R2s Serious Action Log: Pulling Gurls from the Club

enjoyablehat, I cheesed it - 5 sessions of 200 reps throughout the day. I did 5 reps every minute on the minute for 40 minutes for the sessions (except the last session I was in a bit of a rush to beat midnight so I did some larger rep sets).

Anway, 100 pushups in under 2 minutes is the real deal - no way to cheese it. I injured my elbow + shoulder which sucks. It's been 3-4 weeks now and I still feel it on certain movements - like sumo deadlift rack pulls today. Think it's related to the grip.

However, I've figured out a pretty good arm warmup I think will help - just need to do that before EVERY workout (leg day requires grip too).


Today was a planned day off and so I reviewed my goals for the year and came up with sensible breakdowns for some of them. But holy shit I wrote down way too many gym goals. Some of them I don't even care about now. I already hit a couple of them so I got that sweet, sweet satisfaction of crossing them off.

Still, I didn't write down any girls goals for the year. And after my February trip to Miami, I'm dying to fuck a hot girl. It's been too long.

So I'm declaring that one of my goals for my trip to Austin this month will be an insta-lay from cold approach. Let's go!
Great goal for Austin!! We're rooting for you

What's your plan/training gonna be like for the 100 push ups in a set?
enjoyablehat, still having elbow (likely tricep tendon) and shoulder issues so sadly out of pushup training now. I'll get back to you when I get back to it.

Austin Trip
No insta-lay but definitely had a solid lead at the club with Ed_ and joe_ronimo. Had an awesome time hanging out with the two of them. Super pumped Ed got his first cold approach lay too.

For this month's trip I'm going to go easier on the budget and just take a drive to Chicago. I can stay for free with family there so the only major expense will be the paid photoshoot - going to make sure we hit up the "bean" (tourist spot), maybe also the tower with a glass floor I always see girls profile photos of (but I think you have to look small in it so might be better for girls than guys). Also my relatives have a puppy I can take photos with so some super solid photo options.

Going to try a instalay in Chicago too. Definitely learned a few things approaching with Ed. The goal will be to find a Trader Joes bathroom I can pull a girl to and then see if I can lead them in there (only if they're down to follow obviously).

One minor goal this month is to post on the forums more - I really enjoyed hanging out with Ed and Joe but felt like I've somewhat left the community since I've been so absent from here + GLL. On the plus side I have been crazy productive but there's definitely benefits from reflecting and I haven't kept up with personal journaling (other than the bare minimum keeping track of hours / goal progress).

So catch you all soon :)
Got my first covid shot today. Definitely was a bit nervous. I might've had some sides (light-headedness, racing heartbeat) but hard to say if that was the shot or the fact that I had half a beer right after with my roommates, played hockey, and didn't eat basically anything until 9pm.

Going to get back on track bulking tomorrow. Also going to do a leg day since I have no excuse there.

I'll plan to do a post early in the day tomorrow or Sunday as I still need to schedule my month and hash out my specific goals. So stay tuned on that :)

2 April 2021 Friday
Forums post: 2/2
Rogaine1: 2/2
Rogaine2: 2/2
Neck exercises: 2/2
Photo Experiments
In general, I prefer a systematic approach with sufficient feedback to measure progress in basically anything I do.

For photos, there's photofeeler but that really only judges one photo on its own.

I've been toying with the idea of doing boosts in different cities around the world on Tinder. I imagine it'll be difficult to have a large enough sample size to average variability down to the point to make significant comparisons between trials. Still something I may pursue in the future.

The plus side of Hinge is the potential for feedback on individual photos. The downside is the potential for girls liking the word prompts instead.

So, I'm going to work on coming up with super bland (but ideally not turn-off) word prompts on Hinge to use it as an alternative to photofeeler.

