Photo feedback


Aug 8, 2022

I would love some feedback on my new profile. In the past i havent had too much success on Tinder. I know now my pictures sucked. This time i sspend some time taking better pictures (mostly with a DSLR) and editing them. Would love some feedback though.


My bio is in danish, so i will translate it for you guys.

"Half norwegian 🇧🇻 183cm high.

The last time i was someones type, was when i donated blood...

2 truths and 1 lie:
-I have had a red haired stalker. Red haired women frighten me.
-I am a lord. I am therefore called Lord (name).
-I drink water to keep myself alive."
1st Pic: Solid outfit, you look good, decent level of accessories though atm I'm telling everyone in a solid T-shirt to add a necklace. You could definitely cultivate more "fuckboy vibe" with your expression here, but it's not actively hurting you. I'd say the smile leans more "cocky/confident" than "nice guy". One thing I would say is a problem is the coloring / skin tone, it just looks kinda weird here. Your skin tone looks more natural in other photos, here it kinda looks like a bad spray tan. Assuming you have this in RAW, this is a pretty easy fix in lightroom - just put a mask over your skin and play with the warmth / hue etc.

2nd pic: Framing is good, but without posture to back it up I feel like this expression starts leaning more "nice guy". Also, whatever editing or lack of editing you did here makes your face look very rough which generally looks less attractive. Lighting is also somewhat unflattering. I'd reshoot this one with a different expression and then use either heavier lightroom or FaceApp to smooth your face out a bit. This is probably more "dishonest" editing than most guys do at first, but most girls are doing it, it improved my results heavily, and I've never been called out on a date for looking worse than my pictures.

3rd pic: I'm not a fan of the tight lipped smile but it's not objectively bad. Framing is good, you look to be in good shape, dog is awesome, this might be your best pic, legit a damn good pic

4th pic: seems solid but should probably be cropped in closer - this isn't super important though, and overall it's a good hobby pic

5th pic: Good overall, would be better off cropped in closer

General advice: Running a profile with these exact pictures, I'd say go 1st pic - 3rd pic - 5th pic, 4th pic. 2nd pic is weak and your profile will be largely improved by straight up deleting it. Top priority would be to edit skin tone on 1st pic, reshoot 2nd pic, crop 4th and 5th. I will continue shilling the cheap necklace + plain t shirt combo until I die, but you can almost definitely do decent without it.

Overall your off to a good start. Some minor edits could massively improve your quality.
Wow! Thanks a lot Ytlord!

Thats a lot of helpfull advice!
Will definitely do some more editing in Lightroom, and am going to buy a necklace later today, and try shooting some new pictures during the week.

Quite funny that picture 2 was the one that did by far the best on Photofeeler. It is cropped a bit differently and not zoomed in that close on there though. Had to crop it further down due to Tinders image format requirements.

I really appreciate the great advice! Thanks a lot man :D
When ytlord gives a feedback on pictures, I never have anything to add.

You already have a solid start, ditch the second pic and edit your other pics like he said and you should be already able to notice improvements on Tinder.
ytlord I tried working a bit more with the skin tone color. Do you mind taking a look at it again? I have updated my avatar, so you can just look at that :)

Edit: Shit i just noticed that f.lux was activated, so all my editing have been done with a yellow tinted screen. No surprise it turned out a bit weird :lol: