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Picture Feedback Megathread

zekler said:
Hey guys, so is tinder boosts mandatory now? Im getting 0 matches with this profile in vegas. Its somewhat disheartening. Is this within expectations?

Id say none of these photo break a 4/10. Pink hair in some photos and brown in other, causing quick confusion and a even quicker rejection. You face in every shot is pretty much the same, add a smirk or a smile.

1 I don't think this is a strong enough 1st photo, need something up better.
2's background is more interesting then you with your chopped off hands.
3 Light and shadow on your face does not help, hands are together just like in photo 1
4 Looks like you are high on hard drugs, (No im not joking).
5 Boring "nice guy" with a bland expression that screams "I don't want to be here".

I may be nitpicky, but the women I guarantee are harsher and more keen then me .

Good thing is you have a lot to improve, only up from here.
I've seen improvement in getting likes/matches just being more offline from tinder...Usually when I dont open it for a day, I get immediately like 10 likes. This must have to do something with the algorithm trying to get me back.

I've experienced this now more than once. So if you're spending a lot time on tinder, try to step back a little before you decide to go for boosts. For me boosts was horrible idea, it fuckdup my algorithm totally for days.
zekler said:
Hey guys, so is tinder boosts mandatory now? Im getting 0 matches with this profile in vegas.

i think so, i get 3/4 matches a week without boosting
Mate took a random snap of me tonight at a bar. Wondering if it is adequete (I literally have nothing), I think it looks alright, goofy expressiom a bit and obvious weight in the face (cant really change that for now).

Lemme know with feedback please. Working towards 4 adequete ones and slowly improving quality. It is a bit far put and dont fill the frame. Tried cropping in bit unsure on quality.

Annoyingly I lost my favourite ring that normally sits on the middle finger which woulda looked nice on my hand

Edit: Enough feedback given
ThePermanentFix said:
goofy expressiom a bit and obvious weight in the face
This and bad image quality. Unfortunately not usable. If you faceapp your expression it might be better than nothing but you wont get results with it.
GoodLookingNerd said:
This and bad image quality. Unfortunately not usable

Aight cheers, I'll mess around with Face app. Unfortunately the weight in the face is slow process haha

Any suggestion on the minimum I need to get going? Starting with zero right now.
ThePermanentFix said:
Any suggestion on the minimum I need to get going

Imo, the minimum is edgy style, good grooming, and a good pose/lighting. Low body fat is not necessarily a requirement, but it will really help you.

The pose in this photo sucks (no offense.) I don’t love the haircut or outfit either tbh, but I’m not an authority on that stuff. To get an idea of what kind of fashion/pose/lighting you want look at what male Instagram models post. Looks aside, their pose, lighting, fashion in on point. You want to be trying to take similar quality stuff. (You don’t necessarily have to reach their level, but you want to get as close as you can.)

Remember that every guy on this planet is trying to get easy sex off Tinder, so if you’re taking average quality photos of yourself wearing average outfits, you’re going to get average results. Which is no results. You have to distinguish yourself in some fashion and photo quality can do more heavy lifting then most men realize. Your looks is still the #1 factor, but how a photo is composed can have a drastic effect on how women perceive your attractiveness.
Cheers and no offense taken. Got rained on a bit so hair was a bit fucked but I'm also trying out going back to curly longer hair as my hairline is receding a bit. It wasn't a planned shot, mate was just testing/showing off his iPhone cam.

Style I have no idea really. Lotta work to do, basically just trying to learn. My last decent photos I was 20kg lighter and it extremely obvious so can't use em unfortunately, also they were great either, just okay.

Planning to try and get some more shots tomorrow.
Had a shoot with a mate today. Was just feeling it out and getting future ideas. 401 shots but I whittled it down to about 50 non dogshit ones. Still a fair few shit ones with shit expressions and facial profile, but just left them in for future reference (e.g black hoodie reflecting off water looks cool especially with the superdry logo on that side, but expressions off and mate didn't punch in enough with camera). Also got rained on a bit again, which fucked my hair again

*Enough feedback given

Will edit drive out after input (hate putting pictures of myself in cloud).
ThePermanentFix said:
Had a shoot with a mate today. Was just feeling it out and getting future ideas. 401 shots but I whittled it down to about 50 non dogshit ones. Still a fair few shit ones with shit expressions and facial profile, but just left them in for future reference (e.g black hoodie reflecting off water looks cool but expressions off and mate didn't punch in enough with camera). Also got rained on a bit again, which fucked my hair again

Google Drive

Will edit drive out after input (hate putting pictures of myself in cloud).

21 and 22 are the best ones by far imo
Cheers Olaf. Can I get some other OG's and heavy hitters advice here?

Holden Zug Bman Squilliam GoodLookingNerd pancakemouse MakingAComeback

And fellow Aussies
Adrizzle Lusty69

Would appreciate it fellas
I don't think my picture advice is particularly useful. Others can give far more specific critiques.
seconding denim 19. for future shoots in general i liked the denim photos the best. i can't articulate why but i also liked denim 12, although only as like a 4-5-6th pic

i too dont think my picture feedback is particularly useful tho. this is not my domain of expertise and i haven't taken online seriously, outside of the odd week here and there, since 2021

u look like u have lost weight. keep at it killa
To be honest I am not a huge fan of any of them, I feel you need to cut a little weight, get some sun, new haircut to make your face look less round maybe a fade would be good and then when you take photos you need to be in motion, these all feel posed, also to add complication to the matter I would suggest learning to squinch and that your chin in slightly forward.

