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Places to Meet Women During the Day?


Mar 31, 2023
Hey fellas,

Just had a quick question before I hop into creating a progress log. I've been going out fairly consistently but I'm having a hard time meeting women in decently large quantities during the day. Where are you guys meeting women during the day and where would you recommend? I'm 28 btw if age changes your recommendations.

I've tried malls, libraries, cafes, local uni's etc. But not too much luck. My city is about 1 mil ppl as well but I do worry sometimes that if I'm approaching to often in certain places I'll be recognized as that guy that hits on women in places I shouldn't really be at.


- Oktane
Oktane3424 said:
I've tried malls, libraries, cafes, local uni's etc. But not too much luck.

Why no luck? Malls come to my mind first thing. Is your problem really finding girls during the day, or lack of results from your interactions? Or maybe not approaching enough?
hush said:
Oktane3424 said:
I've tried malls, libraries, cafes, local uni's etc. But not too much luck.

Why no luck? Malls come to my mind first thing. Is your problem really finding girls during the day, or lack of results from your interactions? Or maybe not approaching enough?

Honestly I just don't think I'm approaching enough. My fear is that if I approach in certain places often enough I'll get a rep or get called out.
It depends, if you're spending time in a mall, doing normal stuff and approaching once in a while, no risk

If you're spam approaching in the same venue all day, you'll get banned and this will be deserved
Hey mate, I've been appraoching in the same mall for over a year and nothing has happened to me. (city is 1.6m+) There's one girl that knows exactly what I'm doing. She works at a stall in the center of the mall, sees me almost every week and gives me a little smile everytime.

The fear of what other people think is a big one that stopped me for a long time, but at some point I just thought fuck it - life is short, nobody really gives a fuck what you're doing aslong as you aint stealing or blatantly harassing people.

You could also try high streets, train stations etc. Basically go to where there is the heaviest footfall in your city.
T0NY_M0NTANA said:
Hey mate, I've been appraoching in the same mall for over a year and nothing has happened to me. (city is 1.6m+) There's one girl that knows exactly what I'm doing. She works at a stall in the center of the mall that sees me almost every week and gives me a little smile everytime.

The fear of what other people think is a big one that stopped me for a long time, but at some point I just thought fuck it - life is short, nobody really gives a fuck what you're doing aslong as you aint stealing or blatantly harassing people.

You could also try high streets, train stations etc. Basically go to where there is the heaviest footfall in your city.

Hmm okay your city is roughly the same size as mine. How often do you go? Cause I usually would go on the weekends as there is more people there than during the week. It also snows for 8 months out the year here so streets aren't really an option for most of the year except the summer.

I've tried grocery stores as well too and I've never been kicked out of any place that I've approached at, but I've seen a few girls I've approached before so I just wonder if it's only a matter of time or if I'm just being neurotic about this.
jakeD said:
I mean this comment with love, but while you're out there "trying to avoid a bad rep" some other dude is sticking his dick down some girls throat. Cause he had the balls to go after what he wants. Meanwhile you could sit at home, get no negative reputation and also get no pussy either. Your call.

Fair. I think a lot of my mindset has to do with the fact that some of my friends gave me a hard time for approaching in certain places and calling me creepy for it. It's been hard to shake that what I'm doing isn't creepy and it's been a big obstacle. Even though I've gotten laid before from approaching at malls, uni, the streets, etc. It still is a program that plays in my head.
Oktane3424 said:
T0NY_M0NTANA said:
Hey mate, I've been appraoching in the same mall for over a year and nothing has happened to me. (city is 1.6m+) There's one girl that knows exactly what I'm doing. She works at a stall in the center of the mall that sees me almost every week and gives me a little smile everytime.

The fear of what other people think is a big one that stopped me for a long time, but at some point I just thought fuck it - life is short, nobody really gives a fuck what you're doing aslong as you aint stealing or blatantly harassing people.

You could also try high streets, train stations etc. Basically go to where there is the heaviest footfall in your city.

Hmm okay your city is roughly the same size as mine. How often do you go? Cause I usually would go on the weekends as there is more people there than during the week. It also snows for 8 months out the year here so streets aren't really an option for most of the year except the summer.

I've tried grocery stores as well too and I've never been kicked out of any place that I've approached at, but I've seen a few girls I've approached before so I just wonder if it's only a matter of time or if I'm just being neurotic about this.

Usually I go twice per week. Once during the week then Saturday which is usually peak time for approaching in terms of volume. I've seen a couple of girls I've approached before too but still nothing happens, the sheer volume of people and the incredibly fast refresh rates of crowds make it a none issue.

Of course you still gotta be smart, don't stay in one spot and jump out like horny trap door spider everytime a hot girl walks past lol. Do an approach, move area, maybe go to another floor of the mall, into a shop just whatever, then do another one and mix it up again

But basically what your dealing with is normal man, its the spotlight effect. It feels like you're being watched when in fact nobody gives a shit about you or what you are doing - in the best possible way, let it liberate you

This is the mall I use so you have an idea of what im dealing with - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QidBzj_rZnQ&t
jakeD said:
I get it man and I get bothered by this stuff too. I'm not even approaching again yet. I'm just trying to impart the concept though.

