Organdroid's Tinder Crusade


New member
Apr 1, 2023
Went on my first photoshoot with one of my good college buds on Wednesday, and I'd say they're pretty good shots, at least for the first shoot that I've been serious about. Granted, I do think our sense of lighting needs a bit of improvement, and I need to be less rigid and more natural with my posing. Other than that, I'd appreciate any other pieces of advice I could get to improve, whether it be related to shot composition, fashion/accessories, you name it!

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Take pictures closer to the hour before sunset, when lighting becomes kinder. It’s pretty harsh in these pictures and doesn’t look good with the shadows on your eyes.

I think the last picture is funny and might be worth keeping around; the rest discard unless you don’t have anything better.

Some of them look pretty posed instead of relaxed, and a bit arbitrary (like, not something you were caught doing when some paparazzi showed up and you were doing your thing).

Lastly, a tip I heard often myself, which I’ll pass along: don’t take pictures showing your chest unless you have abs or look particularly fit. It just highlights it as a weakness plus adds the “ew” factor instead of subtly turning girls on.
It could be the lighting is bad and just doesn’t flatter you, but it doesn’t look like you’ve been going to the gym for long enough to have an effective shirtless photo.
Generally, I think it’s good to flex the abs and show them without looking like you’re flexing, so like you’re relaxing and the abs were just popping out like that.
Photo 1 & 2

Harsh because high noon
Bad (panda eyes/nose shadow) because you are facing away from the night source. Next time when you are taking a photo face the light source

Other photos
Cool idea

Brightest parts generally draws the eye. The brightest parts are on your torso. Your face should have been the brightest part/subject
I dig the fit ditch the glasses on the head next time they are too casual

Last photo

P sick mang
Should have changed up the pose. Looking at the camera, looking at the distance, arm position, point at camera etc.
anorgandroid said:
Lots of parking lot in the background, and bare trees. I'd find a more exciting background. Also NightRoller is right - shirtless shots are only good if you're ripped. Clear sexy abs. You'll do fine without it.

Also you're very posed, looks unnatural.

anorgandroid said:
Harsh shadows like the others said. The orchid and flowers on the tree would make for a fun cheesy loverboy photo, great idea if you pull it off right.

A few of these photos are landscape, which Bumble will accept, but Tinder only works with portrait orientation photos.

You're off to a good start, just need to practice and you'll improve. Even when I started I had no idea how to light or frame a photo to make it look good. As our Lord and Savior says, "if I can do it, you sure as hell can too."
Holy smokes, thanks for the advice guys! I'm noticing that these three are the most prevalent issues with my pictures thus far:

- make pictures feel more natural, less staged
- softer light, also focused on the face
- no shirtless shots yet

Thinking about taking one of my mates out sometime over the next week into the city and getting some walking shots, as well as some more mundane activities like drinking a hot chocolate/reading a magazine/etc. I still have many more ideas for potential pictures, so I'll see what aspects I could mess around with and post more when they come!
Here are a few more pictures I took on my balcony today. The sky was pretty cloudy and decently windy. I feel like I'm also getting better at noticing when I'm out of focus, and staging myself in the pictures in general (the first two batches I took I was either blurry or too far away in the shot).

The lighting's not perfect, but other than that I'd consider them a vast improvement over the first ones I made. Any more feedback would be greatly appreciated :lol:

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Sorry man but it's not good enough. You are dressed too casual, your hair is messy, and the background is too bland. Imo try not to take any pictures at home and view radicals style guide to start.
Your new pictures are super low value, it looks like you just woke up and threw on some household outfit and went outside and shot some pics lmao

Your style needs a complete overall Start here, like musashi6511 mentioned, a lot of new guys including myself, have used this to start us off. I also used Pinterest and would search for minimalistic fashion and buy accordingly

I'm not sure you're even using a real camera like a DSLR or Mirrorless, correct me if I'm wrong. If you're not I would seriously invest in one if you are serious about getting laid, otherwise you'll never be able to compete with todays competition There are a lot of pictures to spark some ideas for your profile, also I'd recommend looking at the guys who are slaying on this site, possibly make a tinder profile of a woman to see your competition in the area, and try to recreate and emulate the kinds of shots/fashion they are shooting

You have a lot of work to do, surprised no one else is mentioning so.

However, You are good looking. You need to overall your fashion, buy a camera and hit the ground running
musashi6511 said:
Sorry man but it's not good enough. You are dressed too casual, your hair is messy, and the background is too bland. Imo try not to take any pictures at home and view radicals style guide to start.

Mimbe393939 said:
Your new pictures are super low value, it looks like you just woke up and threw on some household outfit and went outside and shot some pics lmao

Your style needs a complete overall

Honestly up until now didn't think my style was THAT bad, considering I've gotten compliments by my female housemates and good friends (of course none of them would want to fuck me anyways, so I think that invalidates that). Didn't think it was that big of an issue, but if it is like you said, then asides from pretty crummy picture-taking skills, that explains quite a bit about my lack of results.

I will say I do like the button-up shirt I have on, one of the better pieces in my wardrobe (again, not saying a whole lot about my fashion sense). I had the red shirt on because I've read from a few PUA communities that it's subconsciously associated with love/lust, but it possibly doesn't fit too well with the button-up. That being said, those gray shorts are abhorrent beyond words, EVEN I don't like them, and it shows that I definitely wasn't thinking about fashion when taking the pics.

I've ordered three small slim-fit T-shirts (black, charcoal, and olive), and some accessories in a few rings and a pendant. I'm holding off on getting shoes for a bit since money is quite tight at the moment, but I'll consider buying the Addidas Stan Smiths once my next tutoring paycheck comes in. And I'll be doing something about that ugly mop for hair tomorrow, trying to give it three days to grow back a little before I take another stab at pictures.

But thanks for the advice, will definitely be snooping around for fashion/picture tips/inspiration for some time!
100% recommend you pickup Radical’s course. Like the other guys here said, you are lacking in the style department and it’s the first thing that really stands out about your pictures. Good news is that if you pickup the right items you can fix it FAST. Should make a huge difference for you

I got started with the free style guide on this website, but found the links in the course to be more useful and up to date. Plus you can post your fits in the fb group.
Paid Renegade said:
100% recommend you pickup Radical’s course. Like the other guys here said, you are lacking in the style department and it’s the first thing that really stands out about your pictures. Good news is that if you pickup the right items you can fix it FAST. Should make a huge difference for you

I got started with the free style guide on this website, but found the links in the course to be more useful and up to date. Plus you can post your fits in the fb group.

Can confirm. I'm in it, and I look up to Radical for style advice.

Look up some candid posing guides on Youtube, it's a hard thing to get, practice makes perfect.