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Okay, can we talk about daygaming? (My reservations)


Dec 30, 2021
Be happy
Action begets action
I've lived in NYC for nearly all my life. I know what the culture is like here. It's usually considered taboo to not mind your own business in public.

And in general, I just find the idea of going up to a girl on the street to be weird. What would I even say? Okay, sure, I can say "Hey, my name is Squilliam", but that doesn't really lend itself to much of a conversation unless there is some other sort of commonality.

I looked at the AA program. I don't like it. I get what it's trying to do, and I'm sure it's effective. The thing is, I looked at a few of the days, and some of the drills seem harder than just a normal approach.

If I'm going to be dealing with intense ass approach anxiety, I at least want a chance of getting her number, I don't wanna intentionally say stupid shit in an attempt to desensitize myself to rejection. I'm sure it works but I don't like that aspect of the program.

I guess what scares me so much about cold approaching is just all the unknown variables. It creates a lot of opportunities for fear. Will she tell me to fuck off? Will she say she has a boyfriend? Will she pretend to be interested and then reject me 3 minutes later?

I understand logically that experiencing even the rudest rejections are not as bad as my mind makes it out to be. However I'm also logically aware that I can't logically convince myself to not be anxious about this.

I know the answer. There's a reason why I'm not asking for "tips" to get over this. I know there is no easy way around it, I just have to say fuck it and go outside and stop being a coward. The problem is it's just too easy for me to tap out when the nerves get too intense.

Now here is one thing I'm tempted to do. I could meet up with a few daygaming guys from one of those group chats, if they're willing to take on a newbie. I'm absolutely terrified at the prospect of doing this though, I guess probably because I would have a much harder time backing out, while those guys are with me.

I have exactly one experience in a "cold approach" like scenario, but I don't even think I should call it that as she technically started the conversation. Well, unless you count other times I tried to make conversation with women in public but it wasn't really an approach where I introduced myself and said hi.

Some random girl who was sitting on a bench near me started a conversation with me about photography (I was out taking photos), and I did ask for her snapchat, and I ended up getting her number. That took every ounce of courage I had to do.

But I want to make it happen. I don't want to wait around for girls to talk to me. I want to go out and live. Maybe it is time to go meet some of those guys in real life? Any tips?

I'm sure if I walked around in SoHo or LES, I could find dozens of cute 20 something girls to approach, but another thing is that I'm insecure about the fact that I have a baby face and they're going to think a teenager is hitting on them.

Also, I don't drink, so I'm not really interested in night-gaming, if anybody was going to suggest that instead.
Squilliam said:
I've lived in NYC for nearly all my life. I know what the culture is like here. It's usually considered taboo to not mind your own business in public.

I disagree. I think New York City is one of the most social large cities in the United States.

Squilliam said:
And in general, I just find the idea of going up to a girl on the street to be weird. What would I even say? Okay, sure, I can say "Hey, my name is Squilliam", but that doesn't really lend itself to much of a conversation unless there is some other sort of commonality.


Squilliam said:
I looked at the AA program. I don't like it. I get what it's trying to do, and I'm sure it's effective. The thing is, I looked at a few of the days, and some of the drills seem harder than just a normal approach.

If I'm going to be dealing with intense ass approach anxiety, I at least want a chance of getting her number, I don't wanna intentionally say stupid shit in an attempt to desensitize myself to rejection. I'm sure it works but I don't like that aspect of the program.

I agree. I don't like the AA program either. I think guys need to start approaching with real stakes as soon as possible. But again, I never had AA, so I realize I sound like some natural guy going "just be confident, bro".

Squilliam said:
Now here is one thing I'm tempted to do. I could meet up with a few daygaming guys from one of those group chats, if they're willing to take on a newbie. I'm absolutely terrified at the prospect of doing this though, I guess probably because I would have a much harder time backing out, while those guys are with me.

You should do this. Here is the Game New York City Telegram group.