Alot of guys I don't think even want sex as bad as they say they do. But if you really want to win at this, which is a pretty challenging thing to do for most guys (most guys don't cold approach, much less consistently pull sex from it). You have to be aggressive towards it.

The more you play it safe the less you are going to win. Within reason. Of course there is a limit to it but as a general rule / idea this is how it works.

You want to fuck these girls you gotta get out there and get after them. Despite what everyone thinks.

Just my thoughts. Like I said not trying to give you a hard time at all. Just trying to share some ideas and ways of looking at it / going about it with you.

Oh I really appreciate it man. I don't get offended at all if anything I think the perspective keeps things clear for me. It might also be easier if I had somebody to go out with. I had a guy who I went to a local uni with and we'd approach on the streets and stuff too but he's not around anymore so going out solo can be rough haha.
T0NY_M0NTANA said:
Oktane3424 said:
Hmm okay your city is roughly the same size as mine. How often do you go? Cause I usually would go on the weekends as there is more people there than during the week. It also snows for 8 months out the year here so streets aren't really an option for most of the year except the summer.

I've tried grocery stores as well too and I've never been kicked out of any place that I've approached at, but I've seen a few girls I've approached before so I just wonder if it's only a matter of time or if I'm just being neurotic about this.

Usually I go twice per week. Once during the week then Saturday which is usually peak time for approaching in terms of volume. I've seen a couple of girls I've approached before too but still nothing happens, the sheer volume of people and the incredibly fast refresh rates of crowds make it a none issue.

Of course you still gotta be smart, don't stay in one spot and jump out like horny trap door spider everytime a hot girl walks past lol. Do an approach, move area, maybe go to another floor of the mall, into a shop just whatever, then do another one and mix it up again

But basically what your dealing with is normal man, its the spotlight effect. It feels like you're being watched when in fact nobody gives a shit about you or what you are doing - in the best possible way, let it liberate you

This is the mall I use so you have an idea of what im dealing with - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QidBzj_rZnQ&t

Hmm okay I'll give that a tomorrow actually and see what happens. There's two malls in particular I go to. One of them is the largest mall in North America so I'm actually blessed in that regard 😂. But yea I'll try my best to not let these programs play out so much and focus on what I want.
Oktane3424 said:
Hmm okay I'll give that a tomorrow actually and see what happens. There's two malls in particular I go to. One of them is the largest mall in North America so I'm actually blessed in that regard 😂. But yea I'll try my best to not let these programs play out so much and focus on what I want.

Biggest mall in north america? Perfect!

I know it's hard when you're out there by yourself, especially starting out - you have all the voices and excuses looping around in your head but with time and consistency they will disapear
T0NY_M0NTANA said:
Oktane3424 said:
Hmm okay I'll give that a tomorrow actually and see what happens. There's two malls in particular I go to. One of them is the largest mall in North America so I'm actually blessed in that regard 😂. But yea I'll try my best to not let these programs play out so much and focus on what I want.

Biggest mall in north america? Perfect!

I know it's hard when you're out there by yourself, especially starting out - you have all the voices and excuses looping around in your head but with time and consistency they will disapear

Thanks Tony I appreciate that!
Oktane3424 said:
Hey fellas,

Just had a quick question before I hop into creating a progress log. I've been going out fairly consistently but I'm having a hard time meeting women in decently large quantities during the day. Where are you guys meeting women during the day and where would you recommend? I'm 28 btw if age changes your recommendations.

I've tried malls, libraries, cafes, local uni's etc. But not too much luck. My city is about 1 mil ppl as well but I do worry sometimes that if I'm approaching to often in certain places I'll be recognized as that guy that hits on women in places I shouldn't really be at.


- Oktane

WEM is the best mall around. Personally I think it's better than anything Calgary or even Vancouver has.

I lived in Calgary but I used WEM and Southgate a few times. Seemed fine.

To get volume in cities like Edmonton or Calgary I think the best way is just to cycle malls. Go to one, and then another, and then back to the original.

I've done maybe like 600ish approaches in Calgary malls. And tbh the malls in Edmonton had more girls. So you can definitely do it.

Find circuits. Like the grocery at Southgate and then inside Southgate, hallways and the stores like H&M, etc. You can usually rack up a few approaches that way.

As far as being recognized. Its ok.
I did. Nothing really happened.

In fact I got asked to not approach in Aritzia by a dude who worked in Chinook mall.

And at first. It was like shocking to hear that, and it made me second guess the approaches tbh. But a week later I was back at it. Avoiding going inside Aritzia.

Later the same dude who asked me to stop going in. Tracked me down one day. He left the store. Ran up to me and said "Hey bro it's fine if you approach in Aritzia, I just have to do my job, but if I'm not there, go for it. I respect the hustle."

So wasn't even a big deal.

It's unavoidable to go the same place. Just don't be confrontational with girls and it shouldn't be a big problem.