Hopefully I'll do my first trial tomorrow with the highest ranked photos on photofeeler (though I have a feeling some that rated lower will do better but we'll see).
RogerRoger said:
In general, I prefer a systematic approach with sufficient feedback to measure progress in basically anything I do.
Fun fact is the tinder actually keeps track of how succesful your photos are if you have Smart Photos turned on, so if you can reach this information, you can get an exact percentage of girl that will swipe right on an exact photo.
The issue is it's hidden behind tinder API, and even then only easily accesible for photos of girls you match with.

I need to finally dig deeper into it.
Lostcause, I had no idea about that actually. That'll be super useful. Do you have a script you can share? I saw there's an unofficial github API I'll check out but if you could transplant your experience to my brain and save me some time I'd appreciate it :)

Also, if you're just mentioning it exists and haven't used it before then I'll make sure to do a detailed post about how I get it working (when I tackle that).

Photo Experiments
Okay, I've selected my top scoring photofeeler photos to try first on hinge. The idea is to change location every ~24 hours and see what gets the most likes. I'll cycle out what gets 10 likes first to find the runner-up etc to top 6.

For prompts, I've started out with what I think are decent ones but I'm going to switch to the following (which I saw on a girl's profile) which I think are more bland so better for getting photos liked):

1) I'll brag about you to my friends if: You're super smart, funny and my dog likes you.
2) My most irrational fear: New Jersey
3) I'll keep the moving to Germany thing unless that gets liked too much.

I'm also going to keep track of what messages I send on likes to see how they work (and to avoid just doing the same one ad infinitum that might not work well). I'll send 3+ messages a day.

Today I did 2 of
Hey NAME, I dig those glasses. On a scale from Paul Blart to Alex Honnold how adventurous are you?

And 1 of
Hey NAME, you seem cool. If you could only drink beer, wine, or tequila for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Already got one like on my top rated photo. More stats tomorrow.

More on photos: Order
1) B&W doors: 8.3
2) Surfing: 7.9
3) 50 shades of white: 7.2
4) suit: 6.7
5) dog: 7.1 (but I don't like it, pretty artificial, will upgrade dog pic on trip this month!)
6) B&W copenhangen: 6.6

[EDIT: images excised next day]

Tune in tomorrow for
Getting Meta On What I Want & How To Achieve My Ideal Life
RogerRoger said:
@Lostcause, I had no idea about that actually. That'll be super useful. Do you have a script you can share? I saw there's an unofficial github API I'll check out but if you could transplant your experience to my brain and save me some time I'd appreciate it :)

Also, if you're just mentioning it exists and haven't used it before then I'll make sure to do a detailed post about how I get it working (when I tackle that).

If it's of any help to you, here's my humble code for logging and plotting your matches and messages. Unlike the unofficial api repo it's not in C# tho.
IIRC there is a "score" field (for each photo) in response to request for possible nearby matches. The issue is you potentialy need to make another account and find your main account from there for it to work.
Cheers dude! Really appreciate the share. Probably won't get into Tinder stuff until the weekend but I definitely will check out your code at some point.

Lostcause, one quick question tho, bit confused: you said your code isn't in C# but then what language is it? Google was suggesting *.cs is typically C#...

Photo Experiments
I'll have to add this data to a spreadsheet, for now it's just in a note on my phone. I've had 3 likes in NYC west village location w/in 24 hours of setting it there. I'm keep track of the time of the like, what they liked, and my opinion of their attractiveness. I didn't send any likes/messages today. Will switch locations tomorrow (likely) and should send some likes.

Getting Meta On What I Want & How To Achieve My Ideal Life
Yesterday I spent the first hour of my day visualizing what an ideal day in the arbitrary future might look like.

I imagine waking up to the smell of my beautiful wife cooking breakfast. Morning sex in the kitchen and a steamy shower. At this point I've traveled to a few bucket list destinations, have 7-10 kids who are off making their own mark on the world, and am creating my own legacy with my company and mentoring. Beyond my legacy project, I work on whatever interest me most at the time (likely solving outstanding math/physics puzzles). I've achieved mastery not only in strength but also financial security and I'm skilled at all the things I do.

