Poor results on Tinder - need your help


Aug 29, 2021
Hello guys,
I need your help to improve in the world of online dating.

I live in a moderately populated area (outskirts of Milan) and I manage to get about one match a day, running out of all the likes. I rarely find matches when I open the app, and I almost always have to write first. In any case, once I get the match, I can easily get the phone number / date.

This is my description:
"Just looking for a girl with a good sense of humor and a beautiful smile to share a glass of wine, possibly two.
DISCLAIMER: sex may not be included. "

Below you can find my set of pics.
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I ask you to be brutally honest and tell me what I should change / improve. Once my profile was optimized, I thought about buying Tinder Gold / Platinum to increase my chances even more.

Thanks for your help.
I'm not an expert on any of this, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I would assume that having the word "sex" in your bio would screen out a lot of girls. I think your bio would be perfect without that last part "DISCLAIMER: sex may not be included," if your goal is to get more matches.

I'm assuming you got more matches the first few days and then it died down, that's how it is for everyone, hence why people buy boosts to combat the algorithm and be shown to more girls.
I’d agree the disclaimer should disappear promptly

The way I see it:
- Girls are swiping through Tinder quickly
- Girls who aren’t DTF right away are going to see the word “sex”, shudder without reading the rest and swipe left
- Girls who are DTF are going to read that, think you’re looking to take things slow, and also swipe left

That’s my opinion on what the biggest thing going wrong might be.

Also I’d say be willing to buy some boosts. The free version of Tinder is absolutely not what it used to be. That actually might be the biggest thing…

Messaging girls first - that’s the way it goes unfortunately. In my case I only ever get first messages about once a month, except for the girls who message me to try to get the recipe I mention in my bio. They’re almost never serious but I banter with them anyway and I’ve met 2 girls through keeping an open mind about that.

Pictures - I personally think your pictures are pretty good. It might help to add another with more edge though. Others may have more insight on pictures as it’s not my strong suit
I thought about buying Tinder Gold / Platinum to increase my chances even more.

I second what Jake said. Unless you have a top 1% elite profile, you basically have to pay for Tinder these days to get decent results. I recommend buying some more boosts too.

Your photos are pretty solid. I would put the swimsuit one as #1. The black and white one has good style, but if could re shoot it, you could make it look a lot better -- edgier posing the less smiling.
Ed_ said:
Your photos are pretty solid. I would put the swimsuit one as #1. The black and white one has good style, but if could re shoot it, you could make it look a lot better -- edgier posing the less smiling.

Snapseed is good for modifying smiles on the fly, might not even have to reshoot.

Here’s a sample. I only had the lower res compressed version from the forum to work with though:
You look handsome in the dog pic, but much less so in the others - perhaps a matter of angle / haircut / facial expression. I'd keep the dog pic, and maybe the red swimsuit one and try to reshoot the rest. Hell, if it were me I'd reshoot the shirtless one too to get an even better one.

Your first pic feels unnatural, like you're posing too hard.
The vibe on the first pic is like you are promoting yourself for a speaking gig or something

Its a nice shot but the vibe is off
The overall vibe is just a bit too nice in general
Topless is definitely best

Overall quality of these photos is good tho
Id make some tweaks to your style - like losing the waistcoat and just doing that shot with the white shirt

And you 100% need to buy platinum and boosts to have success on tinder
I would suggest to start paying for tinder gold right now and don't wait for it to be optimized and see how it goes. Pay for it with google play store/apple store, that way if you reset your profile, you wont lose your subscription. Most guys aren't getting 1 match per day even with tinder gold, so your result aren't bad right now.
Having to write first is just normal even for girl under your rating and if you read the tinder guide which I assume you prob didnt, it explicitly says that we as guys NEED to take the lead in order to get the girl on a date asap and show that we know what we want and that we are leaders. Yes a girl writing first occasionally occurs, but it's rare, so don't stress on that.
Like the others says, don't mention the word sex in your bio.
Other than that, the first thing that came to my mind when looking at your photos is, those are really good photos but some of them you look too much like a nice guy. You are decently lean, and imo you would benefit from a couple of photos with serious or neutral face where you would look more like you get laid. Those are some of the things you learn by reading up the tinder guide, so I highly suggest you doing so. You can even skip to the end of part 1 where it shows you how to take photos.
I myself payed for a professional photoshoot (which cost me only 130$) and since then shit is going wild.

I'm not a tinder expert like a lot of guys in here, but my stuff has been going really well for awhile since I followed experts advice and taking action in any way possible to get laid.

Hope it helps cheers!

- Master
Master what pictures did you end up using on your profile from the shoot?

Do you want to share them?
I've seen a few but dunno if that was all of them.
My bio says something close to "I haven't had sex in years and I'm making up for lost time" and I'm meeting plenty of girls. So is mentioning sex a no-go, or is it really just a superstition? I've had girls tell me my bio really intrigued them.
Reservoir said:
My bio says something close to "I haven't had sex in years and I'm making up for lost time" and I'm meeting plenty of girls. So is mentioning sex a no-go, or is it really just a superstition? I've had girls tell me my bio really intrigued them.

While you are both good looking, you are a step above most on this forum in terms of attractiveness. You're far above average. If you're really good looking, you can get away with more, and something that may otherwise seem "creepy" is now "intriguing."
I am not a pro at this but I don't think the bio is the major problem
Like everyone mentioned, you should focus on the boots, and (maybe) you are living in a town with few people so there will be fewer matches (I have this problem)
Manganiello I don't want to clutters other people feeds, but I just updated my own tinder log with a small overhaul of my own tinder profile which I have a lot of success with right now! It might be of help to beginners, so if this is something that interests you check it out! https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=741&start=120

agree with Radical above but here’s what i would do…

keep black and white as your first photo. i edited smile to make it more mysterious

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crop it close like this so your body takes up the entire frame with strong eye contact. the fitness tracker really detracts from the edginess of the photo but it’s fine.

shirtless as your 2nd pic

reshoot the dog photo asap. your facial expression is retarded and both you and the dog are looking the wrong way. you should be looking at the dog and the dog would ideally be looking at you. it needs to be clear that the dog likes you and should be “natural” not posed looking at camera

group photo is not bad, not great. it’s good that you’re the center of attention and everyone looks happy. would be better not posed. i would generally avoid making one of the memed “incel face” facial expressions in photos…don’t have time to explain rn but there’s a reason these facial expressions are associated with the neutered sad state of modern masculinity

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the hiking photo is good, definitely keep it

bio matters less but i’d remove the sex line.

so some minor changes + tinder gold and i think this profile would perform well
I suggest avoiding taking photos where the camera is looking down at you/you looking up at the camera; you want to present an image from the woman's perspective where you appear taller. You're not violating this too bad, but I've seen other men with atrocious photos that have them holding the camera up and pointing down at themselves.