Picture Review and Suggestions


Jun 11, 2022
Hey everyone, after spending some time taking more photos I have a couple of additional ones I would like to get people's takes on. I'm also looking for suggestions on how to improve these, or other kinds of photos I ought to take, as my list of ideas is starting to run slim. I'd like to incorporate my hobbies, because those photos tend to demonstrate that I'm a cool sexy guy who does cool sexy things. I read, cook, go to the gym, love museums and plays, and have recently started Jiu Jitsu. Any suggestions would be much appreciated, as would feedback on this batch. Thanks guys!
From a photographic point of view, unfortunately, they are not that good (except the last one). But you don’t necessarily have to have absolutely high quality pictures for Tinder (even if it definitely helps). You "only" need to represent an attractive/interesting person.

Here is my personal opinion on the pictures:

1. bad, don't use it
2. bad dont' use it
3. okish, you can use it
4. not sure which of those to pic, they are okish
5. not sure which of those to pic, they are okish
6. not sure which of those to pic, they are okish
7. very very very good pic, take it. Would love to have a pic like that from myself
You should look yo have 1 clear of your face, not too close though.
My impression is that you look abit meek and sad. Try playing around with different facial expression where you look more dominant, squinting your eyes helps with that.
I appreciate the honesty. I'm sure these are by no means award winning pictures, I'm very new to taking pictures of myself at all and new to the camera. But they are attempts and I intend to improve from them going forward.

I do have other pictures showing my face more clearly that are currently on my Tinder profile. I just didn't include it in this batch. The expression bit is a helpful suggestion. I was told earlier to try to get pictures that make me look more friendly and approachable, hence the smiling pictures. I guess the impression isn't quite landing the way I wanted, so I'll try your suggestion and keep attempting to improve.
Hawkins said:
I was told earlier to try to get pictures that make me look more friendly and approachable, hence the smiling pictures
there is a beautiful topic just sticked on top, go read that and see if the goal is to look friendly and approachable :)
AskTheDom said:
Hawkins said:
I was told earlier to try to get pictures that make me look more friendly and approachable, hence the smiling pictures
there is a beautiful topic just sticked on top, go read that and see if the goal is to look friendly and approachable :)

You make a good point, but I also know that the advice given by Radical and Andy is often geared towards getting laid as swiftly and as much as possible with as many different girls as possible. The "look like a fuckboy" strategy probably works for that, but that isn't my goal. Obviously I want sex, but I want a real emotional connection with the people I have sex with too, and eventually a serious relationship. I'm not sure if the "look like a fuckboy" advice is likely to advance that goal.