Squilliam said:
I'm sure if I walked around in SoHo or LES, I could find dozens of cute 20 something girls to approach, but another thing is that I'm insecure about the fact that I have a baby face and they're going to think a teenager is hitting on them.

You're honestly better off being young than being old. I got hella shit for my old age from all the baddies in Washington Square Park.
pancakemouse said:
I disagree. I think New York City is one of the most social large cities in the United States.
Maybe that's just my perception. If I remember correctly, didn't you say in your blog post that lots of girls in NYC didn't even stop when you tried approaching them? Or is that just not exclusive to NYC? I feel like New Yorkers often develop this very avoidant attitude towards attention they don't like. Heck, the way I respond to homeless people, is probably the same the way that girls reject guys they don't like. Walking away and ignoring any verbal abuse.

Thanks for the video. Honestly, I cringe SO HARD at the thought of me going up to some girl and telling her she's cute or attractive. That's just, so fucking, I don't know. Whatever. I guess that's just another mental barrier I'm going to have to overcome.

pancakemouse said:
You should do this. Here is the Game New York City Telegram group.
Thanks. Now I have no valid excuse to not take this further. I'm going to join at the very least and see what's up. I would need to go out with someone more experienced than me.

pancakemouse said:
You're honestly better off being young than being old. I got hella shit for my old age from all the baddies in Washington Square Park.
Lol, I mean, that girl I got the number of was 23 I think. So I guess age doesn't really matter too much as long as she's in her early 20s or so.

Thanks for your response.
Squilliam said:
I've lived in NYC for nearly all my life. I know what the culture is like here. It's usually considered taboo to not mind your own business in public.

Having sex with someone you just met is also pretty taboo, so what?
Also I've been to NYC, alone, and talked to a ton of people randomly in public. They're not that much more unwelcoming or antisocial or anything than anywhere else, it went just fine. Have you ever even tried talking to a bunch of random people?

Squilliam said:
And in general, I just find the idea of going up to a girl on the street to be weird. What would I even say? Okay, sure, I can say "Hey, my name is Squilliam", but that doesn't really lend itself to much of a conversation unless there is some other sort of commonality.

Okay, then say something that DOES lend itself to much of a conversation. Or push through the awkward and have a conversation anyway. Or don't have a conversation and just immediately ask for her number. Later parts of the AA program, and other GLL articles literally have ENTIRE SCRIPTS and examples. You don't need to have a normal conversation or commonality or anything.

Squilliam said:
I looked at the AA program. I don't like it. I get what it's trying to do, and I'm sure it's effective. The thing is, I looked at a few of the days, and some of the drills seem harder than just a normal approach.
Have you tried it before deciding you don't like it? The point is that it's harder. I've only done parts of it but it was, really fun (if a little scary sometimes) and totally changed my outlook on talking to people in general, not just girls.

Squilliam said:
If I'm going to be dealing with intense ass approach anxiety, I at least want a chance of getting her number, I don't wanna intentionally say stupid shit in an attempt to desensitize myself to rejection. I'm sure it works but I don't like that aspect of the program.

Okay, so don't say stupid shit, go up and DO try to get her number instead of saying stupid shit. Or do say stupid shit and try to get her number anyway.
A couple months ago I was at a place where I didn't have the logistics to get a girl home so I wasn't even looking to get laid and just fucking around saying stupid shit. I was bored so I asked a couple girls "What's your favorite flavor of bowling ball" (yes, from The Game, not going off most of that but I thought that line was hilarious) One of them offered her number without me even asking when I said I was about to leave
There's also a bit of a weight off your shoulders when you know no one's judging "you" for what you're doing. If you get bad reactions to the AA program (at least early on, you VERY rarely do) it's almost always a reaction to the program and the stupid shit you're saying, rather than a reaction to you as a person. That's a hell of a lot easier to stomach.

Squilliam said:
I guess what scares me so much about cold approaching is just all the unknown variables. It creates a lot of opportunities for fear. Will she tell me to fuck off? Will she say she has a boyfriend? Will she pretend to be interested and then reject me 3 minutes later?
There's always 10,000,00,0,001 variables, you don't get to control them, or fear, ever.
You just stop caring as much.

