#1 and #7 are the best.
Good time on the marathon by the way, that's pretty good.
Wouldn't use any of the others to be honest.
They look way too staged.
People in the background is good to have (blurred out of course, with aperture set at 1-3 it would blur out the background)
Social setting (park, BBQ, beach activity with friends, skating with friends, playing hockey with friends)
You need to make it look like you didn't go out and take photos just for Tinder.
Haircut could use some work too, I think shorter on the sides would work better imo.
But try some different ones out to see.
Suits don't look great because they're not fitted well.
Style in #1 is decent. Could be improved but not your biggest worry. (pants aren't long enough, shoes should match your outfit, shirt should fit better)
I'm also not sure why people are saying you need to lose 20lbs, sure it would help but it's not a necessity at the moment. It's winter so you're not taking your shirt off, you don't look overweight and you're not trying to show off your physique in your profile anyway. I'd honestly say that you should train harder and build some muscle and then maybe cut down in the spring. Working out is always a must in self-improvement/getting girls. Helps in every aspect of life and will pay dividends if you stick with it for an extended period of time.