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Picture Feedback Megathread


May 30, 2020
This is a thread to post pictures you are looking to use for online dating, get feedback and also read previous feedback on other pictures to learn best practice.

This would also be useful for social media pics, say for instagram, but do specify what you are using the pics for if you want the best feedback.

**The point of having this thread is to stop 1 off threads asking for pic reviews.
Post for pic reviews in here or post them in your logs
This is my current profile. Would appreciate any feedback on what pics to shoot / remove, as well as general looks advice. I don't know what my archetype is exactly but I have been aiming to look like https://www.instagram.com/iwonhoyou

My bio says "My mom made me sign up for this"

For bumble and Hinge what should I put as my height? I am just under 5'4 and wear shoes that give me + 2 inches most of the time.

I have changed my photos and style numerous times (see my log) but don't seem to be doing significantly better than when I joined in 2021 with just a shirtless mirror selfie. Not sure if this is just a reflection of competition rising over the years.
jakeD said:
Critique my fetlife.

Tell me why hot girls don't want to fuck me and feel like they are too good for me.

In my experience and observation of other guys, Fetlife works better as the "experienced, professional dom" archetype and not the "maniac serial killer" archetype. Most of the girls who actually meet up seem to be looking for a daddy type that looks like he "knows his shit" about kink, etc.
jakeD said:
I'm still really trying to drill in on this though. Please give whatever ruthless feedback you can. Like I said I think of myself as a brand. And it would appear so far hot girls are rejecting my brand. That is me though. That profile is a good representation actually of me I felt like. I thought it was good when I made it. I'm sure it's not though, cause if it was I'd succeed with it.

I want to figure out what it is about me that is putting off hot girls and how to fix it although as I've said I think I have some of an idea already.

As far as maniac serial killer archetype. Never heard that before and I'm not sure if you are halfway kidding, but I get what you mean. Only thing is, that isn't me. I'm not that type of dom. Which is what is pissing me off.

At this point I think I actually have some cool shit to offer to hot girls. But it's like they are still rejecting me for not fitting into whatever generic ass bullshit. I thought it would be the opposite and they would appreciate me trying to do something different and new. Instead of just repeat whatever the fuck they have already been with in the past.

I feel like it "isn't me". But if I have to, I'd probably ultimately play ball to fuck them. But I hate it. I want to do my own thing and work my own style. I'm pretty into mine as it is right now and happy with it.

Problem is hot chicks aren't.

I think your photos are too focused on women and not on you. And there's not enough of you looking real. I only see 1/24 that is recognisably you. Never used fetlife though, but I did have a few exs who dabbled in similar sites. Like girls want someone who's socially normalish as well as a sexual deviant.
jakeD said:
If anyone wants to give feedback as well I'd be curious to hear thoughts on this.

Aka is the issue being good looking, or just taking good photos? Like do guys on here think a guy who isn't that good looking can still do well with the proper pictures taken and profile set up? Or do you simply have to look good enough or be able to looksmax to that point to get results?

On FetLife it's more about taking good photos. Some of the other guys I saw, and that my FwB fucked and showed me the photos of, they were just average looking but they had SICK photos with amazing art direction. One guy was a rigger and had a bunch of professional photos of him tying girls up.

But the focus was less on his face/physique and more on the art of the thing, if that makes sense. I think that's a good angle for average looking guys.

My face is pretty average but my physique was good, so I just put up a headless abs shot as my primary there.
Rice said:
This is my current profile. Would appreciate any feedback on what pics to shoot / remove, as well as general looks advice. I don't know what my archetype is exactly but I have been aiming to look like https://www.instagram.com/iwonhoyou

My bio says "My mom made me sign up for this"

For bumble and Hinge what should I put as my height? I am just under 5'4 and wear shoes that give me + 2 inches most of the time.

I have changed my photos and style numerous times (see my log) but don't seem to be doing significantly better than when I joined in 2021 with just a shirtless mirror selfie. Not sure if this is just a reflection of competition rising over the years.
I think the profile is solid, also I would avoid mentioning your height unless specifically asked and then I'd exaggerate by about 2 inches
Hi all,

Looking for some ratings on my tinder pics, couple of these are yet to be edited for quality but these are the main pics. Am gonna get a guitar photo when I get a chance but bit difficult atm as I’m travelling. Any pointers or ratings would be blessed. Cheers.

Bio reads as below, any pointers on this would be appreciated too:

🇬🇧 6’ digital nomad travelling Asia

Muay Thai | Guitar player | Expert cuddler

Looking for a an open-minded girl who doesn’t take herself too seriously, bonus points if you have blonde hair, a great 🍑, or an accent
jakeD said:
If anyone wants to give feedback as well I'd be curious to hear thoughts on this.