I think if you had a darker T-shirt on would look better considering you are not super lean, I am not super lean so I find darker colours just photograph better when larger, I would get the all black look for a photo would be good for you, black leather jacked or pea coat I really don't like that black puffer thing you have. Or a well-fitted non-puffer for something more casual.

I would play with a black fedora over a white sports cap for you and go down a slightly more artistic vibe rather than with the cap.

Maybe also try a grey hoodie then that leather jacket over the top

Also I think you will do well with a good pair of sunglasses
ThePermanentFix said:
Had a shoot with a mate today. Was just feeling it out and getting future ideas. 401 shots but I whittled it down to about 50 non dogshit ones. Still a fair few shit ones with shit expressions and facial profile, but just left them in for future reference (e.g black hoodie reflecting off water looks cool especially with the superdry logo on that side, but expressions off and mate didn't punch in enough with camera). Also got rained on a bit again, which fucked my hair again

Google Drive

Will edit drive out after input (hate putting pictures of myself in cloud).

I like Jacket 6
Cheers everyone, will hold on to D21/D22, D19, D12 and J6 for now.

I struggle to find a decent fade for me. My hairline sits pretty high up and I have recently started to recede a bit so it is a touch higher than before. On a side profile my hair starts really pretty far back from the front of my face and the corners runs deep now.

Even at 80kg my head starts to look like an egg with shorter faded hair

My head is a genetic lottery of trash 😂. I have ears that stick out, no fucking jaw (I actively try and push it forward in every photo and outing 24/7) which overcrowded the fuck out of my teeth, two teeth that died at 12 which have been grey since, the rest have yellowed despite solid hygeine and cleaning, deep sunk eyes which cause permanent bags, a high hairline and nothing but a (shit) moustache and some chin/neck hairs grow below the nose. The shape of the back of my head makes me suspect I'll look retarded bald as well, but I am going to try it at some point for lols.

As soon as I get more money I am getting 4 teeth pulled, plus 4 wisdom teeth pulled and starting braces. Then in 2 years a jaw surgery to correct the lower position. The total cost is 20k plus not including the private health plan Ill need to hold until its all done which will total another 2-3k.

Don't get me wrong, the only real insecurity I have is my teeth. But I don't feel I'm working with art here haha.

I definitely do need to lose weight. I've lost a little but I have about 23 kgs more to lose. Could do with a tan too.

Quite like the styles you posted excluding the first two. I tend to lean more denim and leather. Where did you get those from? Just google?
ThePermanentFix said:
I struggle to find a decent fade for me. My hairline sits pretty high up and I have recently started to recede a bit so it is a touch higher than before. On a side profile my hair starts really pretty far back from the front of my face and the corners runs deep now.


Even at 80kg my head starts to look like an egg with shorter faded hair


My head is a genetic lottery of trash 😂. I have ears that stick out, no fucking chin and small jaw which overcrowded the fuck out of my teeth, two teeth that died at 12 which have been grey since, deep sunk eyes, a high hairline and nothing but a (shit) moustache and some chin/neck hairs grow below the nose. The shape of the back of my head makes me suspect I'll look retarded bald as well, but I am going to try it at some point for lols.

As soon as I get more money I am getting 4 teeth pulled, plus 4 wisdom teeth pulled and starting braces. Then in 2 years a jaw surgery to correct the lower position. The total cost is 20k plus.

Don't get me wrong, the only real insecurity I have is my teeth. But I don't feel I'm working with art here haha.

I definitely do need to lose weight. I've lost a little but I have about 23 kgs more to lose. Could do with a tan too.

Quite like the styles you posted excluding the first two. I tend to lean more denim and leather. Where did you get those from? Just google?

Yeah man I feel you on the hairline I have a similar issue with mine.

Good thing for great photos you don't need to smile in your photos, squinch male model type pose can all be done no smile so that sorts that part out :)

Got the photos from google, yeah man I am in a similar situation to you I have another 24kg to lose to get to my ideal weight, I just guess I am more muscular under it, but I have also learnt to dress leaner than what you look in these photos. It doesn't look super warm out you might also benefit from layers and winter wear you can get away with much more fat on your belly and sort of hide it with good fashion.

Good progress so far and I think on reflection the photos the guys have picked out above are decent but keep working on the weight loss and fashion to sort of dress yourself leaner
Thanks man. I'll get a couple of new black shirts for now and go from there. Will try and make do with what I have and post a few outfits to see what works and doesn't till I can get another shoot.
Hi Everyone can you please have a look at my latest shoot I did here are the ones I picked and we have edited, I still need to lose some weight so these are like my halfway to ultra lean status first shot at a shoot so some fashion, styling, posing tips/feedback would be great too :)
