Not seeing any progress on Tinder - need help


Jul 11, 2020
Okay, so about a month ago, I hit a breaking point and decided that I was ready to start really trying to get laid / find a relationship. I've started getting serious about my weight-lifting for the first time in years, started eating like I mean it, and started working on a Tinder / Bumble / Hinge profile. I've always gotten pretty consistent feedback from other people that I'm a physically attractive guy - comments that I'm handsome, girls always laugh at my jokes, stares from girls in high school, that sort of thing. However, I was always convinced that I was essentially unworthy of dating, so I avoided it as much as I could. I focussed almost entirely on working through my issues, but I feel like I'm a decent human being now and I feel like all those years of avoiding dating have left me utterly incapable of even starting.

I've read through Andy's Tinder guide up through Part 3, and I was seeing a bit of initial success for the first week that I had my Tinder profile (about 7 matches), but I'm finding almost no success now and it's extremely demoralizing. This is made even worse by the fact that I've had so many opportunities to date that I rejected in the past, and now it feels like the moment that I'm ready to start dating, the universe is conspiring to make it impossible. I've gotten no matches off of Hinge at all, and a single date on Bumble that turned out to be a catfish. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm going to keep working on improving my pictures, but I'm not entirely sure which pictures I should keep or get rid of from my dating profile. I'm also not sure what I should change about my profile to make it look better. I'm planning on spending the next month or two shredding so that I can just throw a shirtless pic up, but for now I'm probably hovering a bit above 15% bodyfat.

I guess that what I'm looking for is a bit of help - which pictures should I replace first? Are there any changes to my bio that I should make? Pics and bio below.
I won't go too deep into giving advices as I don't get laid myself, but read again the part:
3.1 – The Vibe Your Photos Should Get Across
Your ultimate goal with your photos is to look like a guy who gets laid.

You are giving a nice guy vibe in all those pictures. Don't get demoralised and keep working. I just had my first date after over 1 year, it's a long process, you won't get any quick fixes here.
Def giving way too much of a nice guy vibe, like BouffeQ said, read the tinder guide in its entirety and you will see what you need to change.

Personal advice I would give, get contact lenses asap, we all look more of nice guys with glasses and it affects our prospect. Contact are pretty cheap and unless you have some eyes problems you should get them.

Also get higher quality photos, if you dont have anyone to take photos with, pay for a pro and go on a photoshoot. Since I did that, my D is getting wt with a new girl pussy juice at least once every single week (and many returning customers). I'm the same fucking guy as before the photoshoot, but the photos weren't giving the "get laid" vibe.

Continue reading Andy's guide in its entirety and improve your look, you still have a lot of work to do as we al do