives her feelings about being used but also seems to be the main way she validates herself (through male interest). Makes me feel a bit conflicted as there is something really vulnerable about the feminine and I get glimpses of it sometimes.
Feel less redpilled now and this has served another lesson that happiness really is internal, I only want mutually beneficial relationships but don't feel a need for them either. Maybe my mood and energy is great as I'm on cycle but I feel so chilled out about this stuff that would have bothered me a few months ago.