Pushup Workout Programs


Apr 15, 2021
Does anyone know of any good programs for increasing the number of pushups you can perform? I'm not looking to bulk up or anything but I realized that I had been neglecting my fitness for awhile because I was so busy with school/work/approaching, and pushups/bodyweight exercises are a good way to get back into it. I've had a goal of doing 100 consecutive pushups for awhile but never seriously committed to it. Most I've done is 71 or something like that. I tried yesterday and somehow managed to do 50 in a row which is encouraging considering how long it's been since I've done any. I feel like the walking I've been doing might've been helping to keep my endurance up tho. I'm looking for a simple, fairly non time consuming program to follow to increase my volume to 100.
You can just add one rep each day, as simple as that, the increase is so slow that your body can adapt, I used that from august till october, I stopped working out due to being depressed, but I still wanted to do something about it, so I started doing 20 pushups straight out of bed, I ended up doing up to 85(adding one rep each day) and at that point I just switched to 3 sets of 45 reps.

The best way to get better at doing whatever, is doing that thing, so just add one rep at a time, and try to beat your mark everyday, even if you have to rest a bit to keep the count up, at the beginning you might be sore but quickly you'll develop endurance(which is all it takes to be able to do 100 pushups)

Another pushups website. It automatically updates each day with how many pushups you need to do on that day. Once a week you do as many pushups as you can in one go, enter it onto the website and it'll determine how many pushups you should be doing for the next week to increase your max next week.

I just kept the tab open permanently and refreshed the page each morning but it'll remember you and your program even if you close it.