Online dating log


Aug 17, 2022
tdan187 said:
I'm at 8 girls in 3 weeks btw. Would be 10, but two were gross, so I declined them. Bounced on both after meeting up even though i could tell they were DTF.

Will try to put up a pic of the stripper if she sends me one, cause she is pretty fucking hot. I'm starting to think I want to bang more strippers in the future. And they seem to fuck with me.

Do you have any pictures of your profile? For someone claiming to 'look like shit' and be 'old' and 'short' in another post you seem to be doing well!
Sonofagun said:
Do you have any pictures of your profile? For someone claiming to 'look like shit' and be 'old' and 'short' in another post you seem to be doing well!

Based off your self description of your SMV, and how you describe the girls you're fucking correlated against the proof you send - you're punching significantly above your weight.

I think you mentioned somewhere that you live somewhere with really good demographics. You also seem to just be really chill and confident in a good way.

Is there anything else influencing your success? If you don't want to post your profile, can you give an idea of the archetype and vibes you give off in it?
tdan187 said:
These chicks are alright but def not hot as far as I am concerned. I don't have pics of the latina, the short one, but she is average. 4'10 and has a amazing pussy. But not very hot either.

They are ok, but I want much hotter girls.

And unfortunately I am realizing that it is simply not going to happen with OLD.

Even my ex, she is fairly hot, but not top tier by far.

Honestly though with how I look and where I come from in terms of social awkwardness and just being a weak loser in general, I am doing incredibly well.

Like insanely good. But it doesn't matter cause I want to do better.

Sometimes i get angry too and think about how much easier it is for better looking guys. Or at least I used to. I don't even think about it anymore. Cause that has literally nothing to do with me.

All I care about at this point is how I can fuck hot girls. Not some other dude. So I've learned to completely remove and ignore such thinking from my mind.

Post a pic of what you think is a hot girl.

Daygame is not a panacea. If you think just by doing it you're going to be able to consistently bang girls 3+ points above your SMV then you are bound to be disappointed. I've had 16 lays from daygame thus far and while some of them have been very hot, others have been the same standard as ones I've had from online.

Also, we asked for a pic of your profile - not girls.
tdan187 said:
Just pulled some huge tits latina from tinder and spent the last 24 hours with her.

what was her age? You're a few years older than me and I'm interested in what age range you're successful at.
And did you post you pics somewhere? Would like to see which pics you are using.

cheers mate
this is interesting because i occasionaly see some 19 yo girls with arabic dudes that aren't very attractive but are "cool" to this girls i can give you real life examples

i know this guy personally and he's arabic like me, he's not what i consider stylish and edgy but he's 19 yo girlfried is very hot

after checking his girlfriends ig i found out she has a classmate, another 19 yo even hotter then her, that has another arabic boyfriend, i'm talking about the girl in the green bikini
i have to say that after hearing them talking live this girls are not super intelligent hahahah but they're still the 19yo i like

they're boyfriends have bad social media pictures and don't use tinder and met them through social circle

this might be a niche though or a fetish because the other 19 yo hotties i know are with white skinny guys with cute face and long hair (but no muscle)..
Thrice said:
this is interesting because i occasionaly see some 19 yo girls with arabic dudes that aren't very attractive but are "cool" to this girls i can give you real life examples

i know this guy personally and he's arabic like me, he's not what i consider stylish and edgy but he's 19 yo girlfried is very hot

after checking his girlfriends ig i found out she has a classmate, another 19 yo even hotter then her, that has another arabic boyfriend, i'm talking about the girl in the green bikini
i have to say that after hearing them talking live this girls are not super intelligent hahahah but they're still the 19yo i like

they're boyfriends have bad social media pictures and don't use tinder and met them through social circle

this might be a niche though or a fetish because the other 19 yo hotties i know are with white skinny guys with cute face and long hair (but no muscle)..

Guy on the last pic is really attractive imo
Thrice said:
they're boyfriends have bad social media pictures and don't use tinder and met them through social circle

this might be a niche though or a fetish because the other 19 yo hotties i know are with white skinny guys with cute face and long hair (but no muscle)..
That makes sense. You see people frequently spout, "I see plenty of mediocre looking guys with hot girls". and those relationships almost always formed from a social circle. Never from online dating. The truth is, until your profile is maxed out and conveys your attractiveness effectively, the quality of girls you can attain from online dating will most likely be worse than in real life.

In real life you can display value a lot more easily, whereas online girls can just reject you for any arbitrary thing they decide.

And yes, I've seen plenty of hot young girls with tall skinny white guys. It's pretty common.
Squilliam said:
The truth is, until your profile is maxed out and conveys your attractiveness effectively, the quality of girls you can attain from online dating will most likely be worse than in real life.

exactly, even if those arabic guys are nothing special to get the girls they have i need a maxed out online profile, they themselves would've not matched those girls on tinder, and if they break up they can only get other girls like that through social circle and not tinder, this is just how girls work, they need to be very impressed online
Thing is, she was your ex for a reason. You said yourself that your ex is insane and toxic.

From my perspective, this whole situation honestly sounds like a recipe for disaster.

However, I'm not going to tell you what to do. Ultimately you need to decide what is best for you.
The first thing you need to do is write down and really figure out what you want to achieve, how you are going to achieve this and which sacrifices you are willing to make.

Right now you are so wishy washy. Changing your thinking proces daily makes it impossible to create strong habits.

Get off the drugs until your mind is clear and then build the roadmap. Try to fix your eating habits but don’t see this as an utmost priority.

Logically you know all the right steps. You have to be honest with yourself. Maybe this life of improvement isn’t for you, more than 90% fail to continue this journey so I will never talk down on you.

I think you have it in you to 180 your entire life. Ultimately it’s you who needs to do the action.
tdan187 said:
I feel like I should just be honest in my log. I love her too much and I'm just not ready to leave yet. Cause if I was, I'd do it obviously. I realized I wasn't even truly "leaving her" in the first place anyways.

If I wanted to leave her I could have just ditched her at her dad's and blocked her and changed my number. For me to leave her it will have to be total and complete. There is no wishy washy way to do it.

For now I'm staying and just focusing on self improvement while being with her.

Nothing is wrong with this. A big part of growth is being true to who you are, even if other people on the outside have different opinions.

Nice to see you open up like this. That alone means you're growing.

Keep killing it brother.
tdan187 said:
If this keeps up i will def have to start approaching sooner or later. I can only take this for so long. And i'm not even operating anywhere near full capacity yet.

i def need to learn to translate this into cold approach.

Hey brother, just to take some pressure off, remember you also have avenues available other than cold approach. Are there any groups/communities etc. that you can join?