Squilliam said:
I understand logically that experiencing even the rudest rejections are not as bad as my mind makes it out to be. However I'm also logically aware that I can't logically convince myself to not be anxious about this.
If only there were a LITERALLY A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE to help you deal with the anxiety of those kinds of rejections

Squilliam said:
I know the answer. There's a reason why I'm not asking for "tips" to get over this. I know there is no easy way around it, I just have to say fuck it and go outside and stop being a coward. The problem is it's just too easy for me to tap out when the nerves get too intense.

You're not pushing yourself, you're blaming yourself.
More than anything else here, that is NOT the answer.

Believe me, I know, I'm doing the same constantly, most of us humans tend to do that.
It feels like a way to solve the problem, if you'rejust "being a coward" then you just have to stop doing that and it's all good. The problem is, what happens when you CAN'T just snap yourself into instantly stopping "being a coward"? Then there's nowhere else to go, that "logically" leads to "well then it's my fault and I can't fix it so there must be something wrong with me".
Just about everything here and on GLL is built around the exact OPPOSITE idea - take small actions TODAY that you CAN take TODAY and let that build up to the big things. Be it your tinder profile, diet, the gym, or your AA, you can't instantly fix it by wanting to. Same way you couldn't walk into a gym for the first time in your life and bench 300lbs, unless you're in the top 0.01% of naturals, you can't just "stop being a coward" and hit on girls instantly. Chris didn't. Andy didn't. Radical didn't. What makes you special that you don't have to go through the same shit as the rest of us?

You're not a coward if you're trying to actually face this. You are if you're just looking for rationale to give up, like "well I didn't just stop being a coward so I must BE a coward so I'm just destined to never get laid".

Not being able to "just say fuck it and stop being a coward" is COMPLETELY NORMAL and NOT COWARDICE.
Even the man himself, Chris, said that "beating AA" was being able to go up to 9 out of 10 girls. Not 10/10, not 99/100, 9 out of 10.
After a three digit number of lays, thousands of approaches, even he still expects to be afraid, and give into that fear, sometimes.

Squilliam said:
Now here is one thing I'm tempted to do. I could meet up with a few daygaming guys from one of those group chats, if they're willing to take on a newbie. I'm absolutely terrified at the prospect of doing this though, I guess probably because I would have a much harder time backing out, while those guys are with me.
That sounds like EXACTLY THE THING TO DO then. Give in to your temptation.
Just do it, bro. Getting over your AA will translate into success with dating in general, social skills, and destroying limited self beliefs you have.

I did the AA program years ago and eliminated 90% of approach anxiety. I definitely wasn’t a natural like pancakemouse so needed the baby steps because my experience with women was 0. There was no way I could go out alone and hit on a woman directly. That’s why I did the program.

Now I have AA again because I stopped approaching for like 5 years. But it’s going away.

You’re in a great spot. There’s a freaking day gaming group in your area that’ll accelerate your learning. I would’ve killed for something like that when I first started. Definitely give it a shot. Just remember you’re going to bomb hard and consistently. Then remind yourself that it’s okay. As GLL and Andy say…you have unlimited tries to approach.

If you can talk to anyone anywhere then your dates will run better. You’ll open people naturally anywhere and it’ll be easier to make friends leading to a more active social life…leading to more women.

I’m of the belief cold approach shouldn’t be your only avenue of getting women. Use everything - dating apps, social circle, meetup.com events, and then do cold approach sessions if you’d like.

Some guys here are more driven than I am and push themselves to go out everyday for hours. I’m a lazy sumbitch and my goal is to overcome AA so I can approach as I go about my daily life. If I need to go grocery shopping and see a pretty girl then I’ll approach. Replace grocery shopping with any other errand you can think of.

