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Profile and Photo review.


Jun 15, 2022
Hi guys, I've been experimenting with taking pictures (all of them taken via Sony alpha 6) and editing them slightly.
Unfortunately I'm not getting much out of them results-wise so here I am.
If you have any tips, hints, suggestions feel free to shoot.

- I currently have a similar hairstyle to the photo where I have a camera in hand, working towards getting more hair on top but keeping the sides with a high-fade.
- I'm using the photos 2-6

[link removed, go to the most recent post]

Thank you all in advance!


Bio looks something like this:
Sarcasm fueled. Amateur Chef. Slightly Crazy.
Tell me your favourite food, bonus points for a wine you'd pair it with. Squat wine is an option.

Prompt #1: Most savage thing I've ever done: read my horoscope
Prompt #2: Worst midnight snack habit: 5am post-club pasta.

(Squat wine being the cheapest that you have to squat to find)
Why are you not using the one in your KYIL profile? That's your best one by far.

1 and 2 are very close to the same photo.

3 doesn't add much at all. Not good enough style.

4 is not an optimal photo. Blurry and we can't see you.

5 would slay on Grindr...

6 shows off your camera more than it does you.
Slurp said:
Hi guys, I've been experimenting with taking pictures (all of them taken via Sony alpha 6) and editing them slightly.
Unfortunately I'm not getting much out of them results-wise so here I am.
If you have any tips, hints, suggestions feel free to shoot.

- I currently have a similar hairstyle to the photo where I have a camera in hand, working towards getting more hair on top but keeping the sides with a high-fade.
- I'm using the photos 2-6


Thank you all in advance!


Bio looks something like this:
Sarcasm fueled. Amateur Chef. Slightly Crazy.
Tell me your favourite food, bonus points for a wine you'd pair it with. Squat wine is an option.

Prompt #1: Most savage thing I've ever done: read my horoscope
Prompt #2: Worst midnight snack habit: 5am post-club pasta.

(Squat wine being the cheapest that you have to squat to find)

1, 2 and 3 are generic with poses that make you look very intense. They don't say anything about you and aren't flattering.

Take a walking shot instead like this one I did for a client... much more candid:

View attachment 5

The 4th is a hobby photo - shows you from the back though. Okay for now, but take one where you're facing the camera next time. Here's a few I did for a client (ignore the editing, that was an old editing style I'm no longer a fan of):

View attachment 4
View attachment 3

The 5th one... your friend looks much more dominant than you. Lol at pancakemouse's comment on it being great on Grindr... kinda my thoughts too. Copy this social photo instead:

View attachment 6

The 6th one... I agree with pancakemouse. Focused on the camera and not on you. Okay for now, but replace it as soon as you can. Here are some photog shots I had people take of me for inspiration. Copy them!

View attachment 2
View attachment 1

Taking good photos takes time. Mine (and Pancake's) feedback might be harsh, but you're in the right place. I used to suck at taking photos. Now it's literally how I make a solid living. In the words of Andy, our lord and savior, If I can do it you sure as hell can too ;) Just don't quit.
MILFandCookies pancakemouse
Thanks a lot!
I've been testing a bit of these on photofeeler but tbh the feedback is kinda meh. This was much more helpful and informative. Tbh harsh isn't a problem as long as there's real info behind it, and this is def the case.
I'll be uploading the new photos as soon as I manage to go out with my friend to take some more.

Edit: did some diving and found three more, 7-8-9.
Slurp said:
@MILFandCookies @pancakemouse
Thanks a lot!
I've been testing a bit of these on photofeeler but tbh the feedback is kinda meh. This was much more helpful and informative. Tbh harsh isn't a problem as long as there's real info behind it, and this is def the case.
I'll be uploading the new photos as soon as I manage to go out with my friend to take some more.

Edit: did some diving and found three more, 7-8-9.

7 is your clear main photo right now, even though you're looking away.

Use one of 8 or 9 (can't use both because same outfit).

The dog is great but not ideal that it's running away from you (you want it to be nuzzling you). I still think go with dog pic though.
Hi guys,
I've uploaded a picture i found after some more dumpster diving and the new ones i took yesterday. The photos were taken with an alpha6000, 16-50mm 3.5-5.6f as it's the only lens I have for now. I've tried blurring a bit the background of some (2 and 4) and I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how to make it a bit more realistic-looking. The photos were shot at around 17-18 but being the Nordics right now it means it was basically midday sun.

Here's the link again.
Moved to last post.
These pics are an improvement and you're getting better at taking pictures.

Here's some feedback:

1 - Not too shabby. The color and facial expression give a too cool for school feel. Not much is said about you, but is useable if you have other shots of hobbies, ect.

2 - Face is pretty dark. Stance seems over exagerated and need to relax more.

3 - Way too dark and harsh lighting. Too posed.

4 - Harsh lighting on the eyes. Is okay, but not very interesting.

