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Photo feedback on new photos - Help pick six


Apr 23, 2022
I've had some more photos taken, could I get some feedback on which six are best for Hinge and which to use for Tinder. Currently 1-6 are on my Hinge and the same on Tinder minus the surfing and climbing pics. I've been averaging 10-20 likes and a roughly a date a week from Hinge but no matches on Tinder.

If I picked them now I might go for 1, 10, 15 or 16, 18, 5, 6 in that order, curious to get other opinions.

I've been trying to improve and add edge to my style but still think the photos give nice guy vibes. I need to work on different poses and smiling less. I'll try to get a topless pic in the climbing gym this week to replace the current one.


Original post:

Can I get some feedback on my photos and looks generally? My best photos are scoring in the eights on Photofeeler and I'd like to take them to the next level. On tinder I've had 35 likes and six matches in a week in a city of 1 m people. Seven matches on Hinge in the same timespan.

Any tips on what photos to shoot next or how to improve my style/appearance would be much appreciated.

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8.9 for attractiveness.


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8.1, I was using the plaid shirt photo here but this scored higher and got better feedback from the women I asked.

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6.1, apparently this sort of photo doesn't score well on Photofeeler. Keeping it for now since skiing is a bit of a flex in the UK and you can see my cheekbone.

The rest of these aren't on my profile anymore:
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6.9, I thought this would help me since it shows female preselection but it rated poorly and a few people suggested I take it out.

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7.3, thought this was better but I guess I'm squinting and you can't see my teeth.

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Don't have a score for this one. Took it out after someone pointed out bouldering is a bit of a boring/geeky sport. Might try one topless showing my back.

Bio says:
"Postgrad, weekend surf tripper, world traveller and unqualified masseuse. 6'3

Weaknesses: Accents and a great 🍑

Might let you steal my hoodie"

I got advice previously that I need more edge. This is probably still true so tips on increasing edge would be useful. I want to start wearing a couple of rings and maybe a chain. I would consider getting a tattoo as well but I feel like it's a little incongruous with my personality.
Could also use input on how to improve my physique. I feel like my shoulders and chest need the most work. I'm 6'3 and roughly 85 kg, running a three day a week full body routine at the moment but will switch soon.

Aiming to gain another 5-10 kg and I'll try to get a good topless photo for my profile this summer.
As often stated on here, the problem with photofeeler is that it tends to reward broad appeal over polarization. Your pictures have good quality and composition, and you look comfortable in front of the camera, but they're generally a little bit bland. They give off the "boyfriend" vibe, which can get you a solid number of dates and lays from my experience, but if you want to go to the next level you need to add more edge to your style / expressions. This will likely lead you to getting less total matches at first, possibly less dates, but generally more girls that will be open to casual relationships (assuming that's what you're going for), and less bullshit along the way.

The bouldering pic isn't bad, it doesn't show you off super well but if you just need a hobby pic it gets the job done. I don't see bouldering as being too nerdy but I might be around a more nerdy culture in general than most people here. The ski pic awesome - won't score well on photofeeler because it doesn't actually show off your looks that well but paired with other photos that do show off looks I think it's great.
Ya i mirror Ytlords advice

You look like a nerd bro. Nice guy vibes. Physique need work but once youve got some better overall proportions and bf levels youll kill it.
Given your face id say you'd benefit from a full beard. Full brad pitt in fury style haircut too.

Action shot of you surfing up close would hoover in pussy but you need to probably hire a proper g photographer

Your photos are great tho they actually show you off well. Just needs a bit more fuckboy masculinity applied to them
s_aitch said:
Could also use input on how to improve my physique. I feel like my shoulders and chest need the most work. I'm 6'3 and roughly 85 kg, running a three day a week full body routine at the moment but will switch soon.


Aiming to gain another 5-10 kg and I'll try to get a good topless photo for my profile this summer.

Definitely need work on your physique.

Heres a bit of an example of what you should be aiming. Its based of what ive learned and from being with a proper bodybuilding coach.

Figure out your maintenance macros and calories. Derek from more plates more dates provides excellent information on all this.

300kcal surplus to start actually bulking. Macros should be probably 220 Protein. 350g carbs and 70g fats.
Best to do a loooot of research on proper dieting splits especially if your not on PEDs.

5 day split.
Back - monday
Chest, abs - tuesday
Rest - wednesday
Legs - thursday - take more carbs
Quick chest and shoulders - friday
Arms, calves - saturday
Rest - sunday

Check out guys on youtube. Max euceda and Davis Diley are good knowledge bases on how to train properly and some splits to hit.

From the sounds you probably have some good knowledge allready and it might just come down to proper form and better tempo.

Just absorb a fuckton of knowledge. Apply it and be patient. You will see your physique improve
Cheers both for your input.

