Number of Matches to Aim for Each Week


Apr 27, 2021
Yo guys. I was wondering what amount of matches are necessary to be able to continually set up dates and shit, or even just immediately hook up off the app right away. While traveling I get about 2-3 matches regularly, but closer to 1 when I'm back home. As of now I just don't feel like I have enough matches to just keep playing the numbers game. I think so far out of about about 150-200 matches across Tinder + Bumble I have gotten 3 numbers. I am just following the template 85-90% of the time, but not really getting much beyond those messages. I have a link to my current pictures, which I think are pretty solid. There is only really 1 that I would change and that's just getting a better shirtless picture. Not sure how well you guys are able to do, but I want to get a gauge on the actual amount of matches you need to consistently set shit up.
I don't have a lot of experience, so this is just based on what I see when I look at your photos and what I've noticed from other successful dating profiles (guys who get laid a lot).

Your photos are missing that edge. They look overly friendly and boring (they don't stand out in the huge sea of guys). Your photos probably aren't making girls excited to go out and meet you considering the steep competition on dating apps.

The shirtless photo is decent, as you have a top tier physique, and the blue shirt study photo is ok. The other photos are quite bad.

Don't waste time thinking about useless stuff like "how many matches do I need to accomplish X" and go out and take some better photos, that is what will give you the most success.
Yeah the profile has 0 edge
Your style isnt great
You are alone except for the cow
Weird cropping too
You have a great body but you are wasting it by presenting yourself as 'Mr Nice Guy'

How many matches do i need to get weekly is sort of a newbie question, guys working on their profiles shouldnt be stressing stats.

But I'll give you an answer. If you are going seriously online you should be aiming to send 50-60 openers a week, 30 is the rough minimum.

Do what you need to do to get that done. Boosts multiple at least twice a week on tinder and download as many popular apps in your area as you can.
drifter Radical Would have responded sooner, but didn't get any notifications that the post got any replies. Aight, so I gotta be focused on trying to get pictures with a bit more edge? I can definitely try and aim for better style for those pictures, but was a bit limited when I took them as I was gone on a trip for work. Any general tips you guys would recommend to give off more edge and generate interest? I feel like currently I have above average quality pictures, but looking over them again right now, it definitely seems like I'm not really showing anything exciting off.
I'm new here so take what I say with a grain of salt. Yes, you are coming across as a nice and soft guy, even if you have a great body. I would try to take pictures while doing some badass activity of your liking, anything slightly dangerous will work better (climbing, riding a motorcycle...), try to make more of a smirk than a full smile, maybe try a different haircut. Can you grow a beard?
ShortApe said:
@drifter @Radical Would have responded sooner, but didn't get any notifications that the post got any replies. Aight, so I gotta be focused on trying to get pictures with a bit more edge? I can definitely try and aim for better style for those pictures, but was a bit limited when I took them as I was gone on a trip for work. Any general tips you guys would recommend to give off more edge and generate interest? I feel like currently I have above average quality pictures, but looking over them again right now, it definitely seems like I'm not really showing anything exciting off.

Edge and sexual energy:

Considering edge through style, Radical is a lot better at answering that question, so I'll leave that to him. When I said edge, I was mostly referring to the way your photos looked and what vibe they gave off.

From someone who has seen other dating profiles, your photos are not above average, they are spot on average. Your profile looks like most guys' profile, which is not a good thing, as most guys don't get many matches. You want a well above average profile, not an average one.

Girls need to have a reason to swipe on you over the hundreds of thousands of other guys on the app in your area. The competition is quite steep (8 guys for every 2 girls or something like that), but don't worry, most guys don't put in any effort, so if you do, that will put you in the above average category.

The main issue in your photos is your awkward smile. Some men have good and natural smiles, most don't (my smile is horrible). The smile in your last photo looks incredibly forced and awkward. It also makes you come off as overly "nice" with no sexual energy, it makes you look like the guy who will make a move on the 6th date. There is a reason why people say to not smile in your dating photos, it's almost always a negative.

Current flaws in your photos

The lighting in the first photo is quite bad. You're facing away from the sun, with a bright background, which puts a shadow on your face. The cow is more in focus than yourself. It's a bad photo that will make the majority of girls swipe left before even seeing the rest of your profile.

The second photo has a bit of an awkward pose and is not a great angle for you. I could go into why, but I don't want this to turn into some autistic facial analytics thing, just take more photos and find a flattering angle (we all have some). You can definitely take a much better gym photo.

Since you have a top tier body, you should try and get a really great body shot and maybe lead with that. It will at least filter out girls who are not sexually interested.

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