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Profile review


Mar 19, 2023
Im getting somewhat decent matches every once in awhile. Are there any pics i should remove and what could I add to the bio?

Your bio is the last thing you should worry about, I even think it’s a good one.

None of your pics are good which is positive because it means you have a lot of potential if you go out there and get better ones.

Check out the tinder guide and tinder profiles here of some guys with amazing profiles and try to get some inspiration out of those.
Your first photo should show what you look like, and your eyes and face are not clearly visible in the first photo.
In the second photo, you look like a nice guy.
The other photos are also not very exciting.
I agree with what other have said.

Snowboard pic is cool, but useless because your face is entirely covered. Take it again without anything covering your face.

Pic 2 is the best, but imo not good enough. You need a more natural smile, it's hard to do, but just keep snapping pics and eventually you'll get something decent. Also fashion could be better, at a minimum add some accessories and maybe a cool jacket. And I'd think about maybe trying out a different haircut or growing a beard if you can, it will make you look older which is a good thing. Just some ideas. Read Andy's Tinder guide on improving your looks and really squeeze everything you can out of what you have.

If I were you I'd focus on taking one reaally good picture. It will teach you a lot about how to present yourself in photos. Put some time into it and it will pay off, I wish I had invested some time into this when I was 19.
There's a lot of improvements to be had here. If I'm being honest your profile isn't good. That's good news though, it means you have a lot of improvements ahead of yo.

I'd check out the guest post I wrote for Andy: https://killyourinnerloser.com/paparazzi-factor/
And read his Tinder guide: https://killyourinnerloser.com/tinder-guide/#chapter-3-photos

There's a lot of actionable information there. Us rehashing it would waste your time that you could spend reading and taking action on what's already out there.