I see what you mean about the nice guy or boyfriend vibe. I definitely need to channel more masculine, fuckboi energy.

I'll work on a few things and try to take some more pics in the next month:
  • Put together one or two more edgy outfits
  • Get some more accessories
  • Try different poses and more dynamic poses for the photos
  • Look for more visually appealing backgrounds such as graffiti wall or urban backdrop
  • Try a topless photo at the climbing gym

Given your face id say you'd benefit from a full beard. Full brad pitt in fury style haircut too.
I feel like the short beard I have at the moment suits me best in person but it doesn't come out as well in photos. I'll try growing it out again and see how it looks. Recently I've been getting a low/mid-fade at the barbers but I could try a Brad Pitt-esque undercut. That style feels like a bit of a trope here since Peaky Blinders is set in Birmingham where I live and they have similar cuts. I probably need to start getting it cut more often than every 6-8 weeks though so it's sharper.

I do have one surfing photo but I'm not sure how flattering it is. Is it worth putting up?
BlazinX said:
Definitely need work on your physique.

Heres a bit of an example of what you should be aiming. Its based of what ive learned and from being with a proper bodybuilding coach.

Figure out your maintenance macros and calories. Derek from more plates more dates provides excellent information on all this.

300kcal surplus to start actually bulking. Macros should be probably 220 Protein. 350g carbs and 70g fats.
Best to do a loooot of research on proper dieting splits especially if your not on PEDs.

This is helpful thanks.

Since October I've been following ICF5x5 which I doubt is optimal but I'm still making progress and I want to get my squat to 100 kg and deadlift to 120 kg before I switch. In that time I've gone from ~77 to ~85 kg but I was super lean to begin with, I normally sit at around 80 kg.

I've been in the mindset of follow any plan consistently, eat lots and rest well. Now it’s probably time I start optimising my nutrition and follow a more appropriate plan. I’ll work out my maintenance calories and keep track of my macros for a couple of weeks.

Cheers for the resources.
s_aitch said:
Cheers both for your input.

I see what you mean about the nice guy or boyfriend vibe. I definitely need to channel more masculine, fuckboi energy.

I'll work on a few things and try to take some more pics in the next month:
  • Put together one or two more edgy outfits
  • Get some more accessories
  • Try different poses and more dynamic poses for the photos
  • Look for more visually appealing backgrounds such as graffiti wall or urban backdrop
  • Try a topless photo at the climbing gym

Given your face id say you'd benefit from a full beard. Full brad pitt in fury style haircut too.
I feel like the short beard I have at the moment suits me best in person but it doesn't come out as well in photos. I'll try growing it out again and see how it looks. Recently I've been getting a low/mid-fade at the barbers but I could try a Brad Pitt-esque undercut. That style feels like a bit of a trope here since Peaky Blinders is set in Birmingham where I live and they have similar cuts. I probably need to start getting it cut more often than every 6-8 weeks though so it's sharper.

I do have one surfing photo but I'm not sure how flattering it is. Is it worth putting up?

Definitely man. Its cool youre good about the advice it shows the right attitute to improve.
I had a similar spray on my photos and took it honestly from there.

Its a good photo.... but does it have fuckboi appeal? No... (in my opinion)
Your first photo would be good or running out in the water once youve improved your physique will be a killer combo
s_aitch said:
Don't have a score for this one. Took it out after someone pointed out bouldering is a bit of a boring/geeky sport

It's only because they can't see your face, but it's a good OLD pic
I've had some more photos taken, could I get some feedback on which six are best for Hinge and which to use for Tinder. Currently 1-6 are on my Hinge and the same on Tinder minus the surfing and climbing pics. I've been averaging 10-20 likes and a roughly a date a week from Hinge but no matches on Tinder.

If I picked them now I might go for 1, 10, 15 or 16, 18, 5, 6 in that order, curious to get other opinions.

I've been trying to improve and add edge to my style but still think the photos give nice guy vibes. I need to work on different poses and smiling less. I'll try to get a topless pic in the climbing gym this week to replace the current one.

Do pushups 3sets 12reps every other day this will give a better chest in a couple of weeks. Also helps with shoulders
s_aitch said:
I've had some more photos taken, could I get some feedback on which six are best for Hinge and which to use for Tinder. Currently 1-6 are on my Hinge and the same on Tinder minus the surfing and climbing pics. I've been averaging 10-20 likes and a roughly a date a week from Hinge but no matches on Tinder.

If I picked them now I might go for 1, 10, 15 or 16, 18, 5, 6 in that order, curious to get other opinions.

I've been trying to improve and add edge to my style but still think the photos give nice guy vibes. I need to work on different poses and smiling less. I'll try to get a topless pic in the climbing gym this week to replace the current one.


