SpongeBob said:
Hey Big MAC, thanks for checking on me but don't worry, I'm still on track

. I haven't been posting because I was in Spain for the holidays at a friend's, the coming post is going to be quite long so i didn't want to do it on my phone.
First of all, happy new year to all. May 2022 be the breakthrough year for all of you, may you reach your goals and find fulfilment in your lives.
I really enjoyed myself in Spain and it was refreshing to say the least. It was a much needed time outside of my routine. But, of course, I didn't totally stop working on myself:
- I kept working out, even without access to the gym, thanks to my gymnastic rings I managed to find a place to hang them and do my 3 workouts for the week
- I worked on my honesty and self acceptance by sharing my struggles to my friend. I've always had shame regarding my dating life, it was uncomfortable to talk about this, but this is part of who my story, so I need to accept it
- I've booked a photoshoot in January with a photographer specialised in dating pictures
2021 has been a difficult year. The breakup with my ex has coloured the entire year, especially the 2nd half. It was hands down the most difficult time of my life. It sucked. But it was also, I think, a pivotal year that really opened my eyes on the fact that I really need to fix my dating life. I need to heal that part of myself that has been hurt by my years of "affective void" if I want to be able to have that long term relationship that I want. I want to become emotionally secure and be a positive presence in the women that I encounter. But here are some key accomplishments that I've realised in the last trimester:
- Totally stopped pornography. I went cold turkey on that one, and I think I'm starting to see the benefits. I'm feeling more attracted to the "normal chick"
- I've reached an important personal milestone: I'm starting 2022 at 80kg. You have no idea how happy I am to finally putting some weight. My pecs are showing a bit, and I fill my sleeves a bit more. I'm on track to reach my goal of 85kg. But I think now I need to pay more attention to the macros to bulk in a leaner way.
- I've deadlifted 100kg (which isn't even my max as I could do 3x8 reps)
- I've discovered an ugly truth about myself, the fact that I didn't really like myself, this is going to be a focus in 2022
All in all, while there has been some accomplishments, I'm not very happy with how the year went. 2022 is going to be better, because I give myself permission to do everything possible to fix my dating life which is the big dark hole in my life.
So in the coming 6 months, my focus is going to be on the following points:
- Learn to love myself. To stop destroying myself for my failures, and learn to embrace my flaws.
- Move on once and for all from my previous relationship, even though I think it'll be more a consequence from the following points
- Get a fuckbuddy. Personally, having a regular chick that I really appreciate, with whom I can explore some things sexually is more significative than X number of lays
- One lay from cold approach
The plan for the coming weeks is as follow:
I'm leaving for Paris tonight, the coming weeks I'll revamp my wardrobe. That's one of the reason why I wanted to go there. I just hope that the government doesn't decide to shut everything down yet. I know it'll happen, I just hope it won't be next week, to give me some time to do some shopping. I'll prepare 3-4 outfits for the photoshoot and then improve my online profile.
I'll do some cold approach with a wing that have been doing this for 5 years now. It'll be good to be with someone more experienced and that can push me.
I've set my goals for the next 6 months so on the 1st of June, I'll make some new goals for the 2nd part of the year.
Let's get it boys!
I know I'm late to the party and I haven't been on due to personal issues. Family member's cancer getting worse and I had a head injury I was in the hospital for a while with stitches. Interesting note on the head injury since I studied this topic at a graduate school level, I've taken neurobiology, neuroanatomy, and neuroscience.
I've been really angry and emotioanlly less stable and I'm hating people and grudges I already forgave and forgot about are resurfacing. It's strange. Wish I hit my head somewhere that made me a savante. Well, only one way to find out is to try different skills.
And dude, we've all (I think most guys) have eben there. I've had so many break downs recently (life style sucks need to fix it). Where I just wanted to stop existing. But not suicide. I have a LOT of mechanisms in place to prevent that from happening.And I will NEVER end my own life. Men are supposed to be a source of stability, women are chaotic emotional melodramatic (typically), obviously I"m broadstroking the shit out of this concept cuz there's countless exceptions.
But that's my view. Until I can handle my own emotions, I'm basically an unhealthy black hole that should not be in any form of emotional relationship, but physical is okay. Interesting, I don't know why I fall for girls so easily, considering I've done a LOT of genetic tests and one of the experts in charge of the entire genetic testing explained to me that I have a lower level of oxytocin or some chemical I forgot I think it's oxytocin, which makes me less prone to fall in love.
So I think it's because of my abusive childhood and my abusive parents, whenever a girl mistreats me I fall for her. Not healthy. Not something I'm going to EVER tolerate again. I've been reading a lot of self-help and audios, but no action yet. So tantamount to nothing, as KillYourInnerLoser and that other guy I forgot his name (wtf did I hit my head at a memory center?) I don't have my textbooks with me, I'll probably order a cheap old edition of a neuroanatomy textbook to see where I hit my head and what it's associated with.