My wife has a high sex drive (or at least high drive to please me), enjoys cooking, is elegant, enjoys traveling and appreciates new experiences. She's fit and takes care of her appearance. Moreover, she's self-assured enough that we can do our own thing, sleep in separate beds etc. And she's Christian or converts. I've e

When I set down to write down what a schedule of that day would entail, it didn't sound all that glamorous after the morning.
  • 9:30am - 10:30am: To do list + plan for the day. Deal with emails.
  • 10:30am - 12pm: Read book/papers
  • 12pm - 1pm: Lunch
  • 1pm - 3pm: Work on X
  • 3pm - 3:30pm: Snack
  • 3:30pm - 5pm: Work on Y
  • 5pm - 7pm: Gym + commute home
  • 7pm - 8pm: Dinner.
  • 8pm - 9pm: salsa / activity with wife/friends
  • 9pm - 11pm: sex
  • 11pm: sleep

[*] Overall, such a schedule doesn't feel like it accomplishes that much.
[*] There just isn't enough time in one day.

I ruminated on those points further and developed what I'll discuss tomorrow:
Time Management Categories
RogerRoger said:
@Lostcause, one quick question tho, bit confused: you said your code isn't in C# but then what language is it? Google was suggesting *.cs is typically C#
Did I? One edit too much I guess.
Yeah, it's C#. Also using WPF, Caliburn Micro and Oxyplot technology.
Eh, I'll have to expand on Goal Meta-analysis more another day. Just some brief reflections on today.

Added 20 lbs to my squat today! It was with a cambered bar so a bit different. Hit 245 lbs for a single. Stupidly it did fuck up my elbow a bit. It's dumb because all I was doing was gripping the bar and I really wasn't expecting squatting to aggravate it. Well, it'll heal eventually.

Photo Experiments
Another two likes on hinge today! Been rather busy and haven't changed the profile or sent likes with messages. Rather bizarre, I've received a uniform spread of likes on photos so far. Perhaps that means they're equally good. Another fun thing is most of the matches appear to come around meal times (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Will be interesting to see what trends emerge/remain after more data is collected!

Improving Satisfaction with my day
I was quite stressed out today and was in quite a poor mood due to (two!?) hardware malfunctions work-related today. Thankfully everything is backed up but the whole past week was getting data onto a new external drive to get analysis done and now that's not possible. So I'm stuck to working with the more limited dataset.

Anyway, I did a four minute meditation which calmed me down and charted out what I was unhappy with and possible solutions.

1) pretty bad brain fog today.
-> possibly related to snoozing my alarm (started past two days)
-> possibly related to recent doubling mayo consumption.
-> possibly related to recent pastrami consumption.
=> Tomorrow I'll consume normal mayo and wake up on the first alarm
=> Phone far from bed + notecard on phone with reminder to STAY UP!

2) beautiful day but was too busy to enjoy
=> bring a paper/book outside and read for 1 hour whenever that happens. Reading is still productive!

Now I just need to finish some work, send an email, and head to bed!
Lostcause said:
-> possibly related to recent doubling mayo consumption.
I guess mayo being mostly fat should not have much impact on a brain fog. Still I would cut down on it. I only recently realized how many calories there are in mayo. If I only had realized that while on bulk, I would reach my weight goals twice as fast haha.
Good to see you posting more often

RogerRoger said:
Stupidly it did fuck up my elbow a bit. It's dumb because all I was doing was gripping the bar and I really wasn't expecting squatting to aggravate it. Well, it'll heal eventually

When possible, try to have your thumb next to your index finger instead of using it to "hug" whatever you're holding. Much more elbow friendly position in lots of exercises.
Lostcause said:
I guess mayo being mostly fat should not have much impact on a brain fog. Still I would cut down on it. I only recently realized how many calories there are in mayo. If I only had realized that while on bulk, I would reach my weight goals twice as fast haha.

Perfectly understandable since Polish majonez is basically sandwich cocaine it's that good. Aldi's ' lighter' mayonnaise is quite good at 40 cals a spoon, just don't get the 'lightest ' as its like glue
Brain fog: guessing it was the alarm rather than the mayo. Got up no alarm today and had one serving mayo, no problem.

