Picture Reviews


Feb 20, 2023
Have a couple of photos from an old profile and new photo's done by photographer recent.

Past/app photos: https://imgur.com/a/W9yKiL0
I go to punk/metal/rock venue in a hole in wall kind of bar locally where a friend says I look good when I'm engrossed in the jam, though all the photos taken by him are in piss poor lighting but it's to explain the spiked leather jacket and rings, got a few complements from cute girls on the metro to try catching better shots with it. Rest are some old photos from a past profile that make me wince but seeing if any are salvageable.

Photographer set:https://imgur.com/a/GMhlkKj
Went and got a photographer in a local professional group to take some shots in an upscale studio&mall. Tried a Robert Graham shirt and a suit in the shots though not too positive about them.

Overall am uncertain for the type of look I should aim for, so need direction. Better smiling, no smiling? Get a style/haircut, different photographer? Gonna need to start somewhere, otherwise I'm looking into editing and personal routine(right now a skinny-fat 6'1'',160lbs) to cut down on neck droop and get a tone physique but that's another post. What photos(1 or 2) look decent enough for a profile, while I work the grind for the improvement?
presolum said:
Have a couple of photos from an old profile and new photo's done by photographer recent.

Past/app photos: https://imgur.com/a/W9yKiL0
I go to punk/metal/rock venue in a hole in wall kind of bar locally where a friend says I look good when I'm engrossed in the jam, though all the photos taken by him are in piss poor lighting but it's to explain the spiked leather jacket and rings, got a few complements from cute girls on the metro to try catching better shots with it. Rest are some old photos from a past profile that make me wince but seeing if any are salvageable.

Photographer set:https://imgur.com/a/GMhlkKj
Went and got a photographer in a local professional group to take some shots in an upscale studio&mall. Tried a Robert Graham shirt and a suit in the shots though not too positive about them.

Overall am uncertain for the type of look I should aim for, so need direction. Better smiling, no smiling? Get a style/haircut, different photographer? Gonna need to start somewhere, otherwise I'm looking into editing and personal routine(right now a skinny-fat 6'1'',160lbs) to cut down on neck droop and get a tone physique but that's another post. What photos(1 or 2) look decent enough for a profile, while I work the grind for the improvement?

You're in the right place. Guys here on the forums will give you honest actionable advice.

The photos you took are all selfies. Commit to yourself right now to never use a selfie on your tinder profile again - you'll thank me later.

The photographer you used has a flaw most photographers have when they try to do dating profile photos but it's not their specialty.

Most photographers make shots look very posed.

But for dating profiles, it can't look posed. Girls need to feel like they're seeing the real you, not a set-up version.

Also, in the photos you're just sitting. You're not doing anything in particular. Girls don't look at the photos... they think "what does this photo say about him?" You need to tell a story with your photos.

I wrote examples for Andy and explained these concepts in more detail in this guest post: https://killyourinnerloser.com/paparazzi-factor/

And Andy wrote a Tinder Guide that'll supercharge your results too: https://killyourinnerloser.com/tinder-guide/#chapter-3-photos

Hope it helps!
My opinion:

1. I agree they come off too posed. A pictures of you sitting alone in an apartment are probably never a good idea for a dating app. The Tinder guide has a shot archetype section, get pics that match an archetype.

2. Your smile is pretty forced/non-existent in most of these. I struggled with this myself, but this is somewhere having your own DSLR and spamming 100s of pics in a few minutes can help you. (I know non-smiling pics can work, but I don’t think you’re nailing that either and I think smiling pic is easier to pull off.)

3. Fashion: I don’t like the look in the apartment shots, I don’t know what it is, maybe others will disagree so take it with a grain of salt. You’re also not wearing any accessories which is an easy improvement to make. Unless you’re really confident in your fashion sense I would just copy an outfit from a trendy male Instagram user who you think looks cool. Also think about growing out your beard (and keeping it well groomed) to hide the neck droop.

I would read the Tinder guide and try and implement it. You’re good looking enough to get some results, but these pics aren’t competitive. That’s my 2 cents.