Just my 2 cents. You can do whatever the fuck you wanna do.
Squilliam said:
pancakemouse said:
I disagree. I think New York City is one of the most social large cities in the United States.
Maybe that's just my perception. If I remember correctly, didn't you say in your blog post that lots of girls in NYC didn't even stop when you tried approaching them? Or is that just not exclusive to NYC? I feel like New Yorkers often develop this very avoidant attitude towards attention they don't like. Heck, the way I respond to homeless people, is probably the same the way that girls reject guys they don't like. Walking away and ignoring any verbal abuse.

Thanks for the video. Honestly, I cringe SO HARD at the thought of me going up to some girl and telling her she's cute or attractive. That's just, so fucking, I don't know. Whatever. I guess that's just another mental barrier I'm going to have to overcome.

I agree with you on street approaching. Approach in stores and coffee shops. Hit on neighbors and while buying groceries. Hit on cashiers or a girl alone eating in a restaurant. You don't HAVE to go to downtown or to some crowded mall to hit on girls. You don't have to hit on girls in front of tons of people. You don't even have to say "you're cute", just start a convo and ask for the number or some other form of contact before going your way.

Edit: I just went to a random gas station to buy chips, the cashier(f) gave me a random compliment, I couldn't stop smiling for a few minutes. It's totally not weird to compliment women. At worst, you can make their day, at best, you get laid.
PinchePendejo said:
Just do it, bro. Getting over your AA will translate into success with dating in general, social skills, and destroying limited self beliefs you have.

I did the AA program years ago and eliminated 90% of approach anxiety. I definitely wasn’t a natural like @pancakemouse so needed the baby steps because my experience with women was 0. There was no way I could go out alone and hit on a woman directly. That’s why I did the program.

Now I have AA again because I stopped approaching for like 5 years. But it’s going away.

You’re in a great spot. There’s a freaking day gaming group in your area that’ll accelerate your learning. I would’ve killed for something like that when I first started. Definitely give it a shot. Just remember you’re going to bomb hard and consistently. Then remind yourself that it’s okay. As GLL and Andy say…you have unlimited tries to approach.

If you can talk to anyone anywhere then your dates will run better. You’ll open people naturally anywhere and it’ll be easier to make friends leading to a more active social life…leading to more women.

I’m of the belief cold approach shouldn’t be your only avenue of getting women. Use everything - dating apps, social circle, meetup.com events, and then do cold approach sessions if you’d like.

Some guys here are more driven than I am and push themselves to go out everyday for hours. I’m a lazy sumbitch and my goal is to overcome AA so I can approach as I go about my daily life. If I need to go grocery shopping and see a pretty girl then I’ll approach. Replace grocery shopping with any other errand you can think of.

Just my 2 cents. You can do whatever the fuck you wanna do.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
Have you tried it before deciding you don't like it? The point is that it's harder. I've only done parts of it but it was, really fun (if a little scary sometimes) and totally changed my outlook on talking to people in general, not just girls.

Know what, one thing I didn't consider is that I'm looking at the AA program through the lens of someone with considerable social anxiety. When I skipped ahead to something like day 16 to read the drills, it was saying some super weird shit, I couldn't imagine myself saying that. However, I now realize that I would've had 2 weeks of social desensitization before getting to that point.

Honestly, I'm genuinely considering giving this a shot. My mental pressure is getting turned up. I want social freedom. I hate being paralyzed by fear. Even asking strangers for the time gives me a decent amount of anxiety.

And I can't seem to get this out of my head.

My main concern is that GLL says this:
If you have moderate to extreme social anxiety, you will not be getting much pussy via cold approach. Approaching women and having consistent success is next to impossible. I have not seen one clear exception to this rule. The exceptions, which I will write about later, are guys with low to moderate social anxiety who have other advantages that they are able to leverage.

I'm not sure if this applies to me, my social anxiety is actually not that bad in a lot of situations, it's mostly with women that I struggle with. Even doing the time drills seems daunting and it makes me want to procrastinate.

