Picture Feedback


Feb 11, 2023
Hi everyone,

Looking for feedback on some potential Tinder pictures. My main two questions:
-women tell me I look better in glasses, but I know I've heard Radical say that he doesn't recommend it for most people. Any thoughts on how I look with glasses?
-Many women I've asked say I have a good smile, but the pictures in the Tinder guide don't involve much smiling. I also know I've seen people online say that you get better chances of matching if you smile. Any thoughts here too?

Cheers, everyone!

More serious ones I liked (i'm using the first and the third on my profile)

View attachment 9
View attachment 8
View attachment 7

Smiling ones (+ glasses ones)

View attachment 6
View attachment 10
View attachment 4
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View attachment 1

People seem to like these ones, but i don't know why.

View attachment 3
I don't want to sleep with you, so take this with a grain of salt:
You do look good with glasses in the first outfit but not so much in the second. I don't know if a different frame would help or if that type of style simply doesn't work with glasses. However the first outfit has very little edge and doesn't look sexy I think (I'm sure others can give you more detailed feedback on your style.)

About the smile: You do look great when you smile. My favorite picture of them all is #4, but again, I'm not your target audience.
I know that a lot of advice for male online dating profiles is to look intimidating or dominant. However in my limited experience, having (some) pictures where you smile does make you more attractive (make sure though, that it's not a goofy/uncomfortable smile).
Just the other day I've had a woman ask for more pictures of me after matching and when I sent her a shitty selfie on which I was smiling she wanted to meet me.

Your best bet would probably be to try it out. Make a Tinder and Bumble account, one with pictures where you smile, one without and compare the results.