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Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

Weekly Update


Well, this was a solid week. Let's get into it.

1. In terms of weight loss, I lost another 1.8 lbs, getting myself to 214.6 lbs, which means pictures! I'll post them down below. Also, I dropped another pant size, going from 38" to 36" waist. The 36" are still somewhat uncomfortable to wear, but at least I know I am getting closer to that 200lbs/34" waist goal I have. In any sense, here are the pictures with comparisons.

265.4 lbs

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View attachment 2


214.6 lbs

View attachment 1


I do have another picture of me at my heaviest, 272.8, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. When I finally hit the end of this journey, I'll post all the pictures. But to give some context, I've lost 58.2 lbs all together.

So next, my plan is

210: Buy Radical's style book
205: Attempt to wear 34" pants (most likely will not fit).
200: Take new pictures. (I might push a little further and go for 192.8 lbs and just hit 80 lbs lost and be totally done).


2. I flew out to Denver this week to look at a month long project. I put the proposal together and will be sending it to the customer Monday morning. Hopefully I am awarded the project as it would be a great financial bump.


3. In terms of my Podcast, I released episode 5 and gained another subscriber.


4. In terms of 7-habits, this week I read about synergy. In essence, it is about working together with other people in order to achieve things you could not otherwise do. Pretty basic stuff, though, the part I liked most is where the author suggest you try to add more forces/activities/actions into your life that will yield you results while attempt to eliminate forces that hold you back.


I feel pretty good. I am excited that I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel for my weight loss journey; though, I still have 21.8 lbs (that would get me to 80 lbs total lost) to go. I'm just a little short of entering the final quarter of this game.


Until next week.
OJB said:
I do have another picture of me at my heaviest, 272.8, but I can't seem to find it at the moment. When I finally hit the end of this journey, I'll post all the pictures. But to give some context, I've lost 58.2 lbs all together.


Just wanna say Fantastic work.

You look great and this is a real achievement. Well on the way to your target and I like that you're looking to the future too when you discuss buying Radical's style guide - I think this will work wonders to keep you motivated as well as giving you something to visualise.

Real happy for you and you're a big an inspiration


Spider 🕷
Weekly Update:

A bit of a mixed week, both good and bad. So let us get into it.


1. In terms of weight loss, I did not do so good this week. I have a bad habit to eat poorly when I'm under a lot of stress (we will get into the stress reasons in a bit.) I really shouldn't call this a habit because the stress hormone makes people hungry, but still, I didn't eat clean this week. As a result, I gained 10lbs this week. I don't believe I gained 10lbs of fat, but I have most likely retained a lot of liquid in my body. I'll have a better idea next week once everything gets flushed out of my system.


2. I noted that last week I went to Denver for a project I was asked to bid. Early in the week I was under a lot of stress because there are a good chance I was not going to get awarded the project, but as it turned out, I did receive the contract. It is a $55,000.00 project (no, not all the money goes into my pocket) so I was extremely happy to be awarded it. I started on the prep work yesterday, and will be in Denver Mid-March.


3. In Terms of my Podcast, I released Episode # 6.


4. In terms of 7 Habits, the 7th habit is really basic: You should exercise, learn/improve you skills, engage in spiritual practices (this was a little vague), and be social on a weekly basis. In other words, improve yourself bit by bit on a weekly basis to get the most out of the world.

After really thinking about it, social activity is/has always been my weakest aspect. I would say there are two reasons for this:

1. I have the mentality of just burying myself in whatever work project/hobby that has my attention for months on end.

2. While I prefer 1 on 1 conversations, I can't stand group conversations where people are talking over each other. I just become uninterested in situations like that and usually either just leave or go entertain myself elsewhere (giving my the vibe of not being social).


So, the first half of this week was not all that productive, though, Thursday and Friday seemed to be where everything came together.

Hopefully this next I'm able to stay on task with the diet and able to accomplish more tasks.


Until next week.
Weekly Update:

Hello, guys. Let's take a look at how I did this week.

1. So, on the diet end of things, I started this month at 220 lbs and ended at 216.4 lbs (-3.6 lbs). That is, on average, 0.9 lbs loss per week. Not great, but not terrible either. On average, I'd like to hit 1.1 lbs per week, but, like I said, I'm not that far off my target. With the winter finally coming to an end, I do look forward to being able to do more activities outside.


2. Work has become very busy, as I have 6 different projects I am involved with at the moment. One of the things I've started was typing up and printing to-do lists, vs. just hand-writing a list. I know it seems small, and maybe pointless, but I want to get into the habit of printing out To-Do list for each individual project so I have a strong understanding where I am, in terms of completion, on them at any given time.


3. In terms of my podcast, I released another episode and gained another subscriber.


4. I had to spend an unexpected $800.00 this week. I woke up Monday morning, and my truck wouldn't accelerate. In the last year, my truck has need a lot of repairs, and I did consider buying a new truck, but the inflation has driven truck/car costs in the U.S. high. Regardless, I'm going to start saving as I'll need a new one in like 2-4 years. While there are other things I'd like to buy, I know the needing of a replacement is coming, and likely sooner than later.