Also, it seems some of the drills involve touching random women on the arm in bars and stuff like that. That seems genuinely dangerous, and would make me get perceived as a creep. If she has a BF I could literally just get punched in the face.

Thanks for your responses. Very detailed and thorough.

1v1mekid said:
Squilliam said:
Maybe that's just my perception. If I remember correctly, didn't you say in your blog post that lots of girls in NYC didn't even stop when you tried approaching them? Or is that just not exclusive to NYC? I feel like New Yorkers often develop this very avoidant attitude towards attention they don't like. Heck, the way I respond to homeless people, is probably the same the way that girls reject guys they don't like. Walking away and ignoring any verbal abuse.

Thanks for the video. Honestly, I cringe SO HARD at the thought of me going up to some girl and telling her she's cute or attractive. That's just, so fucking, I don't know. Whatever. I guess that's just another mental barrier I'm going to have to overcome.

I agree with you on street approaching. Approach in stores and coffee shops. Hit on neighbors and while buying groceries. Hit on cashiers or a girl alone eating in a restaurant. You don't HAVE to go to downtown or to some crowded mall to hit on girls. You don't have to hit on girls in front of tons of people. You don't even have to say "you're cute", just start a convo and ask for the number or some other form of contact before going your way.

Edit: I just went to a random gas station to buy chips, the cashier(f) gave me a random compliment, I couldn't stop smiling for a few minutes. It's totally not weird to compliment women. At worst, you can make their day, at best, you get laid.
The problem is, Pancake says I have to flirt more if I want to create sexual interest. If I just have a platonic conversation, won't she see me more as a friend? Subtle flirting seems to make sense, as ambiguity is a great element to tease girls.

As I said, I had been through this before, once. I did have a platonic conversation only pretty much, but still got her contact info. I feel like if I want to get quick lays I need to be more flirty though.
1v1mekid said:
Squilliam said:
Maybe that's just my perception. If I remember correctly, didn't you say in your blog post that lots of girls in NYC didn't even stop when you tried approaching them? Or is that just not exclusive to NYC? I feel like New Yorkers often develop this very avoidant attitude towards attention they don't like. Heck, the way I respond to homeless people, is probably the same the way that girls reject guys they don't like. Walking away and ignoring any verbal abuse.

Thanks for the video. Honestly, I cringe SO HARD at the thought of me going up to some girl and telling her she's cute or attractive. That's just, so fucking, I don't know. Whatever. I guess that's just another mental barrier I'm going to have to overcome.

I agree with you on street approaching. Approach in stores and coffee shops. Hit on neighbors and while buying groceries. Hit on cashiers or a girl alone eating in a restaurant. You don't HAVE to go to downtown or to some crowded mall to hit on girls. You don't have to hit on girls in front of tons of people. You don't even have to say "you're cute", just start a convo and ask for the number or some other form of contact before going your way.

Edit: I just went to a random gas station to buy chips, the cashier(f) gave me a random compliment, I couldn't stop smiling for a few minutes. It's totally not weird to compliment women. At worst, you can make their day, at best, you get laid.
The problem is, Pancake says I have to flirt more if I want to create sexual interest. If I just have a platonic conversation, won't she see me more as a friend? Subtle flirting seems to make sense, as ambiguity is a great element to tease girls.

As I said, I had been through this before, once. I did have a platonic conversation only pretty much, but still got her contact info. I feel like if I want to get quick lays I need to be more flirty though.
"Know what, one thing I didn't consider is that I'm looking at the AA program through the lens of someone with considerable social anxiety. When I skipped ahead to something like day 16 to read the drills, it was saying some super weird shit, I couldn't imagine myself saying that. However, I now realize that I would've had 2 weeks of social desensitization before getting to that point."

I'm pretty sure the program says to not skip and read ahead. You are right, it builds up social freedom day by day.

"I'm not sure if this applies to me, my social anxiety is actually not that bad in a lot of situations, it's mostly with women that I struggle with. Even doing the time drills seems daunting and it makes me want to procrastinate.

