offwego Tinder pics


Apr 8, 2021
My friend and his friend got together today to shoot pics in the park. Making a thread outside my log to get a bigger pool of people to give me feedback. Here are the results:

I've been called a creep, retard, crazy, and had my mental health questioned twice during the AA program, so, needless to say, you can give brutal feedback on what I could've done better and can do better next time. It won't bother me. I just want to know which pictures are most conducive to getting laid off Tinder and similar apps.

attn Rags2Bitches Radical Reservoir Master and anyone else who got laid through online dating
I thought it was open. You see, that actually hurt my fucking feelings.

Thanks Google.
I like 9 the most.

Followed by 16 and 15.

The mirror pic is creative but it doesn't have the HOT AF look that you want to aim for.

Keep taking more pics.

Ideally the social pics are in a cool environment, and your the dominating focus in the shot (not the friend).

.... Grain of salt needed. I'm still new to OLD. getting decent success but the guys who have been in this for over a year would probably know better.
I like them, maybe one of a big social thing where you're laughing with friends. You got a nice face :)
23 & 7 are good shots for your main - 6 is good too but i prefer the lighting and style of 7

Id include no 20 of the friend shots as you look happy there, although you are wearing the same clothes as the good main pics

Quite like 37 but its a bit bright - see that as a nice 3rd or 4th option

You are more than good looking enough to smash OLD
Still don’t have a phone to edit

9 or 6 for main. I like 23, or a closer crop + edit of 7 less, but could also work for main. Hard to say, needs some testing.

20 is ok

also like 16 and crops of 32 and 35

mirror pic 1 toward the end of the stack would also be ok

you guys should really change locations next time though. Pretty obvious they’re all from one photoshoot. Can fuck with lighting/filters a bit

Haven’t followed your log at all so maybe that’s in the works already but bulking up would take you to another level, esp for cold approach. From “yea he’s cute” to “damn that guy is hot”