5 - Same as 4

Definitely check out MILFandCookies's article about the paparazzi factor and shooting interesting photos.

You're doing better. Keep at it.
Thank you for the feedback! I had a look at the guide and probably will go look some YT video about doing walking shots properly. MILFandCookies your guide is amazing at explaining why and how a pic is bad or good.
Hobby-wise I've found a gym pic I took with a friend [6]. It has to be cropped as the mirror on the side slightly shows my friend taking it and in BW because the color in the Gym was hideous. Any thoughts on that other than harsh light and probably black level a bit too high?
Slurp said:
Thank you for the feedback! I had a look at the guide and probably will go look some YT video about doing walking shots properly. @MILFandCookies your guide is amazing at explaining why and how a pic is bad or good.
Hobby-wise I've found a gym pic I took with a friend [6]. It has to be cropped as the mirror on the side slightly shows my friend taking it and in BW because the color in the Gym was hideous. Any thoughts on that other than harsh light and probably black level a bit too high?

I wouldn't do black and white on dating apps. Some people disagree with me, but in my opinion it's too artsy + has the same issue a posed shot does... makes it seem fake. I'd either find a way to edit the white balance or color, or take a new photo.
Went out and took some action photos of me playing tennis.
The ones up there are just jpg crops of the RAW picture, i can (and will) edit them a bit but suggestions on which one's the best are always appreciated.
Slurp said:
Went out and took some action photos of me playing tennis.
The ones up there are just jpg crops of the RAW picture, i can (and will) edit them a bit but suggestions on which one's the best are always appreciated.

Here's the link
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

Link doesn't work
Vamos said:
Slurp said:
Went out and took some action photos of me playing tennis.
The ones up there are just jpg crops of the RAW picture, i can (and will) edit them a bit but suggestions on which one's the best are always appreciated.

Here's the link
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

Link doesn't work

Seconded. Looks like you may have pasted it from a message or somewhere else you shared it. Copy the original link and paste it here, it'll work then.
Here's the link, no clue why the copypaste removed the folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-0w-PBXkSVurtJ1-VByeGuVZHTqVcjxH?usp=sharing
Vamos MILFandCookies Ty for mentioning, didn't realize it.
MILFandCookies said:
has the same issue a posed shot does... makes it seem fake

This guys pictures are posed, do you think that pictures like that are bad for tinder?

Thrice said:
MILFandCookies said:
has the same issue a posed shot does... makes it seem fake

This guys pictures are posed, do you think that pictures like that are bad for tinder?



There's some nuance though - they'll likely do far better than the average chode, especially since he's nailed down an archetype for himself. Far from ideal though. If he had more candid shots where he was doing something it would do better on dating apps.
MILFandCookies said:
If he had more candid shots where he was doing something it would do better on dating apps.

The problem os getting candid shots doing something without having friends, and even if you have friends, it's hard to pose and take 100 pictures and choose the best one, friends would think it's weird
Thrice said:
MILFandCookies said:
If he had more candid shots where he was doing something it would do better on dating apps.

The problem os getting candid shots doing something without having friends, and even if you have friends, it's hard to pose and take 100 pictures and choose the best one, friends would think it's weird

Psssh, hasn't ever been an issue for me.

Before I took dating profile photos as a business, I went out with friends and we took photos of each other. That's how I got good at it.

If your friends think it's weird, get new ones. Find guys on the same path of improvement and take photos of each other. Easy way to help each other out.
Thrice said:
MILFandCookies said:
has the same issue a posed shot does... makes it seem fake

This guys pictures are posed, do you think that pictures like that are bad for tinder?


It depends, he still has better pics than 95% of guys but he's not an universally attractive guy. He is from Germany like me, so I can say that he will probably be halfway attractive to late 20s/early 30s+ tattooed women from the lower middle class, lower class. But attractive, high quality women? Forget it.
Also his IG is kind of cringe for a lot of people. He has 164 feed posts with more or less the same pic ine every post.
Went out and took some gym pictures, I'd like some feedback on these. (All a quick JPG of the RAWs, will edit them once i get the feedback). ideally I'd like just one to pick between the Tennis and Gym ones. Also could someone give me a rundown of the @-ing etiquette for this forum?

Slurp said:
Went out and took some gym pictures, I'd like some feedback on these. (All a quick JPG of the RAWs, will edit them once i get the feedback). ideally I'd like just one to pick between the Tennis and Gym ones. Also could someone give me a rundown of the @-ing etiquette for this forum?


A couple notes:
1) You used a really wide angle lens, which doesn't work well for this shot.
2) Phone photos can be okay in a lot of situations, but for a low-value background, having the intense background blur can be very helpful - turns it into a good background since you can't see the details
3) Your angles are too extreme - either square on or 90 degrees to the side. Try something off-center.
4) I can't put a finger on it, but these photos also feel very stiff, try to relax more and seem more candid

Here are some examples I've taken that might help as reference for future gym photos you take:

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