I mean your just talking to people. It's not like it's an evil dirty thing.
Manganiello said:
Oktane3424 said:
Hey fellas,

Just had a quick question before I hop into creating a progress log. I've been going out fairly consistently but I'm having a hard time meeting women in decently large quantities during the day. Where are you guys meeting women during the day and where would you recommend? I'm 28 btw if age changes your recommendations.

I've tried malls, libraries, cafes, local uni's etc. But not too much luck. My city is about 1 mil ppl as well but I do worry sometimes that if I'm approaching to often in certain places I'll be recognized as that guy that hits on women in places I shouldn't really be at.


- Oktane

WEM is the best mall around. Personally I think it's better than anything Calgary or even Vancouver has.

I lived in Calgary but I used WEM and Southgate a few times. Seemed fine.

To get volume in cities like Edmonton or Calgary I think the best way is just to cycle malls. Go to one, and then another, and then back to the original.

I've done maybe like 600ish approaches in Calgary malls. And tbh the malls in Edmonton had more girls. So you can definitely do it.

Find circuits. Like the grocery at Southgate and then inside Southgate, hallways and the stores like H&M, etc. You can usually rack up a few approaches that way.

As far as being recognized. Its ok.
I did. Nothing really happened.

In fact I got asked to not approach in Aritzia by a dude who worked in Chinook mall.

And at first. It was like shocking to hear that, and it made me second guess the approaches tbh. But a week later I was back at it. Avoiding going inside Aritzia.

Later the same dude who asked me to stop going in. Tracked me down one day. He left the store. Ran up to me and said "Hey bro it's fine if you approach in Aritzia, I just have to do my job, but if I'm not there, go for it. I respect the hustle."

So wasn't even a big deal.

It's unavoidable to go the same place. Just don't be confrontational with girls and it shouldn't be a big problem.

I mean your just talking to people. It's not like it's an evil dirty thing.

Okay awesome another Canadian 🇨🇦. Do you still live in Alberta or did you move? Yeah I figured I'm going to hit up malls cause they might have more foot traffic, but it's usually on the weekends.

Okay cool. I just have such an aversion to being recognized because I've been recognized a few times and some friends of mine have given me flack cause when I was less socially aware I fucked up with some girls. But thank you for the in depth response.
nobody is really watching you and the effect is opposite they'll think you're popular for talking to so many people. What are you thinking when you see other people talking to each other? You calling them creeps? Dont think so. It's all in your head.

Seeing as everyone has answered your questions regarding just doing it I'll add some general locations that work.\
I've had a period where I would do a bunch of approaches with a buddy as well.

Cool places:
Train Stations during rush hour (any busy public transportation spot really)
Entrance of grocery stores
Mall was mentioned by yourself and others
Depending on what kind of women you like, camp outside of:
Make up/Clothing stores

Hope I was of some help to you.

P.S. I found that when I approached a lot I would magically bump into another day gamer eventually and we would join forces.
AmericanAndy said:
nobody is really watching you and the effect is opposite they'll think you're popular for talking to so many people. What are you thinking when you see other people talking to each other? You calling them creeps? Dont think so. It's all in your head.

I more so just feel as if I'll gain a reputation as the guy who hits on chicks and I'll get cancelled. It sounds ridiculous but that's where my mind goes.
Mindset said:

Seeing as everyone has answered your questions regarding just doing it I'll add some general locations that work.\
I've had a period where I would do a bunch of approaches with a buddy as well.

Cool places:
Train Stations during rush hour (any busy public transportation spot really)
Entrance of grocery stores
Mall was mentioned by yourself and others
Depending on what kind of women you like, camp outside of:
Make up/Clothing stores

Hope I was of some help to you.

P.S. I found that when I approached a lot I would magically bump into another day gamer eventually and we would join forces.

I've wanted to do train stations for a bit because it's decent volume. Camping outside of certain places always feels a bit weird to me cause it seems a bit stalkerish but maybe I'm just being neurotic. I kicked it outside gyms before and have approached women that way but there didn't seem to be much context to approach her
Oktane3424 said:
Mindset said:

Seeing as everyone has answered your questions regarding just doing it I'll add some general locations that work.\
I've had a period where I would do a bunch of approaches with a buddy as well.

Cool places:
Train Stations during rush hour (any busy public transportation spot really)
Entrance of grocery stores
Mall was mentioned by yourself and others
Depending on what kind of women you like, camp outside of:
Make up/Clothing stores

Hope I was of some help to you.

P.S. I found that when I approached a lot I would magically bump into another day gamer eventually and we would join forces.

I've wanted to do train stations for a bit because it's decent volume. Camping outside of certain places always feels a bit weird to me cause it seems a bit stalkerish but maybe I'm just being neurotic. I kicked it outside gyms before and have approached women that way but there didn't seem to be much context to approach her

That's fine man, I've had plenty of days where I done 0 approaches and just walked around (today actually after getting back out there). Especially long stints where I haven't been approaching at all. The only excuse you really need is you thought she was cute or looked like fun. Looking forward to seeing more!