Post-AA Program Log

chocolate said:
I don't know if I should given its almost been a week. Shes older lady so I'm not sure if I'm into that.
Message her if u want to. I'm testing messaging girls I forgot, and several have gotten back. girl whos number i got on 9/2 i hit up today and she said "I was wondering when you were going to text me"

Crisis_Overcomer is also re-messaging after a week or 2

chocolate said:
The date went OK, once again I think I made it drag on a bit too long, I went for two drinks instead of one and I could barely hear the girl. I thought she was cute, she dressed up pretty cute anyway, but I don't think she was feeling it. I tried holding her hand and she kept pulling away. I tried to kiss her but no dice (honestly I was feeling shit by this point, so I knew I was going to get rejected).
Bar dates suck for the exact reasons you mentioned, Drinks are expensive and bars are loud. Short café dates are superior. Cheap and quick. Get coffee/boba talk for 15 min. After that transition to movie/music pull to your house, Then hook up
Went on a date today again. A girl I met on the weekend. Relatively unremarkable besides that I did kiss her and invite her back to my place (rejected on that last one). I just usually tell them I want to kiss them and go in and that seems to work.

She also didn't really let me end the date on my terms. I walked her back to her place but then she kept following me around for what that's worth. I probably make this sound to be better than it really was (I don't know what to make of it), but that was something to note.

I've been blasting through cold approaches now, its kind of a part of my daily routine when I'm downtown. Unfortunately I can't make it downtown often at all, but it does go well enough even if I'm cold (haven't approached in days). Throw on some perfume, look good and bam it comes naturally.

For once I'm actually not upset with how I performed. It as usual went on for a couple of hours but it was a decent enough jive with the girl. I actually kind of liked this girls company. Cute as fuck chinese chick.

As for cold approach, took me long enough @Toast, but I finally get what you mean by messing with the girls. I feel confident enough to actually start messing with the chicks, so like if they say they aren't single I'll say "me neither". Gets a giggle every once and a while I suppose. It's kind of fun too. Took me months from when you suggested it to actually implementing it, but its there lol. Anyway there's still times I'm uncomfortable or miss girls for a variety of reasons, but I can pretty much rapid fire it. I've got better at eye contact and approaching anyone I get eye contact from for what its worth.

Aside from that, after some work and being disappointed in my property search, I found some properties considerably closer to where I approach to buy. Its taking longer than it needs to (I really could just rent honestly), but eh, financially this just makes more sense so I'll do it.

Toast said:
Bar dates suck for the exact reasons you mentioned, Drinks are expensive and bars are loud. Short café dates are superior. Cheap and quick. Get coffee/boba talk for 15 min. After that transition to movie/music pull to your house, Then hook up

Can you elaborate more on the transition? Tbh I'm pretty clueless on that. Listen to music at your place kind of thing? I usually drive to my dates (live too far) for what its worth.
One thing I forgot to mention, but its been bugging me for a while, but I get pretty insecure about my lack of experience compared to the girls I'm seeing. The last two dates the girls are quite a bit more experienced than me; one girl was a bisexual and has slept around (or at least gave the impression as such) and the other outright told me about some of her encounters. So yeah, I'm not sure how to really approach the "yeah I slept with one girl and done some basic vanilla shit, anal & really basic bdsm".

Also the last two girls I went out on date with didn't like holding hands (and made it an outright point to not hold me hand when I made the advance). Am I reading this too much? Not going to lie that really fucks me up... maybe that's because I really like holding hands? I dunno.
chocolate said:
I usually drive to my dates (live too far) for what its worth.
All of my dates take place within a 5 min walk of my house. So the transition is I just bring up music or movies, and ask them back to my house to chill.

Like literally we will be talking about whatever. I just change the subject and ask if they like movies and suggest going back to my house.
chocolate said:
One thing I forgot to mention, but its been bugging me for a while, but I get pretty insecure about my lack of experience compared to the girls I'm seeing. The last two dates the girls are quite a bit more experienced than me; one girl was a bisexual and has slept around (or at least gave the impression as such) and the other outright told me about some of her encounters. So yeah, I'm not sure how to really approach the "yeah I slept with one girl and done some basic vanilla shit, anal & really basic bdsm".

Also the last two girls I went out on date with didn't like holding hands (and made it an outright point to not hold me hand when I made the advance). Am I reading this too much? Not going to lie that really fucks me up... maybe that's because I really like holding hands? I dunno.