Aka is the issue being good looking, or just taking good photos? Like do guys on here think a guy who isn't that good looking can still do well with the proper pictures taken and profile set up? Or do you simply have to look good enough or be able to looksmax to that point to get results?

So let me clarify, since it seems I haven't been clear enough.

I have gotten results for clients who are average or a bit below average looks by taking great dating profile photos.


It's extremely clear that the more attractive my clients are, the better their results are.

To break down why... most guys' are rocking 5/10 quality photos or worse. If you're 8, 9, or 10/10 in looks/lifestyle etc. you'll still get some matches with 5/10 photos. Otherwise you'll get none or very very few.

But! I take my clients' photos from 5/10 to 8, 9, or 10/10 in quality. So guys who are a 5/10 in looks/lifestyle etc. will get some matches and some dates! They've removed their bottleneck from their photos, but their looks/lifestyle etc. is still a bottleneck.

But guys who are 8. 9, or 10/10 in looks/lifestyle get crazy improvements because now their bottleneck is gone.

tl;dr: You can get SOME results by maxing out your photos no matter how attractive or unattractive you are, but you really need to focus on both looks AND profile. Improving your looks, fashion etc. will make everything else in dating much easier.
Not asking for feedback.

But figure I'd share what I've been using


View attachment 5


In order of chances being liked by chicks on Hinge.

View attachment 4

View attachment 3


View attachment 2

View attachment 1


Bio is super fucking basic.
I just list hobbies give my MBTI.


"Hey Name
Nice to meet you 😁
What r u up to?"


I have bumble premium.
Girls can't see me unless I swipe on them first. So I'm totally in control of lead flow.


This is enough to fill my week up with dates after 20 minutes of swiping and texting a few messages after that.

Fill my week. Means literally a date every single day for 7 days.
foducossy42 I like 5, with 3 being my second choice (you lose points for shooting mid day and getting eye shadows). Why are they all landscape instead of portrait? Regardless, good job on style - you're lookin' like a sexy, sophisticated man.
Svadhishthana said:
@foducossy42 I like 5, with 3 being my second choice (you lose points for shooting mid day and getting eye shadows). Why are they all landscape instead of portrait? Regardless, good job on style - you're lookin' like a sexy, sophisticated man.

Thanks man for the feedback. Landscape because the photographer is clearly not very good… it’s a shame. What do you think about number 1? I personally thought it was the best.
foducossy42 said:
Svadhishthana said:
@foducossy42 I like 5, with 3 being my second choice (you lose points for shooting mid day and getting eye shadows). Why are they all landscape instead of portrait? Regardless, good job on style - you're lookin' like a sexy, sophisticated man.

Thanks man for the feedback. Landscape because the photographer is clearly not very good… it’s a shame. What do you think about number 1? I personally thought it was the best.

You look by far the best in #1. You absolutely nailed that sexual vibe look you want to be creating. It's a shame the exposure is washed out but it doesn't matter. Make this your primary.

4 is also solid.

I don't like the rest for a variety of reasons, either your face doesn't have the right expression or the shadows.
pancakemouse said:
foducossy42 said:
Thanks man for the feedback. Landscape because the photographer is clearly not very good… it’s a shame. What do you think about number 1? I personally thought it was the best.

You look by far the best in #1. You absolutely nailed that sexual vibe look you want to be creating. It's a shame the exposure is washed out but it doesn't matter. Make this your primary.

4 is also solid.

I don't like the rest for a variety of reasons, either your face doesn't have the right expression or the shadows.

Thanks Pancake! I’m surprised you prefer 4 to 5, any reason for this (expression?)?
5 you just look grumpy.

4 is more of a provider / nice guy shot, but it's still a good photo and attractive.
pancakemouse said:
5 you just look grumpy.

4 is more of a provider / nice guy shot, but it's still a good photo and attractive.

That’s fair, yeah. There’s a fine line between grumpy and sexy stare and I don’t always get that right.

Am guessing a nice guy pic or two helps to soften the profile a bit, probably a bit intimidating if it’s just sexual all the way.

Will take a few more pics to showcase lifestyle then soft reset. For a soft reset do I need to do anything special (e.g. withholding pics from my current profile, changing exif data and making minor edits)?
There's no reason to soft reset unless you have exhausted all girls in your area. People think you need to soft reset when adding new photos, but that's a myth. Your profile score adjusts quickly.
pancakemouse said:
There's no reason to soft reset unless you have exhausted all girls in your area. People think you need to soft reset when adding new photos, but that's a myth. Your profile score adjusts quickly.

Alright I’ll just keep improving pics and adding to my profile, then once every picture is good we’ll see.