

Aug 22, 2022
I'm starting an experiment with nicotine lozenges for weight loss--some of the research has me intrigued.

I have 2mg lozenges and I just cut them up into 1mg tabs. In the early going a 1mg lozenge + cup of coffee annihilates my appetite for hours -- I can't even think of eating.

Have any of you tried this and have anything to report?
Looks to me like an easy quick fix that is unsustainable, a bit comparable to crash diets.

I wouldn't recommend you doing this
kratjeuh said:
Looks to me like an easy quick fix that is unsustainable, a bit comparable to crash diets.

I wouldn't recommend you doing this

Seconded. Likely you'll lose weight, but it'll include a lot of muscle. Plus you are likely to rebound and eat it all back. And third, your progress in the gym will slow or stop dead.

This is what anorexia looks like when guys try it.
Another thing: I'm not sure what the addiction potential is for lozenges vs smoking/vaping, but I would be concerned. Nicotine is highly addictive and if you don't already smoke/vape you probably shouldn't be touching other nicotine products.
Why the nicotine? Ditch it and take up some sort of fasting regimen (e.g. intermittent fasting) and possibly change your diet (e.g. low carb) for a few weeks. MakingAComeback practised/practises it at times. I wouldn't do loads of prolonged fasts though whilst working out, though once every few months will help.
I've done it.

I find the nicotine tabs are not a game changer but something to add to my nootropic stack when it's time for "deep work mode."

Use it recreationally just to get a charge and you can develop an addiction, fast.

I purchase the 4mg tablets and used a pill cutter to cut them into 1 mg bits (the tabs are large enough that you can cut them twice). There's 2 mg tablets, but for saving money, just get the 4 mg's and cut them twice. Note: this pill cutting takes time and you may need to do a money saved vs. time spent cutting pills analysis to see if you're losing money by taking the time to cut the 4 mg tabs twice to get 4 x 1mg tabs.

In the beginning, I started popping them so often I developed a mild addiction to them. I'm a non-smoker, so it wasn't getting my fix, it was developing a fix.

I "cured" myself by setting a timer and adding a minute each day. From 1 mg every hour to now every 2 hours. Sometimes I'm not even aware that it's "time" to have another tablet until the alarm goes off. In other words, the mild addiction was conquered and now I'm using them as intended.

Put them in the corner of your cheek, at the gum line and they'll dissolve slowly over the course of an hour or so.

TLDR: they're addictive but if you can discipline yourself, they work both as a mild nootropic and a mild appetite suppressor.
I’ve been using them for the last couple months—maybe a total of like 3-4mg a day, cut up into .5mg lozenges. I’ve found them really good for appetite suppression and a bit of improved focus.