Recently had experience with all of that.

1) I've slept with girls who didn't want to hold hands.

2) the inexperience doesn't matter. I actually think the girls think of it as a trophy almost. Like sleeping with a cute guy who hasn't slept around that much.

I could be totally wrong about point 2.
But the inequality of experience wasn't a big deal at all and didn't interfere with the hookup.
Small thing today. So I've never been on a plane (I really don't travel much lol), and today I told that for the first time to a girl I cold approached. It's something I've been insecure about so, I finally had the balls to own it.

Toast said:
I just change the subject and ask if they like movies and suggest going back to my house.

Brilliant, thanks.

My logistics are an issue, I'm working on solving this. It's taking longer than I hoped.

Manganiello said:
I've slept with girls who didn't want to hold hands.

Oh really? Good to know, I was worried I was doing something wrong. Thanks.
Hey everyone,

So its been a long time, I'll get you all up to date with what has been going on. Questions at the end. TLDR: AFTER 1.5-2 YEARS, COMPLETING MOST OF THE AA PROGRAM, I FINALLY LAID A COLD APPROACH AND DID IT ON THE FIRST DATE.

So I stopped posting here in September, because I had two dates with two super open minded girls that I felt went well but didn't get laid from in part because I didn't have my own place (parents place). Dating girls 30+ minutes drive from where I lived just seemed retarded for a 28-29 year old. In retrospect I don't think that was necessarily the problem, but I couldn't help be frustrated at the back of my mind.

So I went out and got a real estate agent and bought a 2 bedroom condo in the middle of Montreal. Despite the overwhelming advice here, renting was not acceptable to me, I want to own assets so I wanted to own a condo. Yes living with your parents until almost 30, working since 16, investing in the market since 2013 and being a software developer makes this possible for me, I realize this isn't possible for most.

I bought in November, DIY fixed up and painted the place until about 2 weeks ago (actually the neighbours shower leaked into my place and that set me back until March).

Currently my only dating strategy is cold approach. My tinder is garbage with basically zero results. Its something I'm intending on working on.

Since beginning of March I've approached girls almost every single day. Basically same "hey your cute, are you single/available" approach. I went 24 days without getting a single date, and effectively no numbers. However, I went on a date last weekend with a French girl, which was the longest conversation I've ever had in French ever, and managed to kiss her. Last week I had much more success. I got 3 numbers (4 if you count the sex worker girl I didn't call back for obvious reasons), and got one girl on a date this Saturday.

Dude, this girl on Saturday, I've never seen a girl this into me ever. Like she was sending me kisses and winks emojis over text, I was genuinely worried I was going to end the night without a kidney. But she came to the bar, super sexy british accent and everything. 35 year old girl which is older than I target, but she had a damn cute face.

She was touching me at the bar, I just straight up kissed her at the bar after an hour. She did like 80% of the talking. We stayed at the bar for like 2-3 hours (I'll address this later) and then at like 10:30 I invited her to my place. She said yes, but no sex (technically it did happen, but physically it didn't, will be addressed later). As soon as we got to my place she was all over me, we spent hours and hours kissing and naked and etc. She kept initiating, like I don't understand, shes horny as FUCK.

At some point during the night I carried her to my bed (I can't remember if it was right off the bat or not) based on Andy's picture (fireman carry is pretty dope, I'm also squat like 2 1/2 plates though so I'm pretty strong).

She stayed the night (I wasn't sure what to do here, I don't mind if she stays) and we had breakfast and I drove her back to her place (I have the car on some days, not all though since I don't have a parking spot and its got to stay at my parents place). She fucking loved my body, gym for like 2 years didn't go to waste (even though looking big in a shirt still eludes me).




- I found my "range" and "consistency" has improved by daily practice. I approach girls in the metro, bus, on the street, in the store, etc and on the drop of a hat. Still might take a second or two for me to gather myself, and I don't approach every girl I could ever want to, but a couple of girls a day is certainly doable.
- Andy's idea of "high fiving" random strangers on a date is awesome. While walking back to my place, I high went and high fived some people and etc and my date had fun with that. Great filler date.

1) I generally find I like talking to the girls for really long periods of time (hours) at bars/coffee shops. I presume this isn't an issue but I wanted to confirm this. It feels right for me anyway.

