Photofeeler - Attractive/Trustworthy/Intelligent


Jul 27, 2020
I get quite a lot of matches with my current Tinder pics but I want to optimize even further (throw out the bad pics, use the good pics). Can't be bothered to meticulously track my Tinder results while switching pics around especially accounting for variances in swipes per day, time of day (more DTF girls on Fridays), etc. Have swapped pics according to gut feel and it's served me feel but I'm a perfectionist and I want to optimize even further.

Anyway, I've thrown up my pics on Photofeeler. My hypothesis is that:
1. Pics that rank high in attractiveness are obviously the best
2. Pics that rank high in attractiveness, trustworthiness, and intelligence will only get you boyfriend chasers
3. Pics that rank high in attractiveness, and low in trustworthiness and intelligence will get you hookups/DTF girls

Currently running the tests/experiments so no results yet but just on an eye test the above hypotheses seem solid. Thoughts? Cheers.
Yeah this seems to be fairly correct. You want high attractiveness with bad other scores

I advise looking at the raw voting data not the scores photofeeler assigns btw

I had identical voting patterns on two photos but the scores were a whole point apart because of photofeeler's adjustment for user behaviour
The main tinder pic that got me the most matches was high attractiveness + above average intelligence and slightly above average trustworthiness.

Only got 1 lay with it though.

Whereas my current main pic is high attractiveness + average intelligence / trustworthiness and only gets me 60-70% as many matches, but I've accumulated 5 lays in a very short time span with it.

So maybe there's something to that theory, though in my case there are probably other factors coming into the equation.
Fwiw Andy and I discussed this exact theory like 4 months ago and he agrees it makes sense

Its just screening with photos which he has been doing for years

However I dont want newbies faffing around on photofeeler and avoiding tinder when they should be learning the apps

Reservoir was a prime example of this

If you are experienced already yeah do what you want
Reservoir said:
The main tinder pic that got me the most matches was high attractiveness + above average intelligence and slightly above average trustworthiness.

Only got 1 lay with it though.

Whereas my current main pic is high attractiveness + average intelligence / trustworthiness and only gets me 60-70% as many matches, but I've accumulated 5 lays in a very short time span with it.

So maybe there's something to that theory, though in my case there are probably other factors coming into the equation.

1 vs 5 lays is quite a significant difference IMO. Good data man. Cheers.
Photofeeler is great and weird at the same time. The key thing to remember with it is that people don't see your whole profile. So if you have you in a group shot (which is just 1 of your 6) you can get marked down and get comments like, would prefer if they were alone.

I did get some interesting test results, I ran 2 tests of myself in the same cloths, the difference was me smiling and me not. The smiling one scored 3 points higher than the non smiling one. I thought this was super interesting when there were studies that show that girls respond the most to men not smiling in photos.

Tin hat theory, if you were a super attractive girl who wanted to know which photos to use on tinder, surely IG would be a better testing ground? Makes you wonder how reliable the voting is with your actual target audience.
Brother_Tucker said:
Photofeeler is great and weird at the same time. The key thing to remember with it is that people don't see your whole profile. So if you have you in a group shot (which is just 1 of your 6) you can get marked down and get comments like, would prefer if they were alone.

I did get some interesting test results, I ran 2 tests of myself in the same cloths, the difference was me smiling and me not. The smiling one scored 3 points higher than the non smiling one. I thought this was super interesting when there were studies that show that girls respond the most to men not smiling in photos.

Tin hat theory, if you were a super attractive girl who wanted to know which photos to use on tinder, surely IG would be a better testing ground? Makes you wonder how reliable the voting is with your actual target audience.

I'm still split on the smiling vs no smiling debate. PHotofeeler actually wrote a really long rebuttal to the OKCupid "no smile is better" study. But gut also says that no smile is better..
I used to look at photofeeler until I noticed it didn't match up with Tinder's actual results.

I do a spreadsheet where I upload screenshots of my profile (using an Imgur link) and log each boost and the results.

Here's the template (delete space after "docs." the forum software does this shitty in frame thingy if I put a Google Sheets link)

I use Imgur to upload the screenshots then paste the link to the hidden Imgur post in the spreadsheet.

Best way to test photos:
1)Change one photo, or the order of the photos or something else.
2) Do a few boosts around the same day and time each week.
3) See what happens.
4) Profit.
You guys are getting above average on Photofeeler ? (Got the meme ? Haha)

(BTW Hi guys, I'm new here)

Seriously, I know I'm a noob at this, but each time I think I have a nice picture, it's getting destroyed on Photofeeler.
My latest test is the picture I have right now on this forum. It is rated 3.3 on attractiveness (50 votes, females <=29).

My best rated picture is only 4.9... I was with a pretty female friend on it so I guess she was helping me...

At this point I'm almost wondering if there is something wrong with my face or I really don't know how to take pictures ?
Lord Rey said:
At this point I'm almost wondering if there is something wrong with my face or I really don't know how to take pictures ?
Your picture screams 'reddit' and is hella intense. The harsh lighting and facial expression look kinda creepy tbh. Burn the fedora and get a decent haircut. No harsh lighting (start with sunlight inside, or a cloudy day outside) and a better pose would be a good start.
You want something relaxed and confident, your pic is almost unsettling for the reasons above and not attractive.
I wish fedoras hadnt been fucking destroyed for everyone

Id back myself to make one work but theyve been wrecked on a cultural level
Never really cared for Photofeeler, but can someone quickly fill me in as to how they get females to vote your pic? Do they have dedicated people on the job? Or do they run the pictures in some other platform for girls to vote your pic in a more discreet way?

I am having a hard time believing such a service would help us out.
SIGMA_1234 said:
Never really cared for Photofeeler, but can someone quickly fill me in as to how they get females to vote your pic? Do they have dedicated people on the job? Or do they run the pictures in some other platform for girls to vote your pic in a more discreet way?

I am having a hard time believing such a service would help us out.

If you want your photo voted on, then you have to vote on other peoples photos. So girls that want their photos rated have to vote on other peoples photos which can be yours
Radical said:
I wish fedoras hadnt been fucking destroyed for everyone

Id back myself to make one work but theyve been wrecked on a cultural level

I personally wouldn't back you
Radical said:
Yeah this seems to be fairly correct. You want high attractiveness with bad other scores

As much as I judge red pill, one concept they're 100% right about is genuine attraction vs. negotiated attraction.

That's what's going on here I believe. High attractiveness, low everything else is genuine, unnegotiated sexual attraction.

High trustworthiness/intelligence, and girls want a connection to you and prioritize sex second to that.
jackBruh MattsCrib Thanks for the feedback guys. But I won't burn my fedora, I like so much this hat haha.

I know I need better pictures. For now I'm stuck in quarantine tho so I can't take pictures outside. I'll still try to do a better one this week-end.
Lord Rey

If you are serious start a log thread and post the best pics you currently have - theres a private area not seen by google