Hey Bro!
Here’s what I think – hope it’ll be helpful -

1 – great picture – if you had a surfing board next to you and the shoot would show more of the beach and less of the grass around it – I think that would make the picture even better – it’ll be easier to imagine a story behind this picture – like a successful wave hunting or whatever – great pic but can get even better.
2 – I’m not a fan of this one – truly gives the “nice guy vibe” but with a smile that doesn’t look genuine to me. Could be better with a different pose, a different smile – honestly, you don’t look comfortable here so it feels forced.
3 – I think it’s a decent picture – could get better with “edgier” clothing – and probably would prefer not smiling when you are looking on the side.
4 – That’s a great picture for showing your hobby! Would say it’s great to use this one in one of the pics on tinder
5 – just like 4 but would put it on the very last since it's interesting but can’t see your face.
6 – In my opinion – I don’t think you look good here – I think this side, the lightning, and the way your cheekbone is showing kind of ages you in a way that doesn’t suit you.
7 – I like the background – super cool – but damn this could be such a great picture with more street style clothing and definitely not wearing your glasses on top of your head messing with your hair
I’d reshoot this one ASAP.
8 – WAY BETTER THAN 7 – better reshoot it this way with cooler clothes.
9 – 8 was better
10 - you look like you’re talking with someone and you just want him to shut the fuck up but you have to keep up with him – wouldn’t use it
11 – much better than 10 – what could make the picture better – getting more buff and if your jaw was more showing – giving that masculine vibe – or more grown beard – I’m not sure - another thing I’d suggest is to but the bottom part of the picture where the skin is showing on your leg.
12 – better stick with 11 – it looks like something got in your eye and your body language isn’t comfy.
14 – this picture could get better if it was closer – the bottom part of the pic with the sand is so unnecessary and you just look too far away – if you were a bit buffer that would be a strong picture – another thing that could make it stronger is to play with the lightning – there were not much lightning and the colors look dull and boring.
15 – exactly what I’d hope for from 14 – that’s a stronger picture – can be used
16 – ehhh I really don’t like this one – looks staged af + lightning on your face is horrible and why is half of the picture at the bottom is sand?!?! Wish your friend took a better picture.
17 – Nice guy vibe – it’s not bad it's just not…. It - could be better with some beard
18 – I think that a great picture of nice background, you look crisp, and…. your friend is kinda ruining it – if you had a solo pic that would look much better

So – my pick would be:
1, 15,4,11,4,5

You have awesome hobby pics, but you’re still missing edge. The reason I like 6 so much is that your expression works, you aren’t smiling, you look confident.

Almost all of your pictures are either smiling at the camera or looking away and still smiling. If you’re smiling at the camera, it needs to be done carefully - you wanna look playful and cocky, not boyfriendy. Open mouth smiles will almost never work for this, and closed mouth smiles need to avoid the “taut” look.

You would also benefit greatly from accessories, necklaces and rings are cheap and easy to add for quick points.
workhard said:
Do pushups 3sets 12reps every other day this will give a better chest in a couple of weeks. Also helps with shoulders

I'm currently running a 5/3/1 program three days a week, would you do this on the off days? I agree my chest is lagging.

ilyawein14 said:
s_aitch said:
I've had some more photos taken, could I get some feedback on which six are best for Hinge and which to use for Tinder. Currently 1-6 are on my Hinge and the same on Tinder minus the surfing and climbing pics. I've been averaging 10-20 likes and a roughly a date a week from Hinge but no matches on Tinder.

If I picked them now I might go for 1, 10, 15 or 16, 18, 5, 6 in that order, curious to get other opinions.

I've been trying to improve and add edge to my style but still think the photos give nice guy vibes. I need to work on different poses and smiling less. I'll try to get a topless pic in the climbing gym this week to replace the current one.