2) So I have huge performance anxiety. I just couldn't get hard at all at night, and in the morning I was hard a little bit but I couldn't be hard for long enough to put a condom on. So even though we had the condom and she consented to sex and everything, I just couldn't bring my dick to do it. For context, I started looking at porn again. I found when I had quit porn for a few months, I was more "present" in the moment when I did jack off. I wasn't sexually active when I wasn't looking at porn, but at least jacking off, I was able to get off based on the feeling rather than simply the porn.

I took some actions in this respect preventative. I've had this problem in the past, so in anticipation, I bought the huge Doxy vibrator that Andy suggested somewhere (I cant remember where). We were laughing at the size of the fucking thing, and its pretty awkward to get that thing into the right position, but she really liked it, at least she was able to cum with that thing on low setting (she couldn't take anything more than low lol). If you see this Andy, THANK YOU ANDY, YOUR SUGGESTION OF A HUGE ASS WALL POWERED VIBRATOR SAVED THE NIGHT FROM A LIMP DICK.

But regardless, I still have a limp dick problem. And I don't know how to solve this besides quitting porn completely. I'm not sure if I should completely stop jacking off too (that will be really hard to do to be honest). What should I do? Is there any information on GLL/KYIL on this?

3) We didn't talk about dating other girls. She's really really into me and she mentioned that she is might be looking for a something more serious. Shes 35 and has definitely mentioned the whole "other girls my age are getting married but I'm not", etc. I don't want to be exclusive right now, I have a loose goal of 50 girls, but mainly I want experience and to prove to myself that I can, at least somewhat consistently, get girls into my bed.

I have mentioned, and we did talk about cold approach and me asking other girls out. Its a natural topic for discussion given how I meet girls. I think I can do the relationship thing pretty well to be honest, I carried a 7 year long one previously, but that might be part of my problem. I might be too good at relationshipping, at least at the start. Its naturally a part of me if you will.

For context, shes already coming up with second date ideas (we actually talked about some on the first date, places I want to go and etc). She actually even wants me to meet one of her friends too.... so like yeah I'm pretty sure she wants this to be a relationship thing.

Is there any information/articles about this? I'm not aware of this topic being covered anywhere, but to be fair I'm more on the GLL site than this site in general.

4) Second/third date ideas elude me. Can I do a bar/coffee shop date again? Do we have any ideas on what kind of other acceptable second date ideas there are? This isn't an issue with this girl since we slept together and basically anything is OK, but will be an issue for subsequent girls.
So yeah none of 3) really apply anymore. I saw her again tonight (bro shes into me like fuckkkk) and we chatted about this. Shes totally cool with me seeing other girls and actually she's heading to another country for work in a few weeks. So yeah, it fucking worked.
Hey man, congratz for ending your 3-year dry spell ! :)

To answer your questions :

1) Nothing wrong there. As long as you're having fun it's all good. Maybe the only downside of spending that much time talking at bars is that the girl may leave without going to your place if she's short on time.

2) I had this problem a few years ago, I fixed it short term by taking the blue pills. I didn't have to take them everytime, but having them "in case of" was already a big help. Long term solution was to reduce porn, getting more fit and healthy, and getting hotter girls (that helps with this issue too haha ;)).

4) I can't really answer this one as I don't have enough experiences to tell you what's the best idea for second/third date. For me, going to a bar again is fine. Other things I did in a second date was to eat in a restaurant, walk in a park, watch a movie in a cinema... the classics in short.
Hey guys,

I'm terrible at being consistent posting here. To be honest, the reason I don't post is I feel guilty not being able to post everyday and I don't want to spam here with random wall of text that isn't results. I've read through some of the other peoples posts here, and I realize this is retarded. Even a day where I approach 10 girls and get no numbers is progress.

Thanks for your support Lord Rey . I saw that girl a lot before she left and I was able to get a handle of getting an erection. Won't say its perfect but I did at least penetrate her. I did get Cialis perscribed by my doctor (dude RX is like 100$ for 8 doses, wtf).

-- question --

I've completed my goal of apporaching 50 girls a day. And I haven't approached a single girl since.

So what happened is I got recognized. I approached a girl then the next day approached her friend (separately). Turns out they talked about it and I got called out on it. This REALLY pissed me off and made me quit cold approach. Its been a few weeks I largely haven't cold approached at all.