Also, Lostcause, I track everything I consume and I thought doubling it would be a nice way to add calories. It's only 100 calories per serving so not a ton for me... (I consumed 4300 calories yesterday and need to consume 4k+ to gain weight...)

Crisis_Overcomer, excellent reminder! That probably would help since I know farmers carry / gripping is one trigger for my elbow.

Photo Experiment
One more like today, another for the miami photo. Changed location to Dubai (Jumeirah Palm) so we'll see how that goes. Mostly seeing trophy wife material. It's a 24h flight and like 1k from me currently but half that and only 9h from Munich so maybe I'll head there in the future.

Did 3 pull-ups this morning but even just the hang getting setup felt dangerous on the elbow so I'll avoid that a bit, or better use the weight assisted machine at the gym to ease back to it.

Also did some handstand training today so watch out Lostcause!

Again punting on Goal Meta-analysis, probably will keep punting to the weekend.

Satisfaction With My Day
So it was a much better day than yesterday regarding mood since I allowed myself to do what I wanted more or less. The main downside is I felt a decent amount of anxiety procrastinating working and am not happy with not finishing anything concrete today (related to not putting enough time in).

But, going to sleep early for a change and going to work HARD tomorrow! (Not just gym hard :))
Spazdig said:
Perfectly understandable since Polish majonez is basically sandwich cocaine it's that good. Aldi's ' lighter' mayonnaise is quite good at 40 cals a spoon, just don't get the 'lightest ' as its like glue
Yeah, it's basically sandwitch cocaibe, I could not agree more haha. Ive seen one with 700kcal/100g, and so are most of them. If you are looking for dirty bulk, mayo is a way to go.
Photo Experiment
Only one like in Dubai whereas I was getting 2/day in NYC. I'll keep it there one more day and if no likes tomorrow I'll at least try a new neighborhood there.

Upper body day. Fucking hate bands. I'm just not going to go to the gym for upper body day anymore and replace band exercises with cable or dumbbells. Much less awkward, better range of motion, and feels better on my injured side. Lower body day tomorrow!

Also going to try a massage therapist tomorrow to see if that can help my elbow (I now I have a lot of tightness and there's a spot under my shoulder blade I feel like my lacrosse ball is a bit too big and I can't reach my fingers back there). Anyway, might as well try!

Work / Day Satisfaction
Pretty stressed today. Had a meeting and wanted to get a lot done for it. Making a plot I thought should take me 15 minutes took me an hour. Super frustrating that hlines apparently outputs differently than loglog. Anyway, I eventually figured out a workaround. Ended up quite happy with the meeting and my preparation for it. Want to finally get this project done in the next 7 days and then I'll have so much more free time for everything. Going to go hard at it! Might flake two dates I have set for this weekend.
Hey RogerRoger!
It turns out there is an actually easy way to work out your tinder photo scores. Yesterday I was unexpectedly emailed by some aussie guy about my tinder app repo and I learned that:
Response for /matches request contains "liked-content" field for some of your matches. The content being your photo, containing it's score, rank and win-ratio. You can extract it easily from a browser using f12 content-inspector->network, then looking for /matches xhr. We have no idea why the field is there for some matches, for some not, but maybe we will work it out.

Anyway, what I learned:
My currently main photo is score:0.25, rank: 1, win-count: 4.
So I suppose it's 1 in 4 girls seeing the photo choosing to swipe right on me. Rank being it's order compared to my other photos (set manualy), win-count suggest exact amount of girls that matched me on that photo, tho 4 seems kinda low, even tho I do not have a lot of matches right now (30ish maybe).
It's open for interpretation, but feel free to check it out.
Lostcause, looks like I'll have some fun learning some web-scraping to do this programmatically. However, regarding your note on using inspector in browser, I wasn't able to find "liked-content" - maybe it's no luck for the matches I have now? I deleted rather a lot of my matches recently...screenshot attached, using Chrome on Windows 10 machine.