5. I have finished reading 7-habits. I've gained a lot of strategies and tactics in terms of dealing with personal development. Some of them I've been able to implement right away (I am using his time management system, currently.) Really, he breaks things into three you have to do:

1. Keep promises that you make (I'm really good with this).
2. Work with other people to overcome problems. (I am terrible with this).
3. Renew yourself physically, socially, spiritually, and mentally, (Socially, I am terrible with this.)

I'll be going over my notes I've taken over the last 2 months, and really try to put everything into use over the next month.



Last, based on 5:

I wrote out a list of things I need to do, or start doing. I have a list of 5 major things, two of which are hobby-based, so I won't go into them. The top three are:

1. Health--I want to go 14 days no carbs. Right now, I'd say my diet is 80% of the time good/20% not so good. I'd like to get it to 90%/10%. Trying to push to that sub-200lbs weight.
2. Truck problems--I wrote out a list of things to do involving this. Top of the list right now is pay my insurance for the year.
3. Marketing plan--At work, I'd like to get out of doing the physical work, and get more into marketing/sales side of things. So I'll be attempting to implement a marking plan with that end-goal in mind.

I'll be attacking these three things over the next month. Hopefully I can make a huge impact on them.


Until, next week.

-Ory James Berner
I didn't have an opportunity to do a new post last weekend, so here is an update for the last two weeks.

1. In regards to weight loss. The Last two weeks have been great. Here is what I've lost

a. Last week I dropped from 216.4 to 214 (-2.4 lbs)
b. This week I dropped from 214 to 211.6 (another -2.4 lbs)

So that is 4.8lbs in the last two weeks, however, I've noticed that my scale (digital) only does weight in .2s, meaning I never get an odd number (like 2.3). I'm not sure if it is a setting on the scale I accidentally turned on, or if it is just how the scale is set up. Regardless, in the last two weeks I've gotten my weight loss to 61.2 total lbs lost. This gets me into the final quarter of my weight loss journey. If I can get my weight to 192.8 then I would have lost 80 lbs, which I think would be a good place for me to call this goal accomplished and move onto something else.

While I don't have complete control over how much my body loses per week, if I could lose 1.6 lbs this week, that would get my weight to 210, hence, hitting another mile stone for me. I just have to stay strong on the diet and consistent on working on this week.


2. Work was very busy over the last two weeks, and only yesterday have I manged to get everything under control. I will be getting my Denver project finished soon at which point I am hopeful I can get another project lined up.


3. I received a notice today that my Land lord is planning on selling the place I am living at. This means it will be time for me to leave where I am at and go elsewhere. While I don't have any place lined up, and I going to have to start looking. This will most likely be the next obstacle I have to tackle once I get back from Denver. I've been kinda dreading this for awhile, but I will just have to make best with the situation I have going on. The reason I've been dreading this was that 2020 wiped me out on savings and put me into debt, and while I was able to get out of debt last year, (minus a few bills I have) I don't have any savings at the moment. This just puts me into a curious position.


4. So, I've been going through my list of life goals and I'm trying to come up with a list of two things: A list of problems preventing or impeding my goals, and a list of activities I can do more of that will eventually lead me into success of said goals. I've been tackling some of my problems and ignoring (or in some cases discovering) new problems, and there are some actives I need to just do more of in my life in order to yield certain results. For me, I find having a to-do list extremely helpful.


5. Last post I wrote there were three things I wanted to tackle, let me go over them.

a. I went 12/14 days with no carbs, but I have to say that it did show on the scale with me dropping 4.8 lbs in two weeks. I really need to keep pushing for these 14+ days of no carbs. The longer I go without break the better my weight loss will look. Plus, I don't want to stagnate on the weight loss because this is how I lose motivation and drive and just quit. Being so close to the end, I just need to finish this goal.

b. Truck Problems--I paid off my insurance for the whole year. This is a huge relief as I don't have to even think about this until 2023. The next thing I need to do is get an oil change. It might seem strange that I'm logging about this, but I'm a huge believer that most problems where once little problems that were just ignored until they became huge problems. I'm trying to get into the habit of killing problems while they in the crib vs. waiting until they Goliath size.

c. In terms of creating and implementing a marketing plan, I am working through 9-page marketing plan by Allan Dib. If I could successfully do this, it would be a life-changing. I'll likely log my progress for this via V-Log. (I bought a new microphone so I don't sound like I'm talking into a tin can anymore. )


That's all I have for this week. Until next weekend,

Okay, so I wrote out a whole post, and I misclicked and everything got deleted. So lazy-boy second attempt.

1. In the last two weeks I got my weight to 207.8 (65lbs lost). As promised, I bought Radical style guide. I will be going through it and creating a plan. I still have 15lbs before hitting my end goal, but this journey is almost over.

My next big mile stone that I am aiming for is 205, in where I will be buying a 34" waist pants and seeing if they fit.


2. Work has been very busy, and I will be attempting to finish up the Denver Project in the next two weeks. I have another work project to follow up, so things are somewhat good. I am still behind on my financial goals because the first 6 weeks of the year were slow for me.


That is it, there was other stuff, but I don't want to re-type every again.

Until next weekend,