Also, it seems some of the drills involve touching random women on the arm in bars and stuff like that. That seems genuinely dangerous, and would make me get perceived as a creep. If she has a BF I could literally just get punched in the face."

Just do the program then. Nothing is going to happen, that's part of what the program instills in you. If you get the 1/10,000 situation where you get punched in the face, you get punched in the face. Wow.

"The problem is, Pancake says I have to flirt more if I want to create sexual interest. If I just have a platonic conversation, won't she see me more as a friend? Subtle flirting seems to make sense, as ambiguity is a great element to tease girls."

Discuss this shit after you've actually taken action and done hundreds of approaches. Right now all you are doing is mentally jacking yourself off.
Squilliam said:
I'm not sure if this applies to me, my social anxiety is actually not that bad in a lot of situations, it's mostly with women that I struggle with. Even doing the time drills seems daunting and it makes me want to procrastinate.

In the same sentence you say that your social anxiety isn't bad but then say that you struggle with women (aka half of the population) and that the time drill is daunting. Don't kid yourself, your social anxiety is bad. If you use safe, controlled environments to gage your social anxiety (ie being in a party with male friends, people you know and their social circle) you won't have a clear picture.

Squilliam said:
I feel like if I want to get quick lays I need to be more flirty though.

If you want to get quick lays, forget about the AA program and cold approaching. Instead, get great Tinder pics and boost like a mofo. Cold approaching takes time and is horrible for guys who think things to the point of paralysis.
It's clear you have emotions and beliefs regarding cold approaching in your area. What do you expect us to do? Give you rational arguments that will flip your emotions and beliefs? Ain't gonna happen. We could write a 500-page book about why it's OK to approach, share 10,000 examples of interactions that went fine, but you'll still be afraid about the 0.0001% of scenarios that something might go wrong.

We can't help you with our words until you prove that you want to help yourself with your actions.
NewFoundResolve said:
Just do the program then. Nothing is going to happen, that's part of what the program instills in you. If you get the 1/10,000 situation where you get punched in the face, you get punched in the face. Wow.
I don't know, this just genuinely seems like it could be perceived as harassment and could get me arrested. I also don't drink anymore and I prefer to avoid environments where people are drunk.

NewFoundResolve said:
Discuss this shit after you've actually taken action and done hundreds of approaches. Right now allyou are doing is mentally jacking yourself off.
Well, one reason I brought it up is because I realized I don't have very good seduction skills for online dating either. Every lay I got, the girl was DTF and horny, and did most of the work for me. Then again, I guess most girls who will hookup with you are going to end up being both of those things.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
In the same sentence you say that your social anxiety isn't bad but then say that you struggle with women (aka half of the population) and that the time drill is daunting. Don't kid yourself, your social anxiety is bad. If you use safe, controlled environments to gage your social anxiety (ie being in a party with male friends, people you know and their social circle) you won't have a clear picture.
So then I shouldn't attempt this program? Seems possible that I'll just make myself more afraid, and then scare myself out of approaching girls ever again.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
If you want to get quick lays, forget about the AA program and cold approaching. Instead, get great Tinder pics and boost like a mofo. Cold approaching takes time and is horrible for guys who think things to the point of paralysis.
I'm working on that too. But I don't want to rely solely on dating apps to get women.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
It's clear you have emotions and beliefs regarding cold approaching in your area. What do you expect us to do? Give you rational arguments that will flip your emotions and beliefs? Ain't gonna happen. We could write a 500-page book about why it's OK to approach, share 10,000 examples of interactions that went fine, but you'll still be afraid about the 0.0001% of scenarios that something might go wrong.

Yeah I get that. I'm not asking for some magic fix. I know that at the end of the day I have to go out and do it. The touching thing just has me feeling extremely apprehensive, that's the main reason I don't want to start this program. I feel relatively confident I could push myself to do the time drills. Do you think it would be beneficial to start the program, and just see how it goes, even if I don't get to the end?
Squilliam said:
Recently, I learned that GLL as a whole is actually a fraud. Makes me even more skeptical about this.

