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Photos Feedback


Jul 22, 2021
Hey guys!

would love your feedback, I've been getting matches, dates, and getting laid but I don't feel like I'm getting the progress I want with the type of women I want, I've been trying different combos of pictures but I'm not sure anymore which pictures should I use and which I should delete and never use altogether - I don't own a camera, but I went for a photoshoot once - should I do another one?

generally, any suggestions would be appreciated

Good on you for doing the photographer thing. I don't think most of these shots are particularly strong, but they're not bad. I'll tell you right away that your grin makes you look like a nice guy. I kind of have the same problem. When my smile is beaming I look like a fuckin 8 year old boy trying to be good for mumsy. If we're trying to fuck on tinder, I would avoid that look. It's fine when you've got a badboy vibe and then the girl sees that beaming smile in person, it might melt her heart, but not for our profile photos.

Don't do the gym photos til you're in better shape. They look douchey even if you're ripped.

The dog one is decent.

Actually the tank top selfie with the glass that has all the words behind you is decent cuz you kinda look like a bad man.

Scarf photo is gayyyyy

20220729224146754 (1) looks alright with that charming eyebrow up there.

The grey button up photos are dull as shit.

DSC05909 again you kinda got that eyebrow thing going on which is not a bad look for you.

DSC05915 is not bad, it's got interesting lighting.

DSC05920 and DSC 05928 also not bad.

The following two are decent, same with DSC05972

DSC05981 with your back to the camera is probably one of the stronger shots.

Espresso one looks faggy.

Legs crossed on the bench is decent so is the one with the red background.

I don't like that cat one bit, lol.

Hope that helps cut down your options. Most of these are fairly boring but the ones I've mentioned stick out as the strongest. Who knows, maybe when you pick out just 6 they will look really good. I think right now with so many boring and duplicate shots its really hard to say. All the best mate.
Hey AspiringMaleStripper Thanks for the feedback!! it was helpful and hilarious to read at the same time!

The things with the smile is particularly tricky for me lately, I was trying to do more shoots where I don't smile, the thing is I've been told i just look intimidating and scary so I'm not sure what's better.

what would you suggest to improve for the future though? do you have any suggestions on how to make the shoots more interesting?
Hey cheers bruv, I'm glad you found it humorous! Honestly I would play around with it, looking in the mirror. Look at male models and try to emulate their facial expressions. It sounds dumb and you'll probably feel stupid at first, but it's actually useful. I did model for a short period of time and the big trick you've probably already heard before is "smile with your eyes." What this means is like, make a big old grin in the mirror and observe the way your eyes kind of pull back and squint a bit. Not keep your eyes in this position but return your mouth to neutral. Congrats, you're now an abercrombie model.

To make your shots more interesting, I would say get in better shape, wear edgier outfits, and shoot in more exotic locations, like a beach or some location you'd see in a movie.

Honestly if you're doing this just for tinder, I would say you'd be better off getting some pictures of yourself with friends or doing a hobby. These don't need to be professional photos, just something to give women a more well-rounded sense of who you are and why you might be fun to hook up with.
Maybe change the pic names to a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 or something. I find it too much work to isolate the 4-5 that I think are good :)
workhard said:
Maybe change the pic names to a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 or something. I find it too much work to isolate the 4-5 that I think are good :)

Sure thing! already made the changes!
Hope it's more comfortable this way.