Hope that's not TMI. I haven't read this thread, just wanted to chime in, maybe it's already been said. Don't be ashamed to cry or let out your emotions. We're all human. I cried over a girl that I never met before. I'm ashamed, but the KillYourInnerLoser and someone else another one of my mentors Bravo (am I allowed to mention other companies? Please censor it if I'm not, I just reread the rules and didn't see that listed. Well he doesn't own a company I don't think.
Both said dwelling on the past is pointless, move forward. Shame is toxic. Regret is toxic. Accept you messed up. Move forward. My mentor who has the best inner game I've ever seen of anyone ever, in the community anyways, maybe even outside the community (I have best friends who date literal models), gave me that advice when I was heartbroken in the past. Accept yourself before anyone else can accept you.
This mentor was a badass (imo), thought he never portrayed himself as one. He would fight people knowing he'd lose. (I'm mentioning this for a reason don't worry, I'm not sucking his dick metaphorically), he got laid a shit ton, over 100 girls (I asked him, he would never advertise that on his own, he left the community after like 2-3 years, his game was already good.
There's 2 types of guys from what I understand in the community, well 2 types in 2 categories.
Category one, overall life:
1. Lifestyle Guy: You just want to have a rocking lifestyle and will even turn down sex. Priority is never women.
2. Mastery Guy: You're aiming to get better, beyond minimal sexual satisfaction. Downside: Most guys here lower their standards.
Second category, skill level of guys entering this self-help / pick-up community:
1. Guys who know nothing and have to start from scratch (metaphorically drawing the dots that you later connect or having no puzzle pieces and finding the pieces).
2. Guys who are near or are naturals who already have most of the puzzle and most of the dots who are just connecting small gaps in their game.
Oh yeah, the reason I was bragging about my mentor above was because he was telling me things I couldn't believe he did. he literally hugs himself at emotionally traumatic times while he cried and patted himself on the back and told himself, "It's okay Roger (not real name), everything will be okay, let it out."
I've also noticed my natural friends who are good with girls never hold grudges are it's really hard to piss them off. They forgive and let things go. All of them believe in karma. One has been jumped numerous times and has never had the desire to get revenge. This was in high school where I used to be a "bad ass" (weighed 140 and could bench press 275 and had been training in MMA with literal cage fighters and held my own, got in life a fight like monthly). My point of mentioning that is I would've fought for him and I could've easily rounded up a group of people to back me up that outnumbered the guys who jumped him. He didn't even consider my offer for a second.
I'm not longer into "being a bad ass" and don't want to be considered that or viewed as that. I try not to even mention my past. I have 5 arrests (all before 18 years old so my record is clean), for getting into fights. One, pretty sure that scares girls. Two, I was 100% compensating. Nobody could tell and even when I tried to tell people, they didn't believe me, I was a virgin like taht entire time and when girls tried to booty call me I was too scared to even meet them so I'd ignore their calls. I'd meet a complete stranger who heard I was talking shit about them and wanted to fight me and I'd fight them, but I was too scared to meet an attractive girl who straight up said they wanted to fuck me.
Goes to show a lot and has made me view intimidating guys differently. It also helped me humility a lot. You have NO idea how capable someone is at fighting. Some of the cage fighters I trained with looked straight up like push overs, but I was a weight class above them, stronger in every where, and yet they could've kicked my ass. So, I never start a fight, and I'm glad to say I haven't been in a physical fight since I was 18, and I'm over a decade older now, and never intend to. Although I did lose my temper and try to fight several people but they backed down, and recently hit someone multiple times and they wouldn't fight back out of fear. So I'm ashamed of that.
Not sure why I'm writing so much. I'm about to work on my grad school appliucations and just answered a ton of emails and was writing an essay so I'm manic right now. Hope what I wrote is helpful to someone. Also, I used to be more mentally ill, so I always carried a weapon (knives, ninja stars, I've even carried around a baseball bat in my pants, I walked like a retard but nobody noticed Iwhy or that I had something in my pants, this was all in high school, mainly was scared of being trash canned, thankfully nobody tried to because I would have ruined my life and entire future) on me and was willing to use it. More reason I don't pick fights with people. I also know people who did the same, and pretty sure they still carry a weapon. I've had people flash guns at me just to show they're "tough guys". I could tell they would not fight unarmed, and they had friends they wanted to impress. But simultaneously, enough peer pressure and they would've probably shot.
I've turned my life around and am now applying to graduate schools, finally got laid after finding the community, stopped compensating (as much, I think everybody does to an extent), turned off all my social media because I was seeking approval too much, i'd keeep hitting refresh and be bummed or emotionally affected if not many people or nobody liked my status. I did find the formula for getting a lot of likes on any post, but it's not worth the time. (The trick is to always comment positively on active users and like their posts a lot, but be close enough to them that they at least acknowledge your comments) Waste of fucking time.
Man I went on another rant. Sorry. Done now.