Nothing bad happened honestly, but I feel like an idiot. I don't want to have a reputation of being that guy who talks to every girl (even though that is what I am lol), and being recognized makes me feel like a shit. Has this happened to anyone? Am I overthinking this one?
chocolate said:
Hey guys,

I'm terrible at being consistent posting here. To be honest, the reason I don't post is I feel guilty not being able to post everyday and I don't want to spam here with random wall of text that isn't results. I've read through some of the other peoples posts here, and I realize this is retarded. Even a day where I approach 10 girls and get no numbers is progress.

Thanks for your support @Lord Rey . I saw that girl a lot before she left and I was able to get a handle of getting an erection. Won't say its perfect but I did at least penetrate her. I did get Cialis perscribed by my doctor (dude RX is like 100$ for 8 doses, wtf).

-- question --

I've completed my goal of apporaching 50 girls a day. And I haven't approached a single girl since.

So what happened is I got recognized. I approached a girl then the next day approached her friend (separately). Turns out they talked about it and I got called out on it. This REALLY pissed me off and made me quit cold approach. Its been a few weeks I largely haven't cold approached at all.

Nothing bad happened honestly, but I feel like an idiot. I don't want to have a reputation of being that guy who talks to every girl (even though that is what I am lol), and being recognized makes me feel like a shit. Has this happened to anyone? Am I overthinking this one?

Yes, it's happened to me, and I lost a hot lead because of it. It was a bad situation, too, because the girl was part of a community of Argentinian seasonal workers in Miami and I approached a lot of them during my time there. I figured I might be cut off from most of the community. I felt kind of bad, but it didn't stop me from approaching. It turned out to be a nothingburger.

You're in a large metro area, the chance of this happening is very low. Just keep approaching.
Thanks pancakemouse, I haven't restarted cold approaching yet but I will eventually. Turns out one of the girls I approached lives in the new building right infront of my place lol, but I don't remember who the fuck it was, so I'm sure I'll approach her again some day lol.

-- progress log --

I'm kind of drifting a bit these days, shifting between the two other goals I have of getting laid from night game and getting a useful tinder. Tinder is not going so well but I have another thread on that in the private section.

But I did progress in night game today.

I'm honestly pretty scared of night game. Tbh I'm mortified of night game. But tonight, for the second time in my life (the first time was in September of last year), I went to a bar ALONE.

Dive bar type place near McGill. There are 5 people in this bar total, only one girl. I go in anyway, some guy was singing Bon Jovi on the karaoke machine there and that's my fav band so I go in and sing with him (conveniently it made it really easy to walk into the bar alone and "play it cool"). Long story short I start talking to the girl and we had some decent chemistry. She told me she's stoned on shrooms but whatever I keep talking to her (she honestly seemed fine). She was super flirty, touchy feely on me and shit. We start dancing, bro from the moment I walk in shes basically enamored by me. It felt a hell of a lot like the girl I got laid with, very engaged in everything I do and wanting to be next to me a lot and do everything I want to do. Anyway, we talk, we dance (real close too, didn't kiss her or anything though, I think I could have if I tried but I'm skeptical it would have been received), we sing some Bon Jovi together. I stayed for like an hour.

Unlike the last time I went out alone, I know 1 pint is my limit before I get really drunk, so I stop myself at 1 pint. I honestly don't like getting hammered but I do really like getting laid the first night and GLL says its the best way to do so (plus I'm a fucking cheap skate and I'd rather pay mortgage or some shit).

The point: I got the bill and then turn to the girl and said, word for word "hey so I like you, I want to take you home". Shes taken aback by that, was like "whoa ok wow" and then she gives like a 5 second "ummmm" and then says "no not tonight" or something like that (I basically stopped listening after I heard the no). I didn't get the impression it was a straight no, like she actually seemed to think about it, but what the fuck do I know besides the long "umm".

As I left she walked out with me and was seemed to want to continue talking to me, but was like "ok see ya later" or whatever. So definitely mixed signals there.

-- questions --

- How did I do with that specific girl? Should I have been less direct? More subtle about it or something? Or is direct fine?
- Should I have tried to kiss her? Would that have made a difference?
- How busy of places should I be targeting? What kind of places? I read GLL "go out alone at night program" (I intended to do that tonight actually, did the above instead) but it doesn't talk about choosing good locations.

