Please help me wake up, it's most vital thing, the only thing i need now!


Apr 9, 2021
Today i woke at 8.30 am but went back to bed until 11 am, i felt like shit and was so angry and frustratimed, it seems i already wasted most of the day so i skipped the work out

I tried everything, wake up lights, avoiding the phone at night etc but i didn't doctor, my doctor told me oversleeping is something i learned from depression, he said i have no real sleep disorder, i just have to wake up.

Believe me this is not simple laziness or i wouldn't ask for help, even the dreams i make during depression are different... During depression there's a longer REM phase that fucks you up in the morning...

Last week i had an appointment with the dentist and i was able to wake up because i was afraid of losing the money

I don't need nothing else now, i have the camera, I'm close to 12%, there isn't a huge amount of work ahead of me, I'm almost there... But if i keep rotting in bed i will find myself in my 40' and still trying

If someone has my same problem and is from europe we can create andand accountability group and give money to a third person... If we don't post every morning the proof we're awake he takes the money
I'm open to any other solutions if it works,waking up early is the only piece missing, the other depression symptoms are improving, even my libido is coming back, but I'm fucked if i don't wake up "early"... :(

I am European and have the same exact problem.

Even tho I already have one accountability group for waking up. It is with my friends and they just let me fuck around.

Shooting you a PM right now.
lmao good timing, i'll shoot you a pm too actually.

for the giving money idea, we can just make it so you have to give an amount to everyone else in the group. or alternatively, you have to donate to some shit charity. we can discuss the details as a group off the thread
I think ya’ll should use MakingAComeback service.
This guy will breath on your necks till you start to wake up at 6am like a drill sergeant scream at marines to wake up.

Analogies aside, I had a small parenthesis living like that. I noticed that creating a solid written in rock routine helped me stabilize that.
I was in bed at 10:30 and waking up 6:30 everyday after 3 weeks of following that.
I had to remove a lot of things like sweets, people, sex and etcetc
AskTheDom said:
I think ya’ll should use @MakingAComeback service.
i've been using his service for bulking and it's been working pretty well (as you can from my lately consistent bulking and training on my training log), worked well enough to the point of now training and bulking just being my natural habit

i think there's a different effect of social shame within a group of people all narrowly focused on the same micro goal though, so i'd be interested in some kind of mutually accountable group for something like this
Dealing with the same problem, although I'm not in Europe. I've been having some success attacking the thing slowly. To go straight from waking up at 10:00 to 6:00 was too big a hurdle for me to jump. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So I set my alarm for 9:45, and did that for a few days until that became routine. Then 9:30. Then 9:15. I'm almost up to 7:00 but holiday travel and a lazy vacation mindset have thrown me off. I'll get back on the horse and make it happen. There's no reason I have to wake up at 6:00 every morning for the rest of my life starting NOW. If it takes me 6 months to get there, or even longer, what the hell do I care? 6 months of little bite sized pieces of effort in exchange for having a good sleep schedule for the next 60 years of my life is a bargain I'd take in a heartbeat. So far, it's working for me. If it sounds good to you, I recommend it.