OnTheComeUp's Progress Log


Nov 10, 2022
Hi everyone, I'm OnTheComeUp from DC. Im here to focus on improving my sex life. I am currently unemployed living with my parents waiting to get this written offer for this remote software engineering job. I am focused on getting big, getting laid, and catching up to speed with this new job.

Most Important Goal (Must be done) - Move out Immediately (1/1)

Current goals:
Get from 128 lbs to 150lbs (0/1) by 12/31/2023
Get Laid (2/3) by 12/31/2023
Catch up to speed with my new job (0/1)
Complete “Go out alone to the bars” program (0/1)
Complete "Approach Anxiety" program (0/1)
I just started the Good Looking Loser "How to go out alone to bars."

Week 1 - Night 1

Ask the doorman/bouncer "how are you tonight?" before going into the bar. (1/1)
Look or slowly walk around the room and make eye contact with any 3 girls. (5/3)
(2-3 seconds of eye contact)
Ask a bartender or server for a napkin. (1/1)
(even if napkins are in arms distance)
Ask a bartender or server for a cup of water. (1/1)
Ask anyone where the bathroom is. (11/1)
Ask anyone what time it is. (1/1)
Ask the bartender what kind of Tequila they have. (0/1) forgot
Ask any member of the staff when they stop serving food. (1/1)

I had fun. I arrived at the bar at midnight and left at 2am. I have not gone out alone before. I felt nervous getting ready for the night. I forgot to do my usual stretch to calm myself. I willl make sure to do that next time to reduce my anxiety. I felt a little weird when this started, but I said fuck it, I can just say I am waiting on a friend if someone asks if why Im by myself. I tried to make sure to focus on the first couple of goals when I got through the door. Having a structured game plan was so much more helpful than just "go pick up girls." I eventually starting dancing like 10 mins in and got the crowds to join in with me. I am a good dancer, so I usually just dance for a good while then meet people throughout the night. I talked to two girls. One was into me and wanted to grind on me, but Im retarded, and didnt make a move. I do not have the killer instinct that chris from gll talks about all the time in his blog. I am hoping to develop that killer instinct through the program. Anyway the girl looked at me and said, "I like your jacket" so I grabbed her hand and held it for a few secs. There was no resistance, but I did not push further. I only realized 15 mins later that she was waiting for me to make a move, but oh well, I will make sure to keep this interaction in my mind for the future. I like the bar, but I didn't realize how much of a sausage fest it was. I also brought back my tinder, bumble, and hinges accounts back up. I matched with this girl, and got here number. I am hoping to schedule a date/hookup tomorrow.
I don’t know if I will be able to fully complete the program. I am competing for my time by doing the program and getting OLD matches. This seems like a good problem to have.

After improving my OLD pics, I now have a lot more matches with a couple of girls down to hookup. This is way more matches than I expected. I have a couple of numbers today, I scheduled two dates, and hooked up with the first date. I canceled the second date because the first hookup took a lot longer to finish up.

I don’t if I have the energy to goto the bar today. I didn’t get enough sleep today. I came back from the bar pretty late, slept late and woke up early. I needed to get some errands done and get a haircut. I need to manage my time better if I want to complete the program, because the way things are going now, I will not have enough stamina to go to the bars 3 times a week.

Today, I finger banged a girl in my car while driving back to my parents house. I found out I’m super sensitive to blowjobs (Any advice would be greatly appreciated). I also cannot keep my cock hard enough for sex (Any advice would be greatly appreciated). I might not be able to feel enough sensation in my penis through the condom to keep my cock rock hard. Also, my cock might be to short to fuck some girls. If a girl is too thick, I don’t think I can’t penetrate her. I’m okay with this for the time, because I fingerbang the girls till they orgasm and they love it.
My parents found out I had a one night stand tonight. They are kicking me out of the house. They are giving me a few weeks to at least get my job, then I must get out. I will be making $90,000 a year with this job. It will be "fully remote." I need to make sure to clarify if there will still be any in person meetings at all during orientation week. If so, I will be leaving the dc area. I am currently waiting for my pre-employment papers to get finished processing before starting work. The processing should finish between 12/2/22-12/9/22. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!
Quick update, I start work on Monday. I am currently looking at apartments in a nearby area where I took girls out on dates to. I'm looking for a 6 month lease, because Im planning to save up some money and move out the area since my job is full remote.
getting kicked out of your parents' house because you banged some chick?


time to move!
I moved out of my parents house. My parents were yelling at me for being an ungrateful son as I left. I am staying a friends place for a few days then moving to my cousins house on Saturday.
I signed up to andy's group coaching program. I am planning to move to Los Angeles. I wrote down a checklist of what I will need to move to LA.
I finished up the group coaching. Here is my post.
So what did I achieve from the coaching?
-Started taking my life seriously and going down the rabbit hole of self improvement/pickup after reading about for almost 5 years
- Getting coaching from good looking losers. I have followed kyil_andy and Radical journeys over the past 4 years and finally met and been advised by them.
- Getting plugged into a network of high achievers that I can reach out for help.
- Stopped seeking my parents validations. The first time in 25 years.
- Moved to Los Angeles after dreaming about it for almost a decade.
-Drove cross country throughout the United States. I wanted to do this since for over a 15 years.
-Found a perfect apartment for my needs in the prime location of ktown. I known for the past 3 years asian players kill it in Los Angeles ktown
-I smoked weed for the first time
-I lost 14 lbs in the past 2 months (Thank you DNPTHC )
-I developed a solid schedule to improve productivity, and efficiency in achieving my goals. First time in 25 years (Thank you MakingAComeback )
-I officially quit pornography and stayed off of pornography for a month for the first time in 15 years.
-I learned to be grateful about the things I have accomplished(Thank you kyil_andy )
-I got plugged into the LA warehouse scene.
-I became friends with a famous celebrities’s old publicist (he used to be into the Hollywood Party Scene)
-Ive ingrained some of the core good looking loser principles for success into my skull
-Ive bought those height increasing shoes after reading about it for the past 4 years
-I got laid with 4 different girls
-Ive seen 2 of those girls again
I’m gonna start posting more.

Last night I had sex with a new girl from tinder. She came over to over my apartment and we had sex. After she left, I went outside to the clubs. I was still sexually charged and super positive throughout the rest of the night. Went to an club, was talking with a couple while waiting and spreading good vibes. This was also the first time I did not get scared at staring at girls in line with them staring back at me. I went into the club, I got rejected on all my attempts, (6-7?) , I basically stared at the girl I’m trying to approach, squeezed her bicep and offered my hand. Left that club, I walked to a different club. While walking to that, I saw three people sitting down. I look at one of the girls and smile and maintain eye contact. She looks back at me and smiles back and I continue just walking then I decide after a minute that I want to approach her so I go to approach her say hey my name is OnTheComeUp, what’s your name, what you up to? I hold her hand for as long as I possibly can, and then I tell her if she wants to come back to my beautiful apartment, Another guy comes over trying break us up, but I chill about it and ask if that’s her boyfriend, she says no and she looks at me. She looks at her friends give a smile saying that she can’t and then comes to hug me over and I’ll give her a quick kiss on the cheek. Then I go to another club. I didn’t at the club and I approach 2 girls. The chubby one I approached gave me a half assed twirl, and I got rejected by the blonde girl. I approached when I went up to her and she said no I have a boyfriend.