Olaf fashion thread


Aug 30, 2021
Avoid mental breakdowns
It's not over until I win
Ngl i'm fucking clueless when it comes to fashion. I've been wearing sweatpants and hoodies for 8 years, before that i dressed like a teenager.

lets go
Go read the style part of the tinder guide and just do what it says there. Generally: wear more black and more accessories to get laid
Yea, I have. Here is my first outfit.
I wanted something thats somewhat formal and the outfits in the pics is what the lady in the store reccomended lmao
Solid start. I don't love the Chelsea boots - they look cheap, but could probably be hidden a bit by looping your jeans over them.

Great pose and facial expression, too.
pancakemouse said:
Solid start. I don't love the Chelsea boots - they look cheap, but could probably be hidden a bit by looping your jeans over them.

Great pose and facial expression, too.
thanks man. boots are from zara 80 bucks. What kind of setting for a photoshoot would you reccomed with this outfit?
I bought these boots because I wanted to build an outfit based on them, anyone have any reccomendations for what would go with it?
Olafsmash said:
I bought these boots because I wanted to build an outfit based on them, anyone have any reccomendations for what would go with it?

pancakemouse Wow that look's amazing. I went to the store with the mission to find a couple of cargo pants, and found these. Jackets i couldnt find any that looked promising. This is the current look.
not sure if i can rock a leather jacket with these pants but i can always just buy different pants if needed. They were pretty cheap so not gonna bother returning them. will try to go for the look you linked.
Heres a few leather jackets i found online that closest resembles the one you linked (and in my price range):
Just copypasting this from my main log and posting the outfit here too. Just to document

Ok so something did bother me today. I went with my outfit and I felt like I didn't pull it off at all. Felt small, felt like my chicken legs ruins the outfit, the pants seem abit lose, they are also too long i figured out, felt like the loser who bought an outfit that he can't pull off, questioned if any girls likes it etc. lots of shit like this. It just didnt feel like me at all. Felt like an imposter. Now the question is, does it look any good at all? objectivly? I hope to get some feedback if this looks good at all or if i just look like a tryhard loser.
i've seen plenty of people who doesnt pull of the leather jacket look and im wondering if i am one of them.
I'm also wondering where the heck am on the attractivness scale? GLL said to get above avarage, am I there? What number am I? I'm pretty damn insecure to be honest. I've gone ahead and spent 2000bucks just to have hair i can glue on my head, just to look better. i dont really give a shit wether im bald or not, i just want it to be easier to get laid.
The idea is great but it's just a bit off in execution, as you note.

The belt buckle looks a bit big. Definitely untuck your shirt at a minimum.

The jeans look cheap and they just don't fit you that well.

I personally would not wear a watch and a leather jacket at the same time (mostly because it's often going to be covered by the sleeve of the jacket.

Your face is great.
pancakemouse said:
The idea is great but it's just a bit off in execution, as you note.

The belt buckle looks a bit big. Definitely untuck your shirt at a minimum.

The jeans look cheap and they just don't fit you that well.

I personally would not wear a watch and a leather jacket at the same time (mostly because it's often going to be covered by the sleeve of the jacket.

Your face is great.

thanks for your input. i'll ditch the watch yea, it's always covered. the pants were 70 bucks. You telling me it works if i fix the pants and belt buckle? i'll return the pants and buy new ones.
Upated biker jacket outfit, bought new pants and belt buckle. feels a lot better now. will play around with different shoes later, it's too hot to use this at this season anyway. feels like the boots are abit big and then comes my skinny af calves. Idk.

Does it work?
basic outfit, the stuff Radical reccomends in the newbie guide
looks good to me
I found this oversized tshirt at the store and really liked it. makes me look bigger. slim fits make me look small AF.
i liked this and hope it passes. looks good to me
i'll definatly use more oversized i think
not sure if this is how you tie these shoes :)
should i use chains on the pants in any of these outfits?
lmao is this thing supposed to be this big
its a small
Olafsmash said:
pancakemouse said:
Solid start. I don't love the Chelsea boots - they look cheap, but could probably be hidden a bit by looping your jeans over them.

Great pose and facial expression, too.
thanks man. boots are from zara 80 bucks. What kind of setting for a photoshoot would you reccomed with this outfit?

Honestly, man, you can get away with cheap Timberland knockoffs as long as they look like the real thing. I get compliments on them all the time.