The girl I got laid with: I kissed her at the bar and said exactly above when we left. She played it off as "oh yes I'll go see your cat, but I won't have sex with you". The cat I mentioned on our date gave her an excuse to play it cool if you will.

GLL gave a good suggestion now that I think of it of "hey wanna get out of here and have another drink" or something like that.
chocolate said:
Thanks @pancakemouse, I haven't restarted cold approaching yet but I will eventually. Turns out one of the girls I approached lives in the new building right infront of my place lol, but I don't remember who the fuck it was, so I'm sure I'll approach her again some day lol.

-- progress log --

I'm kind of drifting a bit these days, shifting between the two other goals I have of getting laid from night game and getting a useful tinder. Tinder is not going so well but I have another thread on that in the private section.

But I did progress in night game today.

I'm honestly pretty scared of night game. Tbh I'm mortified of night game. But tonight, for the second time in my life (the first time was in September of last year), I went to a bar ALONE.

Dive bar type place near McGill. There are 5 people in this bar total, only one girl. I go in anyway, some guy was singing Bon Jovi on the karaoke machine there and that's my fav band so I go in and sing with him (conveniently it made it really easy to walk into the bar alone and "play it cool"). Long story short I start talking to the girl and we had some decent chemistry. She told me she's stoned on shrooms but whatever I keep talking to her (she honestly seemed fine). She was super flirty, touchy feely on me and shit. We start dancing, bro from the moment I walk in shes basically enamored by me. It felt a hell of a lot like the girl I got laid with, very engaged in everything I do and wanting to be next to me a lot and do everything I want to do. Anyway, we talk, we dance (real close too, didn't kiss her or anything though, I think I could have if I tried but I'm skeptical it would have been received), we sing some Bon Jovi together. I stayed for like an hour.

Unlike the last time I went out alone, I know 1 pint is my limit before I get really drunk, so I stop myself at 1 pint. I honestly don't like getting hammered but I do really like getting laid the first night and GLL says its the best way to do so (plus I'm a fucking cheap skate and I'd rather pay mortgage or some shit).

The point: I got the bill and then turn to the girl and said, word for word "hey so I like you, I want to take you home". Shes taken aback by that, was like "whoa ok wow" and then she gives like a 5 second "ummmm" and then says "no not tonight" or something like that (I basically stopped listening after I heard the no). I didn't get the impression it was a straight no, like she actually seemed to think about it, but what the fuck do I know besides the long "umm".

As I left she walked out with me and was seemed to want to continue talking to me, but was like "ok see ya later" or whatever. So definitely mixed signals there.

-- questions --

- How did I do with that specific girl? Should I have been less direct? More subtle about it or something? Or is direct fine?
- Should I have tried to kiss her? Would that have made a difference?
- How busy of places should I be targeting? What kind of places? I read GLL "go out alone at night program" (I intended to do that tonight actually, did the above instead) but it doesn't talk about choosing good locations.

The girl I got laid with: I kissed her at the bar and said exactly above when we left. She played it off as "oh yes I'll go see your cat, but I won't have sex with you". The cat I mentioned on our date gave her an excuse to play it cool if you will.

GLL gave a good suggestion now that I think of it of "hey wanna get out of here and have another drink" or something like that.

Points to hit in any nightgame set:
- Find out her logistics: is she there with anyone? Is she meeting anyone later? Where does she live?
- Seed the pull: girls are like cats. If you try to spring upon them the idea of going home in one fell swoop, they'll often get scared. Instead, get them used to the idea of going home with you soon. First, talk about where you live. Then, talk about your place, and point out something cool about it: "Yeah, I've got this cool balcony." Later, make a reference to it: "You actually seem cool, you might get to see the balcony ;-)" Then you soft close "I kind of want to take you on a little adventure later..." and you see how she reacts to it. If it's positive, you describe going back to your place and seeing your balcony.
- Handle objections: If you run into non-complliance at any part of the process of taking her home, you handle the objections. So when she says ummm no, what could you have done? Do you know the reason she said no? If not, try to find out, and try to overcome the objection.

Kissing is just another form of escalation. It doesn't make or break taking a girl home.

