[Noobie] Terrible stats at cold approach

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september said:
will_00 said:
Me: Hey! (wait for eye contact) you're cute/attractive
Her: T-thanks!
Me: What's your name?
Her: Emily
Me: Will, nice to meet you (handshake)
Improvise for around 1 minute or when ran out of things to say and then ask for phone #

heres some improvements taught to me by Troy, colgate's dating coach roommate with >200 daygame lays

- approach from the side and slightly in front, come close to her, and tap her on the elbow or shoulder twice with the back of your hand, like you're getting a friend's attention. dont be autistic about this, obviously if you're approaching from the front anyway, or if she notices you before you come closer, then just move on to saying hey
- say hey and then nothing else. wait for her to say hey back. THEN tell her she's cute etc. this actually makes your frame feel way stronger, you'll see it as soon as you try it
- create a basic filler script that runs for 1-3 minutes and STICK TO IT and focus instead purely on improving your BODY LANGUAGE and TONALITY. Because the words are WAY less important than the script and there's very improvement to be made in speech anyway in daygame - even with optimal game 80% of girls you fuck will be Yes girls who you would've done just fine with, with a boring ass small talk script
- on that note, acting normal is FAR FAR FAR MORE IMPORTANT than running game. you run game ON TOP of acting normal, and NEVER sacrifice acting normal for running more game. ALWAYS try to make it as much of a "normal" conversation and approach as possible, like you're a confident guy who's never heard about any of this game stuff or negging and you just have a chill conversation for a few minutes before grabbing the number and that's it
- I really, really need to emphasize the acting normal part. Really it's more than acting normal, it's being normal. Dress normal, have normal social skills, normal speech, etc.
- acting normal also means like... if there's something weird in the air between you two... like maybe you approached her in a weird way... maybe it's a weird situation (dark at night in an alley)... maybe the conversation just really isn't hitting... CALL IT OUT!!! you're showing you're normal by noticing it and relieving the tension and making it a common thing that yeah haha that was awkward so anyway where are you from etc
- focusing on acting more normal and cutting down on game has given me way better results than any other improvements to game I've made
- how to practice acting normal: socialize as much as possible. and try to have strict standards for what's weird, because usually other people think something is weirder than you do

sample script given to me by Troy btw

hey what's up
you're super cute
what are you up to
you a student or do you work
did you grow up here
(personal addon because I like to negotiate the date in person)
cool what are you doing this week. ok I'll take you out for drinks. are you free tomorrow. alright lets meet at X by Y. awesome
(again just to emphasize this is a personal thing. and IMO you need to be minimally pushy here, like if she's saying she's busy or giving an objection and not working with you to go around it just leave it for the texting phase)
(regardless of anything, after getting the number)
random small talk for like a sentence or two so you don't look like a number bandit


the words dont matter that much and provided the convo isn't super super weird for the 1-3 minutes that you talk, you aren't going to be losing any meaningful amount of lays by having a """"suboptimal"""" conversation. the above script is just a sample but feel free to come up with something that feels more natural to you if its easier to repeat so that you can focus on body language and tone etc

This post should have 1000 thanks.
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