Hey Bro!
Here’s what I think – hope it’ll be helpful -

1 – great picture – if you had a surfing board next to you and the shoot would show more of the beach and less of the grass around it – I think that would make the picture even better – it’ll be easier to imagine a story behind this picture – like a successful wave hunting or whatever – great pic but can get even better.
2 – I’m not a fan of this one – truly gives the “nice guy vibe” but with a smile that doesn’t look genuine to me. Could be better with a different pose, a different smile – honestly, you don’t look comfortable here so it feels forced.
3 – I think it’s a decent picture – could get better with “edgier” clothing – and probably would prefer not smiling when you are looking on the side.
4 – That’s a great picture for showing your hobby! Would say it’s great to use this one in one of the pics on tinder
5 – just like 4 but would put it on the very last since it's interesting but can’t see your face.
6 – In my opinion – I don’t think you look good here – I think this side, the lightning, and the way your cheekbone is showing kind of ages you in a way that doesn’t suit you.
7 – I like the background – super cool – but damn this could be such a great picture with more street style clothing and definitely not wearing your glasses on top of your head messing with your hair
I’d reshoot this one ASAP.
8 – WAY BETTER THAN 7 – better reshoot it this way with cooler clothes.
9 – 8 was better
10 - you look like you’re talking with someone and you just want him to shut the fuck up but you have to keep up with him – wouldn’t use it
11 – much better than 10 – what could make the picture better – getting more buff and if your jaw was more showing – giving that masculine vibe – or more grown beard – I’m not sure - another thing I’d suggest is to but the bottom part of the picture where the skin is showing on your leg.
12 – better stick with 11 – it looks like something got in your eye and your body language isn’t comfy.
14 – this picture could get better if it was closer – the bottom part of the pic with the sand is so unnecessary and you just look too far away – if you were a bit buffer that would be a strong picture – another thing that could make it stronger is to play with the lightning – there were not much lightning and the colors look dull and boring.
15 – exactly what I’d hope for from 14 – that’s a stronger picture – can be used
16 – ehhh I really don’t like this one – looks staged af + lightning on your face is horrible and why is half of the picture at the bottom is sand?!?! Wish your friend took a better picture.
17 – Nice guy vibe – it’s not bad it's just not…. It - could be better with some beard
18 – I think that a great picture of nice background, you look crisp, and…. your friend is kinda ruining it – if you had a solo pic that would look much better

So – my pick would be:
1, 15,4,11,4,5

Cheers man, I appreciate the in depth photo. Definitely helped pick my current photos and I'll bear it in mind next time I'm having photos taken.

ytlord said:

You have awesome hobby pics, but you’re still missing edge. The reason I like 6 so much is that your expression works, you aren’t smiling, you look confident.

Almost all of your pictures are either smiling at the camera or looking away and still smiling. If you’re smiling at the camera, it needs to be done carefully - you wanna look playful and cocky, not boyfriendy. Open mouth smiles will almost never work for this, and closed mouth smiles need to avoid the “taut” look.

You would also benefit greatly from accessories, necklaces and rings are cheap and easy to add for quick points.

Appreciate the feedback again. It feels quite unnatural not smiling when a friend is taking a photo for me but I guess I need to get used to it. Will look up and practice some model poses and try to recreate a few.

I've got a couple rings since I first posted, don't really feel like a necklace is my style but maybe I should suck it up and buy one for the sake of the photos. I definitely need to add more edge and get away from the nice guy vibe.

I'll try and get a friend to do a dedicated photoshoot with me, I'm lacking in urban shots currently so will focus on that. Asides from dating I've been seeing decent gains at the gym and I'm almost pushing into 90 kg for the first time. Still trying to work on upgrading my fashion with some more streetwear-esque clothes.
s_aitch said:
I've had some more photos taken, could I get some feedback on which six are best for Hinge and which to use for Tinder. Currently 1-6 are on my Hinge and the same on Tinder minus the surfing and climbing pics. I've been averaging 10-20 likes and a roughly a date a week from Hinge but no matches on Tinder.

If I picked them now I might go for 1, 10, 15 or 16, 18, 5, 6 in that order, curious to get other opinions.

I've been trying to improve and add edge to my style but still think the photos give nice guy vibes. I need to work on different poses and smiling less. I'll try to get a topless pic in the climbing gym this week to replace the current one.


Original post

Can I get some feedback on my photos and looks generally? My best photos are scoring in the eights on Photofeeler and I'd like to take them to the next level. On tinder I've had 35 likes and six matches in a week in a city of 1 m people. Seven matches on Hinge in the same timespan.

Any tips on what photos to shoot next or how to improve my style/appearance would be much appreciated.

8.9 for attractiveness.


8.1, I was using the plaid shirt photo here but this scored higher and got better feedback from the women I asked.

6.1, apparently this sort of photo doesn't score well on Photofeeler. Keeping it for now since skiing is a bit of a flex in the UK and you can see my cheekbone.

The rest of these aren't on my profile anymore:
6.9, I thought this would help me since it shows female preselection but it rated poorly and a few people suggested I take it out.

7.3, thought this was better but I guess I'm squinting and you can't see my teeth.

Don't have a score for this one. Took it out after someone pointed out bouldering is a bit of a boring/geeky sport. Might try one topless showing my back.

Bio says:
"Postgrad, weekend surf tripper, world traveller and unqualified masseuse. 6'3

Weaknesses: Accents and a great 🍑

Might let you steal my hoodie"

I got advice previously that I need more edge. This is probably still true so tips on increasing edge would be useful. I want to start wearing a couple of rings and maybe a chain. I would consider getting a tattoo as well but I feel like it's a little incongruous with my personality.