Faking infields != fraud.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Squilliam said:
I'm not sure if this applies to me, my social anxiety is actually not that bad in a lot of situations, it's mostly with women that I struggle with. Even doing the time drills seems daunting and it makes me want to procrastinate.

In the same sentence you say that your social anxiety isn't bad but then say that you struggle with women (aka half of the population) and that the time drill is daunting. Don't kid yourself, your social anxiety is bad. If you use safe, controlled environments to gage your social anxiety (ie being in a party with male friends, people you know and their social circle) you won't have a clear picture.

Squilliam said:
I feel like if I want to get quick lays I need to be more flirty though.

If you want to get quick lays, forget about the AA program and cold approaching. Instead, get great Tinder pics and boost like a mofo. Cold approaching takes time and is horrible for guys who think things to the point of paralysis.
It's clear you have emotions and beliefs regarding cold approaching in your area. What do you expect us to do? Give you rational arguments that will flip your emotions and beliefs? Ain't gonna happen. We could write a 500-page book about why it's OK to approach, share 10,000 examples of interactions that went fine, but you'll still be afraid about the 0.0001% of scenarios that something might go wrong.

We can't help you with our words until you prove that you want to help yourself with your actions.

I'm interested in the 500-page ebook, where do I sign up?
Also, do you know if there's any techniques to make every woman smile at me? I'm willing to mortgage my house to learn the art of pick up, but god forbid actually going downtown and talking to a bunch of girls, it's inexpensive and takes only a couple of hours but I hate being rejected!
Squilliam said:
Recently, I learned that GLL as a whole is actually a fraud. Makes me even more skeptical about this.

Out ouf curiosity, where did you learn that?
Sprezza said:
Squilliam said:
Recently, I learned that GLL as a whole is actually a fraud. Makes me even more skeptical about this.

Out ouf curiosity, where did you learn that?
From a game telegram group chat. Pancake says that faking infields doesn't make him a fraud, but I'm not sure I agree.
You're either going to do it or you won't. Not sure what the point of this thread even is.

There are a few guys in this space whose advice helped me in a real, tangible, practical way. Chris is one of them. I don't give two shits if he's a "fraud" or not. He could have outsourced all his writing to a ghostwriter for all I care. I tried it and it worked.

And you haven't tried it, and you're looking for excuses to keep not trying.
Holden said:
You're either going to do it or you won't. Not sure what the point of this thread even is.

There are a few guys in this space whose advice helped me in a real, tangible, practical way. Chris is one of them. I don't give two shits if he's a "fraud" or not. He could have outsourced all his writing to a ghostwriter for all I care. I tried it and it worked.

And you haven't tried it, and you're looking for excuses to keep not trying.
I never said the program itself doesn't work, my point is that him being dishonest at times makes me feel skeptical about aspects of it. I did do the first day of the AA program. I felt extremely burned out and anxious afterwards.

GLL himself said that guys with moderate to high social anxiety shouldn't be doing the AA program anyways until they have worked on their social anxiety. And judging by how I felt after the first day, I think there's a strong possibility that I'm in that category.

I get it though. You're right. This post is pointless, I wish I could delete it now as I have my answer. I will either choose at some point to overcome the fear, or I won't. I wanna stop making false promises and saying bullshit, I just want to be straight to the point and honest.
This really seems like a convoluted way of asking public permission to not do something you didn't want to do anyway.
Zug said:
This really seems like a convoluted way of asking public permission to not do something you didn't want to do anyway.

You're right. After doing the first day of the AA program and making myself unbearably anxious and dreadful, I don't want to do this.

As I mentioned, GLL said that guys with moderate to severe social anxiety shouldn't be doing the program until social anxiety is worked on.

So for now, I'm going to continue socializing with women in other environments, like in the rock climbing gym, because the street is way too intimidating for me right now, and I'm pretty sure I reinforced my fears.