The ideal venue is one with lots of girls, a good gender ratio, where the culture is one of pickup, and there are enough girls that are "your type".
Progress Log for the last few days:

Thursday: did fuck all (no girls progress that is, I did do things like my job though)

Friday: Pretty much a bust of a day. Cold approached one girl at the gym, she laughed at me and like walked away, so I just left. Afterwards, went out to a club with some friends. Same place I went last time and made out with a girl. This time it was filled with dudes and was a total bust. I danced and talked with a few girls (maybe like 2 or 3) but well one was not interested, one just wanted to dance and talk but not do anything, and one was a man dressed as a girl (FML, but, no homo, the most attractive person in the place). I'm pretty good at dancing and being the life of the dance party FWIW, but yeah thats just leftovers from my days of being a teenager. Not sure if its really successful strategy though.

Saturday: did fuck all

Sunday: I went to a bar like 30 minutes before closing (12:30 am). Didn't talk to anyone really, everyone was in groups and I didn't really know how to break the ice with anyone. Maybe 10 people in the whole place.

Edit: Forgot the response to the pancake man

Ok so yes those are two things I didnt do (seed the pull and handle objections). I did find out she was alone at the bar though.

Seeding the pull seems pretty straightforward actually, honestly pretty logical. I'll use that next time. I tend to reuse and make call backs to previous things we talked about so yeah, seems pretty natural. Thanks.

With handling objections: this is a bit of a sticking point for me. Like she said "no" straight up, is it OK if I just ask "why?". I find its kind of creepy/pushy/demanding to push someone to do something they don't want to do. I know this sounds stupid but putting people in an uncomfortable position has always been something I've struggled with. I come from a place of being a people pleaser, so I've always struggled with confrontation. I'm want to be everyones friend. I know objectively you are correct, but I have a hard time reconciling that with my emotions.

Any advice here or anyone else have this issue too and how to get over it (people pleasing/avoiding confrontation)?
chocolate said:
With handling objections: this is a bit of a sticking point for me. Like she said "no" straight up, is it OK if I just ask "why?". I find its kind of creepy/pushy/demanding to push someone to do something they don't want to do. I know this sounds stupid but putting people in an uncomfortable position has always been something I've struggled with. I come from a place of being a people pleaser, so I've always struggled with confrontation. I'm want to be everyones friend. I know objectively you are correct, but I have a hard time reconciling that with my emotions.

Any advice here or anyone else have this issue too and how to get over it (people pleasing/avoiding confrontation)?

You can be playful with it to tease the objection out:

Her: no
You: damn, do I smell that bad ;-)

Not much to report honestly. Biggest success was that I went out to a bar alone on a weekend day (Friday/Saturday).

- I went out Thursday night but there we're no girls (like actually zero girls at the place I went to). I talked with a few guys but that's about it. I left that place and then went to a dance club near my place and danced with a few girls, but nothing happened. Maybe 5 people dancing in the whole place. Music was dope though. Had a few nothing conversations over the night FWIW. One of the workers told me that 11pm-1am Fri/Sat is the best times to be there.

- Friday: wanted to go out, pussied out. I told myself its because I went out yesterday, but in retrospect that was bullshit: it was definitely because I was too nervous to go out on a weekend day.

- Went out tonight (Saturday) and its very similar story to Thursday. I went into one bar and couldn't find a spot. To be fair that shouldn't have been too much of an issue I could have still ordered a drink. There were some girls there, not a ton by any means, but I might have been able to strike up a conversation with some. I had a lot of anxiety so I decided to leave and check out if there was other places with girls. Went to a few other places but not much success; more or less the same story or worse girl/guy ratio. This was the first weekend day (Friday/Saturday) I went out alone. Being seen alone on a weekend is quite scary for some reason.

Generalized Thoughts:
I came into this post feeling like a failure, but I suppose its not so bad.

The anxiety of being out on a weekend day is really high. I think its a combo of two things:

1) the streets feel dangerous/intimidating and I don't feel like I belong. Its F1 weekend here so lots of loud cars in the roads (more than usual anyway). The bars aren't much better, every place has a slightly different vibe but I still feel quite like an outsider. Lots of guys at the bars. Being out on a weekday is less intimidating but I think that's largely because the places are less packed.

2) Big crowds or lots of people make me nervous. I think this has a lot to do with being seen alone. Being seen by a few people doesn't bother me too much, but being seen by a lot of people bothers me more for some reason. Dunno.

I'll need to play with the times I go out. I've been hitting the bars around 11pm-12am this week due to logistics but I'm starting to think that earlier might be better.