Photo Feedback: Is a headshot like this even a good idea?


Jun 11, 2022
What's up guys.

I'm picking up my camera to try really hard on upgrading my Tinder profile. It's my project for the next month. I barely know how to work the thing, so I'm giving myself permission to suck and take a zillion photos until some of them turn out good. I took a photo shoot today and these are some of the better ones that came out. I'm far from satisfied, but they're a first step. Personally, I think #4 is probably the best of the lot.

Obviously, I was trying to recreate a specific pose. I saw it online that I thought it looked really good. My goal was to have a good picture of just the shoulders up, something that could be the first photo on my profile. I heard a piece of advice that you want your first photo to show clearly what you look like, thus the headshot. I also want it to convey who I am, and I'm a nerd for literature, hence the bookshelves in the background. I'd love to hear any feedback you guys have. I'm learning to pose, to use the camera, to communicate who I am through pictures, and all of that is in its early stages.

Thanks guys.
Hawkins said:
What's up guys.

I'm picking up my camera to try really hard on upgrading my Tinder profile. It's my project for the next month. I barely know how to work the thing, so I'm giving myself permission to suck and take a zillion photos until some of them turn out good. I took a photo shoot today and these are some of the better ones that came out. I'm far from satisfied, but they're a first step. Personally, I think #4 is probably the best of the lot.

Obviously, I was trying to recreate a specific pose. I saw it online that I thought it looked really good. My goal was to have a good picture of just the shoulders up, something that could be the first photo on my profile. I heard a piece of advice that you want your first photo to show clearly what you look like, thus the headshot. I also want it to convey who I am, and I'm a nerd for literature, hence the bookshelves in the background. I'd love to hear any feedback you guys have. I'm learning to pose, to use the camera, to communicate who I am through pictures, and all of that is in its early stages.

Thanks guys.

The idea is great, I actually just put out a video on my youtube channel saying the first photo should show you clearly.

The execution is better than a beginner, but not good enough in my opinion. Your poses look forced, and the framing of the books in the background isn't as visually pleasing as it could be. It also adds to the forced feeling, like you positioned the photo on purpose with the bookcase where it is to show girls you have books and are smart... It's not subtle "just happened to be in front of my bookshelf." The bookcase is too head-on, an off-angle shot would look more candid and natural.

Here's an alternative example of a photo I took of a client which we designed to show his love of books and intellectual side. You can do the same with a tripod and some patience.

View attachment 1

Try to think of more candid-style photos that seem more natural. Feel free to copy this idea if you like. Girls aren't stupid, they'll probably know you set up the photo, but it's the feeling of the photo that's important... if it feels candid and natural, it'll have a much more powerful effect on your matches.

Hopefully I'm not coming across as too harsh. You're doing the right thing by looking for ideas, trying them out, asking for feedback and repeating the process. It's difficult. I sucked at first. And you are improving. Soon you'll be taking badass photos so not to worry if any one photo dump doesn't get the results you want.
MILFandCookies said:
Hopefully I'm not coming across as too harsh. You're doing the right thing by looking for ideas, trying them out, asking for feedback and repeating the process. It's difficult. I sucked at first. And you are improving. Soon you'll be taking badass photos so not to worry if any one photo dump doesn't get the results you want.

Not too harsh at all. This is exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping to get. I'm not gonna get emotionally attached to any of my pictures lol. If they're bad, that's totally fine. I'll just fix them. I didn't and don't expect that this photo batch would actually wind up on my tinder profile pulling in dozens of matches. I'm giving myself a month to work on this hard and see how far I can get.

I did absolutely set up a camera in front of a bookshelf and took some pictures hoping girls would see that I'm smart lmao. It's no surprise at all that my first attempts would feel forced and ham-handed, but It's nice to know that the thought process (looking intellectual) is at least a reasonable place to start. Next time I try for photos with a similar vibe, I'll try to recreate that pose and go for a more off-angle look.

Thanks dude. I really appreciate it.
Hawkins said:
What's up guys.
I'm picking up my camera to try really hard on upgrading my Tinder profile.

What kind of camera do you use? Are you familiar with the technical basics? The pics are all washed out and not in focus. Buy a tripod and a remote shutter release. As far as creativity goes, choose a different background or open the aperture so much it blurs. The books in this rustic looking cupboard don't give off an intellectual vibe (in my opinion) but will cringe out many young girls.

I think you are missing a few friendly pictures (from what i saw). Look for a colored house wall in your city, stand in front of it and take 1000 pictures with a tripod. Try to laugh and appear candid.
Something like that. You can make this neutral, stoic look, but not exclusively, you need a model face for that. Of course you can get closer and do a kind of headshot, try it out later.

Hey dude! First of all, your style is amazing. As soon as you get your photos right you'll be flooded with matches and pussy. Btw your profile pic is really decent too.

I think trying to recreate a pose is difficult. If the original pose is from a professional model remember that they have took tens of thousands of pics in hundreds of photoshoots to learn their craft. But you also said your attitude is right: you gave yourself permission to suck.

I think Andy said that closeup pics don't work for men. I kind of agree with that but given your looks it might just work!

Your first image is not focused. The most important thing is to make the camera focus to the eyes. The eyes need to be sharp and crisp.

Just keep on moving naturally during the photoshoot, have a camera that shoots a burst and you'll get the natural looking images. The image quality doesn't look like a DSLR camera so it looks like you want to cut some corners. I promise the payoff is immense if you invest like $100 or something to a photoshoot. Good luck!