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Please critique my pics


Dec 30, 2020
Hey everyone,

I'm new here, my name is Hemingway. Please take a look at these pics and let me know what I should do to improve. Thanks!
Second pic you look constipated you need to look more relaxed
Fourth pic stand up straighter, you look kind of sheepish
6th pic makes you look bad because the girl is kind of pulling away from you.
I'd say the last pic is the best

Also whiten your teeth they're not too yellow but it's noticeable
These are pretty good photos to start with. My favorites are 2, 5, 6, & 7.

With 5, the suit picture I would just whiten your teeth in the photo with photoshop since your smile is front and center.

With 6, the one with the girl is just not ideal because it does not make you look tall. I'm 5'6 so I don't have any pictures in my profile where you can tell how short I am.

You should get laid with these if you talk to enough girls. Welcome to the forum.
You give a vibe of good guy who can only buy a girl dinner or talk to her.

You need to lose lot of fat.

Marathon pic doesn't really tell it's you or someone else.

Pic with girl is good but again gives a friendly vibe. As you should be targeting a fuck boy / flirty vibe.

Also saw your another post on template usage with hockey hobby screenshot.

You are probably getting ghosted because of good boy trying to talk like fuck boy.

Template is incongruent to your vibe.

Change your vibe. See the magic happen.

Start with losing probably 15-20 kg weight to get abs.

Hope it helps.
Lots of love :)
Thanks, I think I need to lose like 20-25lbs. I’m 180lbs right now, I had defined abs 2 years ago at 155lbs.

I agree with needing to add edge, but I’m not really sure how to do it? I’m not interested in getting tattoos or piercings.
#1 and #7 are the best.

Good time on the marathon by the way, that's pretty good.

Wouldn't use any of the others to be honest.

They look way too staged.

People in the background is good to have (blurred out of course, with aperture set at 1-3 it would blur out the background)
Social setting (park, BBQ, beach activity with friends, skating with friends, playing hockey with friends)

You need to make it look like you didn't go out and take photos just for Tinder.

Haircut could use some work too, I think shorter on the sides would work better imo.

But try some different ones out to see.

Suits don't look great because they're not fitted well.

Style in #1 is decent. Could be improved but not your biggest worry. (pants aren't long enough, shoes should match your outfit, shirt should fit better)

I'm also not sure why people are saying you need to lose 20lbs, sure it would help but it's not a necessity at the moment. It's winter so you're not taking your shirt off, you don't look overweight and you're not trying to show off your physique in your profile anyway. I'd honestly say that you should train harder and build some muscle and then maybe cut down in the spring. Working out is always a must in self-improvement/getting girls. Helps in every aspect of life and will pay dividends if you stick with it for an extended period of time.
Thanks man. That was a sprint triathlon though, not a marathon haha. And that wasn’t my time, that was just the time since the start of the first wave. I ran the triathlon in like 1:15, which is still pretty good though.

I’ll try to implement the other stuff you say. I def need to go shopping. And I always just get a buzz cut so I could improve my haircut.

I need to start carrying my camera around with me so I can get those more natural pics.
Hemingway said:
I need to start carrying my camera around with me so I can get those more natural pics.

Spot on man. Even if you don't have your camera and just your phone, just take the picture if it's sick. Ask people to take it.

My best pictures were at the most random times where a random person was around and I asked them to take a picture.